14 Fri Mar - Mixed day out...... fishing was ok, fish were crap, but boating was fantastic!

Had a mixed day out today.

Matt had something come up and couldn't make it so I headed out on my own, was on the water late at 10am and started out for the Hillaries FAD instead of the Derwent. Already with HYC FAD I was cutting it close with my afternoon commitments, but I figured it would be worth the trip even if it was just to see if the mahi were in.

The wind was starting to blow abit and the swells were huge but far apart, so it made for a easy ride out, infact, considering the conditions, the hull only slapped a few of times on the way out when I ran out of water, when a wave rolled away from under me. I managed to head out at 23-24knots and stayed dry.

About 24 nm out, I saw something that got me all excited! I can across a large weed clump ( about the size of two cars and it also contained the vital ingredient for mahi - a buoy with some rope still attached! I slowed and circled the clump looking for tell tale signs that there were larger fish underneath, then I saw it. A quick flash of a fish coming out to inspect me! I didn't get a good look but I did see something and that was good enough for me! The sounder showed a few fish under the boat, so I baited a hook and at the same time threw a few cubes of mulies over. When I looked up from cutting the mules, I saw a few small mahis taking the cubes.

I tossed the baited hook over and bang, I was on! Only problem was ........ there were all still tiny. I didn't even bother to measure, I knew they were all undersized. I was hoping that there would be some larger ones mixed into the school, but no luck.

I can't figure out why the mahi are so late this year and still so small. Anyone have any clues?

I only did a few drifts and when it was clear that none of the bigger ones (if they were there) wanted to play, I started in. Stopped at what I called my YFT mark and drifted a bait. I got a couple of taps then a solid hook up. I was on, good fight and all, then I got colour. Sigh! Sambo.............

Headed back after that. On the way in, the wind went south. The swells got larger and longer apart and this is where I had the most fun.....

I managed to average 35 knots SOG all the way in! Not bad for a boat that tops out at 32 knots on mill pond days! I just surfed the swells. I realised the swells were moving very fast and I don't recall exactly, but I rode only about 10 waves in total and before I knew it, I was back in at OR! Not one slap, the smoothest ride I have had since I got the boat here. It was like surfing the waves back in Hawaii.

Was a great boating day for me.

Two questions.

1) I don't see weed clumps out here, in fact today's was the first one I have seen. Why is this?

2) How did everyone else do?




Rodrat's picture

Posts: 1672

Date Joined: 13/01/07

Nice day

Fri, 2008-03-14 18:05

First trip in the new boat, went to mandurah and launched in the marine and headed out to the inlet to do some crabbing with the wife and kids. great weather and very happy with the boat. So many dolphins in the inlet. they were swimming around and under the boat, kids had a ball. Got about 15 or so crabs but most were under size, never mind!

******* RECFISHWEST MEMBER *******



alfred's picture

Posts: 3097

Date Joined: 12/01/07

This time last year they

Fri, 2008-03-14 18:28

This time last year they were way bigger and around in greater numbers.

I didn't make it to the FADs today and the bigger ones might be there.

Oh another thing, the air was cold out there today, or maybe it was just me, but I felt cold on the way in.


1985 Boston Whaler Outrage 18 Johnson 140hp 4stroke

Paul G's picture

Posts: 5215

Date Joined: 12/12/07

Don't know much about

Fri, 2008-03-14 20:09

Don't know much about fishing the fads ,but souds like you enjoyed your day on the water ,i'm thinking sunday might be the day not shore were im heading see what the swell is like and take it from there. good to here the boats going well, seemed to go thought the water well when you followed us at the other week ...


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

alfred's picture

Posts: 3097

Date Joined: 12/01/07

  Must admit that I like it

Fri, 2008-03-14 20:28


Must admit that I like it out there and the boat is a major part of the pleasure.  I have used Boston Whalers for a majority of my boating days, from little tenders up.  This particular one is 23 years old, but still sea worthy even though she is abit rough.  Most of the fishing in them has been in deep water, so I am quite at home out there. 

I need to work on the shallow stuff abit more, thanks for taking me out that day.  Hope to get a fish on your boat soon.

Stuck on land during the weekends!  Kids have 2 birthday parties to attend on Sat and Sun!



1985 Boston Whaler Outrage 18 Johnson 140hp 4stroke

Tim's picture

Posts: 2497

Date Joined: 26/09/06

Same Story

Fri, 2008-03-14 20:28

Hearing the same story about the Dollies everywhere Alfred. Theyve either been non existent or if they have showed they are just little undersize ones. This time last year there were plenty of 5kg ones around.


Glad you had a nice day out while we were at work tho. 

** Rockingham Offshore Fishing Club **