GPS's replaced by Apps?
Submitted by elliotbirch on Wed, 2014-02-19 21:19
Hi guys, just bought a secondhand 2006 Stessco 4.7m centre console with a 50hp Honda and the bloke that previously owned it out his heart and soul into building it into an excellent boat. The only thing lacking is that the GPS isn't all that great. I have looked on the App Store on my ipad and the 'Marine:Aus and NZ' app seems really good for $50.99. Does anyone use their ipad/iPhone as a GPS and have any good apps to recommend as it seems like such a cheap and good value for money investment?
Posts: 3915
Date Joined: 14/10/12
I have 'plan2nav' which is
I have 'plan2nav' which is C-MAP. It is ok though sometimes the chart doesn't load fully and you can watch your battery drain.
My bro in law has just picked up a new boat and has downloaded Navionics (spelling I am unsure of) and has it running on an IPad. Also has a Navman chart plotter but prefers big screen.
Personally I think they are a great backup and opportunity to trawl charts at home.
Posts: 283
Date Joined: 14/09/10
I have navionics on an
I have navionics on an android tablet. Works a treat. I always make sure I put it on charge the night before, and it has never run out of battery, and if it did, there is the cig lighter charger or backup on my phone. 10 inchsscreen for less than 300 in my case as I bought the tablet second hand. Only downer was when I had the cc not too bright in full sun. I would recommend getting a tablet you can get a good waterproof satchel for, not much out there for the galaxy tab
Posts: 123
Date Joined: 29/05/12
Yeah I've got a nice dry
Yeah I've got a nice dry spot for it in the helm on the boat so I'd just need to find a good way to mount it in
Posts: 90
Date Joined: 14/08/12
i have the navionics app on i phone works a treat.....
better than the northstar i have on the boat
Posts: 613
Date Joined: 18/09/13
Navionics App is good,
Navionics App is good, $17.99 per year.
Bewdey Fellaz
Posts: 159
Date Joined: 08/07/13
Re. the Navionics app: Can
Re. the Navionics app: Can you enter waypoints or does it have a track function only?
Posts: 232
Date Joined: 19/03/12
Yes you can enter way
Yes you can enter way points. Not sure how you back them up though. When my phone broke I lost all my waypoints i had marked.
Shane O
Posts: 926
Date Joined: 22/01/10
Does it use much data when you are using the app out of wifi coverage ?
Posts: 1522
Date Joined: 09/03/13
pretty sure if you are out of
pretty sure if you are out of coverage it would have to use zero. just relies on GPS sats.
the maps are downloaded to hardrive
Posts: 740
Date Joined: 24/12/09
if you log in
it backs up all your apps.
I have on ipad and android and talk to each other.
It uses no data.
If going to be permanent have a permanent mount (especially for bouncing on swell) like a car mount?
Would want a waterproof cover too, even a plastic file sleeve would work to prevent went / bait hands on screen.
I find purpose GPSs work better but not that much, up to you if it is sufficient for you.
Don't know why same program is cheaper on Android though!
Wise man says - first take the plank out of your own eye before trying to take the speck out of somebody else's.
diver albie
Posts: 153
Date Joined: 10/01/11
navionics on galaxy
I have a garmin handheld as well, just in case. The tablet works a treat. Waterproof case off ebay. Wouldn't want to submerge it but for spray / splashes never been an issue
Posts: 914
Date Joined: 23/02/12
Navionics on my iphone has
Navionics on my iphone has saved us more than once when the onboard GPS system failed us on mates boats. I use it exclusively on my dingy.
Posts: 225
Date Joined: 23/11/13
When you connect your phone or ipad to iTunes it backs up all the data including waypoints. So don't fear if you accidentally lose them like I did cause they are very easy to recover. Westy.
Posts: 349
Date Joined: 04/02/12
Navionics on iPad
I have the Navionics App on my iPad and it works like a dream. IPad is fitted into a waterproof housing. I have all my favourite weighpoints stored with date and catch. Still have the Navman Tracker as a back-up though
Fisheagle Ed
Posts: 150
Date Joined: 30/12/10
Navionics is a good app on the iPhone it just eats up the battery so best have a charger on your boat