Hamlin Bay March 08
Thursday saw me packing the car to head down to Hamlin for our annual salmon trip.
I was packed and ready to leave at 6 just in time time to still be stuck in the Traffic from the narrows all the way through to Roe H/way.
Rest of the traffic waas nice and quiet.
As it was my b/day, I thought it to be great to head down to the boat ramp, sit around, listen to a few tunes and have a vouple of nice quiet ales. Well someone had other idea. Light showers the whole way down and constant drizzle when I got the hamlin bay boat ramp.
So it was a comfy night trying to sleep in the car, yeph right, upright in the drivers seat. Sad.
Friday morning after a very poor sleep I woke up at 6, still dark but no rain.
I was out of the car and getting my rods and boat ready.
Sure enough, as I was ready it started to rain.
Isolated showers was the forecast so I knew it wouldnt be long.
Hmm how wrong was I.
6 hours later of me just sitting in the car reading the paper, doing the cross word, reading the weather, doing the puzzles, checking the weather yup isolated showers, isolated showers my arse.
1 oclock the rain stopped for long enough to get out and stretch.
I was ment to be meeting friends around this time but they were no where to be seen.
Stuff it, Ill go out for a look.
Quick launch the boat head out a way only to remember I had put the bait back in the freezer when it had started to rain.
"$%#)* ^$*@@#@ $*#&# "
Trolled around for a while with no luck.
Saw loads of dolphins but little else.
Headed back in hoping to find my mates but nope they still hadnt rolled up.
3pm I headed out to the Karridale tavern just to see if they had gotten stuck. Smile Nope not there so headed to the beach track to see if they were on the beach.
Who was I to meet coming out of the track. yup, mates had just got there and had done a lap of hte beach to look for me.
The track had a bit of work sinceI had been there. Erossion control mounds that made the drive in very insteresting towing the trailer.
Did a lap of the beach to find a likely looking spot.
Set up the tarp and through in some line to wait, and wait we did.
A few Herring and crabs were the only thing biting.
Our other mates rocked up a little after 10pm as the had to work Friday.
Oh well nice night anyway, stars are out, after having plenty of beers crashed for the night.
Well untill it started to rain and my dodgy swag was getting me wet so it was back in the drivers seat to sleep.
Saturday had the surf up with no chance of a beach launch, the track was so crappy I wasnt going to head out until it was time to go home so beach fishing it was.
Saw a big school of Salmon heading south through the bay but were well out of casting range.
We did manage to get 3 stragglers just after the school went past.
The south wester was blowing a heap of weed in, you couldnt leave your line out for more than 5 mins without tangling up heap of weed. Any longer than ten mins and the surf was making some really nasty tangles.
After a day of catcing half a ton of weed only one of us was tempted to fish after the sun went down. That was short lived as reeling in the weight of the weed snapped his line.
So it was beer time until crashing, with the clouds total covering the sky, no chances this time. passenger side with space made to recline made for a semi decent sleep.
Sunday dawned and it was time to pack up.
Mate had a home open in the afternoon so we had to leg it early.
3 salmon, a dozen herring and 6 sand crabs.
Not a bad effort for 6 people fishing for 2 day.
I was really surprised by the lack of anything else. we usually get a number of rays, sharks, shovel noses and skippy but they didnt even put in an appearance.
Oh well, here to a better trip next year.
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