Great White off Two Rocks

Hey Guys

Went fishing off Two Rocks yesterday and had a 5m - 5.5m Great White hang around the boat for about 40mins. It was unreal to see one in real life. There will be a small section on chanel seven news tonight. Got a sensational Video and a heap of photo of it. We just finished having a BBQ on the boat and I jumped in the water and straight out and less than a minute later this shark surfaced. I'm lucky to be here today I think it must have been close when i was in the water. Needless to say have bought a lotto ticket on the way home.


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Oracle's picture

Posts: 355

Date Joined: 22/11/10

that is so VERY cool!

Sat, 2011-03-19 12:18

it would be so wicked to see.... such a big boy. bet your glad you didn't have any kids in for a swim with you!

JGS's picture

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Sat, 2011-03-19 12:19

That is amazing great photos good thing you got out of the water when you did!!

Posts: 133

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Yeah Video is better but 53Mb

Sat, 2011-03-19 12:23

Yeah Video is better but 53Mb so a little big. I was only in water for a second just to cool off but yes i think I'm very lucky or unlucky to jump in where one was. We were about 35km offshore so no kid swimming

Adam Gallash's picture

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Sat, 2011-03-19 12:20

Siiick photo.  Good luck with the lotto ticket, I think you already had your win!


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beau's picture

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wow what an experience!

Sat, 2011-03-19 12:28

wow what an experience!


Paul_86's picture

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Sat, 2011-03-19 12:36

Thats awsome man, im very jelous! Something ive always wanted to see from the boat, not so much from a surfboard tho haha.

Posts: 9358

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Thats a big fatso! Great pic!

Sat, 2011-03-19 12:40

Thats a big fatso! Great pic!


cuthbad's picture

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Sat, 2011-03-19 12:45


Paul G's picture

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They look unreal in the

Sat, 2011-03-19 13:06

They look unreal in the water. Not that i have or want to see one up close .would like to see the vid


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

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 Nice photo. Know mates who

Sat, 2011-03-19 13:14

 Nice photo. Know mates who have picked up some around 3m from the beach up that way




Posts: 349

Date Joined: 17/01/10

great pic

Sat, 2011-03-19 13:18

nice pic but not what you want to see when you are swimming...

Posts: 28

Date Joined: 07/02/11

I think I just soiled myself

Sat, 2011-03-19 13:25

I think I just soiled myself

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

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That's an awesome photo. What

Sat, 2011-03-19 13:35

That's an awesome photo. What a powerful looking beast. It was good that it was 'just looking' he he


Love the West!

dkonig82's picture

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Great photo mate - a monster

Sat, 2011-03-19 13:48

Great photo mate - a monster of a thing!


When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:

n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or

n-1 (where n is the number of fishing rods which would cause your significant other to dump you. 

Ben Derecki's picture

Posts: 1926

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Massive!The girth of it looks

Sat, 2011-03-19 14:01


The girth of it looks incredible.

PattyT's picture

Posts: 1025

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That is sooo cool, bet ur

Sat, 2011-03-19 15:14

That is sooo cool, bet ur stomach turned when you saw him after being in the water.

Posts: 133

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I really only thought about

Sat, 2011-03-19 15:27

I really only thought about it this morning how lucky i really was. But it was a once in life time experience

Faulkner Family's picture

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 fantastic pic.would have

Sat, 2011-03-19 16:31

 fantastic pic.would have been a great experience.looks like it was a great day out there too with the water being so clear


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

aalfred's picture

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what a pic!

Sat, 2011-03-19 16:56

this is something not many people have the luck to see!

uncle's picture

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Sat, 2011-03-19 17:43

seen that with plenty of tigers up north, but never one of those brutes


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

shammy's picture

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close one

Sat, 2011-03-19 17:58

What a great pic.

I would have to think he had joined you some time before you went for a swim......

I don't suppose it would get much closer than that, 35km out not sure I'd be taking a dip,  but the water looks fantastic.

thanks for sharing the pics & story.



"Life wasn't meant to be a spectator sport"

wadetolley's picture

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Sat, 2011-03-19 18:16

Nice bit of vid on the news mate...oh and bloody nice boat to!

Little_Richo's picture

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Channel 7

Sat, 2011-03-19 18:17

Was just watching the news and saw the little bit of footage. Some nice video there. Would have been a fantastic experience but you obviously had a bit of luck on your side.

aussie_breamer's picture

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7 news

Sat, 2011-03-19 18:18

just saw your vid on 7 news.



bream slayer



scottland's picture

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nicccce boat hahaha

Sat, 2011-03-19 18:19

 just seen it on the news big piece of flake there


i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers

spanishmackeral's picture

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dayum, its a big one aye

Sat, 2011-03-19 18:35

dayum, its a big one aye

Posts: 133

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Yeah excellent experience.

Sat, 2011-03-19 18:42

Yeah excellent experience. It's not my boat I was the idiot staanding at the back and the idiot in the water. Trust me i wasn't in the water for more than 10 seconds out there but I won't be doing it again. It must be a 1 in million chance to jump in the water with one. But with all that it is great fishing rig.

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

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 damn . i missed the news.

Sat, 2011-03-19 18:47

 damn . i missed the news. your going to have to put the video on here for us all to see


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Silk200611's picture

Posts: 286

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i missed itt

Sat, 2011-03-19 19:00

Put it on utube


Call me Brad as that's my name..

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The news said possibly a

Sat, 2011-03-19 19:06

The news said possibly a Great White. It was no doubt what it was!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think you would all agree

Xtreme Coolers's picture

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Lucky !!!

Sat, 2011-03-19 19:24

Great experience to see one up so close, also a good experience to be on the boat when it surfaced.


Excellent story, like the pics.



Posts: 348

Date Joined: 24/11/10

Did you throw a bait to it ?

Sat, 2011-03-19 19:51

Did you throw a bait to it ? you could have had a tow for a while !!!!


Lifes a game but fishing is serious !!!

botti's picture

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Sat, 2011-03-19 20:34

Count ya lucky stars !!!!!!

wicked game's picture

Posts: 249

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deffinetly a great

Sat, 2011-03-19 21:06

deffinetly a great white.

awsome pics and a great story to tell the grand kids as they say.

Posts: 113

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Thats a big boy! there so

Wed, 2011-03-30 21:34

Thats a big boy! there so much fatter when you see them up close, I would have to check my pants after seeing that while I was in the water!

The_Wanderer's picture

Posts: 735

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Awesome  bet you wont forget

Thu, 2011-03-31 11:30

Awesome  bet you wont forget that in a hurry!

madfishoholic's picture

Posts: 187

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great pictures, would love to

Thu, 2011-03-31 12:08

great pictures, would love to see that while  on the boat. not toooooo sure if I was in my yak.


I dont need counselling just a bigger boat