has anyone bought Penn International reels from overseas

Looking at getting a couple of Penn International Reels and thinking of buying online as our dollar is so good. Would love to support the local guys but the better prices are attractive. I'm sure there are a few of you out there that have made purchases online. Looking for some feedback as to a good place to deal with or any good or bad dealings to report.

Feral's picture

Posts: 1508

Date Joined: 01/11/06

looking at the samething

Tue, 2009-11-10 18:56

looking at the samething myself for 2 x 50vsx reels ... bit hard to go past the price atm .. id love to buy local but most are selling these reels at $899 + each .. i can get them from moody marlin tackle company in the usa for just over $1200 for both ..

what model penn's are you after ?

Posts: 486

Date Joined: 09/11/06

Same Place for me

Tue, 2009-11-10 19:10

Was also looking at moody marlin . After a couple of 30vsw. Local price is about $999 each but can get them for about $600 ea delivered to my door. Big saving in anyones book.
Have you bought from them before ? I am in the retail game and know how hard it is for the locals but that sort of saving is hard to knock back.

kane's picture

Posts: 1752

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Got a 50vsw a little while

Tue, 2009-11-10 19:05

Got a 50vsw a little while ago from the US.


Gooooone Fishin!

Posts: 486

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Mind telling us

Tue, 2009-11-10 19:18

Kane - mind telling us where you got it from and was it a smooth transaction ?

kane's picture

Posts: 1752

Date Joined: 07/12/08

Got it from an ebay store in florida

Thu, 2009-11-12 01:05

Got the 50vsw aniversary edition with box, coins and print.

Guy refused to post to Aus, so got it posted to a friend in the states who then sent it to me, abit of dicking around but saved about 50% on what ive seen them for elsewhere.

I regularely shop o/s have had no probs so far.


Gooooone Fishin!

mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

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be aware that purchases over

Tue, 2009-11-10 19:08

be aware that purchases over $1000 suseptable to a duty tax and gst also.thats on the item and the shipping

Posts: 486

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Mako Magic

Tue, 2009-11-10 19:16

Appreciate the heads up Mako and as I said before , I do feel for the local businesses but even with paying duty and taxes I can still afford to get the reels and feed the kids !

mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

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wasn't a shop related

Tue, 2009-11-10 19:20

wasn't a shop related comment Paul, was more just a general be careful comment and allow the possibility of an extra charge to be included for you to finally get the item at the door, ive been there done that

PilbaraBrad's picture

Posts: 3628

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not penn gear but i have

Tue, 2009-11-10 19:18

not penn gear but i have bought 4 stellas from oversease while the dollar has been good. Never had any dramas as long as you stick to the reputable sellers

Posts: 486

Date Joined: 09/11/06

Anyone in particular

Tue, 2009-11-10 19:20

Anyone in particular you would class as reputable sellers

Feral's picture

Posts: 1508

Date Joined: 01/11/06

thanks for that mako :) ive

Tue, 2009-11-10 19:19

thanks for that mako :)

ive not bought any yet .. but yeah the appeal is there.

for the money i save i can have them spooled with braided line to suit .. that alone makes it a great deal.

when are you looking at buying paul ?

Posts: 486

Date Joined: 09/11/06

Looking at buying now

Tue, 2009-11-10 19:24

Almost as we speak.

Alan James's picture

Posts: 2243

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Tue, 2009-11-10 19:34

Don't do it, go Shimano.  Wink



Posts: 486

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Tue, 2009-11-10 19:40

Been there done that - time to play with the big boys

Feral's picture

Posts: 1508

Date Joined: 01/11/06

your as bad as me then ...

Tue, 2009-11-10 19:45

your as bad as me then ... just been on moody's website for the last hour or 2 ... just cant quite reach the credit card from my seated position :P .. might buy it from them via ebay yet .. some times it gets a fair bit cheaper again


mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

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bugger shimano LOL, the penn

Tue, 2009-11-10 19:35

bugger shimano LOL, the penn inters will last longer and are stronger, IMO

Alan James's picture

Posts: 2243

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Penn / Shimano

Tue, 2009-11-10 19:53

I concede that Penn has smartened its act up over the last 5 years or so, perhaps more, and not before time.  Until then they had sat on their backsides for many, many years whilst they were considered top of the range.  Competition is a great thing, more R&D.  Penn / Shimano, same as Holden / Ford, Toyota / Nissan.  The solution is easy, buy one of each.  Smile



HuggyB's picture

Posts: 2515

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Ford v Holden

Tue, 2009-11-10 19:40

Ali v Glass

Penn Inter v Shimano Tiagra



All this arguing, won't somebody please think of the children?


                    The Terrorist - coming to a fishing spot near you.........

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Eagles Vs Dockers

Tue, 2009-11-10 19:59

Only there is a big difference there Wink 

mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

Date Joined: 03/08/05

shimano's arent as GOLD as

Tue, 2009-11-10 19:45

shimano's arent as GOLD as the Penn either Tongue out

Alan James's picture

Posts: 2243

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All that glitters

Tue, 2009-11-10 19:57

may not be gold



Choongy's picture

Posts: 57

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Bonzer Imports

Tue, 2009-11-10 23:22

I've sourced a sounder through these guys, and very happy with the deal and level of service. Arrived in 4 days ex US the week before Chrissy. About to purchase a Furuno through them. They don't list fishing gear, and it may not be their specialty, but will source and quote gear. The nice thing is the quoted price is what you pay, delivered to your door, so no uncertainty about extra taxes on clearance.


Cheers, Choongy

Posts: 1081

Date Joined: 30/03/08

Product cost =PC conversion

Wed, 2009-11-11 07:33

Product cost =PC

conversion rate .9 AUD

Shipping = SH

Insurance = INS

Bank currency conversion fee over $1000 = BKCF

 PC * .9 AUD + SH + INS + BKCF + GST = ?


 If you can do a lot better on the price why wouldnt you.  Finding out that some products have different parts.  In some cases of lower quality.  

Its why the USD is plummeting to the ground because America is stuffed.  Apparently it may reach as high $1.10.  What does that mean for Australia?  Probably the US not buying anything from Australia and major job losses.


Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word

Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

Date Joined: 23/10/07

Meltons and Cabelas have great service

Wed, 2009-11-11 09:03

And a pretty good range.


Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime http://fishwrecked-reeltime.com/

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Thu, 2009-11-12 02:05

the local prices first for sale items penn brand.

scottnofish's picture

Posts: 1621

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was just looking

Thu, 2009-11-12 05:51

at the shimm reels site and can get a 50wlrs tiagra for 599