Greenhead new years trip

 Spent the new years long weekend in Green Head with the future wife fishing off the boat. First time so no spots just a nice getaway. Winds were up so fishing was uncomfortable especially for me, travacalm natural dont work for me apparently... on the plus side was very happy with the 530 freedom sport in the conditions although did get a bit wet at times.

First day fishing i got an octopus on line which was new for me but fishwise nil, while i was burleying up Courtney got her first Dhu! At 540mm not a beast but a keeper and was on her new combo aswell so she was stoked. Otherwise she caught a few wrasse and an ocky aswell.

Second day towed the boat to Jurien Bay and stayed within the islands as the wind was up over 15kn. Fished the bay for some more wrasse untill we both got stitched up by a ray, took my bait and swam into her rig aswell. 

Last day hit Green Head again but staying in shallow due to winds, got some small coral trout and a nearly sized break sea before hooking another ray that resulted in my shimano terez snapping in half...

All in all not my best fishing trip but was a good weekend away anyways, cooking fresh dhufish on the bbq for lunch was the best way to finish 2017. now i get to buy a new rod. 


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Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 congrats to the future boss

Sun, 2018-01-07 07:46

 congrats to the future boss for her first dhuie. at least you got out there and gave it a bash and persisted even tho you were burlying a bit . certainly a nice way to see out the old and in the new year away fishing. them rays up there are big . 


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

shabba's picture

Posts: 484

Date Joined: 26/02/08

 A great little getaway and

Sun, 2018-01-07 22:48

 A great little getaway and nice location,, keeper dhu and more to come m8

Niko's picture

Posts: 213

Date Joined: 26/11/13

Great little town

Mon, 2018-01-08 06:47

 Very relaxed place, did a bbq at the local where we were told they celebrate eastern states new years at 9wst because noone can be bothered staying up till midnight, wasnt complaining about that.