Photography Terminology
Hi Crew,
Thought I would start a thread for maybe the more advanced camera users amongst us to enlighten us newbies (me) about camera terminology and the bits n pieces about getting good photo's.
Ie, terms like I.S and aperature etc - what basic settings you use for what type of photos - what lenses suit which scenario best etc. What situations you would go to manual focus and how you adjust your settings to get different effects.
For example - a beach setting with lots of light - best setting you've found? -
a beach setting with lots of cloud cover-
I've read my manual a fair few times and picked up bits and pieces, but maybe a few of you guys could break it down for the rest of us to pick up?
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Sorry to say this, but do a
Sorry to say this, but do a course =(
My partnerlikes taking pics, and has had a dsl for awhile now and she went out and did a course. The problem is you really have to start at the basics, there is no good "beach setting" once you're in dsl territory!
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Mmm, let me see when Exmouth offers its next available course, thats right, June of 2017.
Just thought we might be able to get some basics. But yes, the course had been on my mind, just not exactly easy up here, see, there are drawbacks to living in gods country.
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Yeah, not exactly
Yeah, not exactly convenient, but its good to have basics down and perhaps a course will help. Andrea's was just a weekender at Kings Park, nothing to serious.
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teach yourself mate....the
teach yourself mate....the best do it that way, "Know your equipment" is the best advise I can give about the 50D, having not onwed/operated one
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Shoot, shoot and keep on shooting
Thats probably the best advice Adam..
The joy of digital is it cost you nothng but time - so experiment with settings !
Read your manual inside and out..... then read it again with the camera in your hand and see what the various options and settings do....
You can't stuff anything up, and if you need to, you can always reset the settings back to factory default.
Personally I shoot about 99% on manual settings, as I don't trust in camera metering. It also gives you much more control !
Keep an eye on you camera's meter on the right hand side in your view finder. You will generally be aiming for the meter to be mid range, but there will be times you will be a few stops under or a few stops over... depending on the effect you want and if you are shooting high contrast subjects/backgrounds etc..
White sandy beaches and strong glare off water will throw your cameras metering into a fit !
To get a "warmer" look to your images (especially when cloudy), switch you white balance setting to cloud... this can also do wonders even on bright sunny days with blue sky !!
As for manual focusing... never use it !
Generally the camera will focus faster than you anyway - and hopefully will get it right. Contrasty situations can fool the focusing, especially between say 1100am-1500 on bright sunny days... Shooting either side of these time helps considerably..
I hate shooting the cricket before around 3.00pm as the images look crap, then all of a sudden the light changes, hence contrast change and just about every image is sharp ! It's like somebody flicks a switch !!!!
As for camera settings..
General rule..
Keep your ISO setting as low as possible, only step it up when the light starts falling away and/or you can't get the shutter speeds you require.
As for shutter speeds... to capture the action aim for 1/500 sec as a minimum. Higher the better.
As for aperture... depends how selective you want to be with depth of field..
The more open you go (ie: lower the number) the shallow depth of field. Thats how we "blur" backgrounds..
To get more depth of field dial your aperature to f5.6 or higher..
Just be aware that dust on your camera's sensor will stand out like dogs balls when using an aperature of 5.6 and upwards !!
Hope that helps a bit
Anyway... back to editing bloody Britney Spears concert pics... and for the record - she can't even do agood job lip synching let alone sing !!
Posts: 553
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Fishing Wild
Just picked up the latest issue of Fishing Wild #8 and it is bloody awesome. If you haven't checked it out you are missing out! Some of the best photography I've seen anywhere! It also gives you a lot of details about the photo's (camera model, lense, shutter speed, ISO, housing etc...) for newbies like Adam and myself
Pete D
Posts: 1681
Date Joined: 07/06/07
Ditto WODF - great
Ditto WODF - great publication.
In the same boat Adam - lots to learn when stepping up to manual and time is a big factor - not enough of it!
Some great tips there Paul...especially...don't go see BS.
Cheers Pete
Posts: 1081
Date Joined: 30/03/08
she went out and did a
she went out and did a course.
Where abouts did your partner complete the course? How much was the cost of the course?
Does anyone else know of places that offer good education in photography?
Has anyone managed to locate a decent book with step by step education in basic to intermediate photography?
Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word
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The course was focused
The course was focused towards plant photogrophay and run thruu the Friends of Kings Park group. Unsure on the costs.
Posts: 401
Date Joined: 29/07/08
ha ha...
Yeah... good 'ol Britney....
As for a circus show with acrobats etc. from what I saw of the intro and first 3 songs (that's all we were allowed to shoot) that was probably the best part.... The singing (read that lip synching) and Brits poncing around on stage well... I'm sure the tweens, teens and diehard fans enjoyed it... not for me..
Here's the link for those that can be arsed...or have kids who like her..
Roll on Greenday and ACDC !!
Posts: 41
Date Joined: 02/02/09
Adam we have just bought a new digital camera and live in Gods Country(Pilbara)!
We too are novice photographers- we got a great book with our camera deal. "Magic Lantern Guides" It also comes with 2 DVD's and is easy to follow- great hints and you can go back and check specific things as you progress. Also agree 'Fishing Wild' is a great way to learn what settings and lenses to use. We are just taking heaps of pictures, then deleting and working it out as we are off to Africa next year!
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For those keen..
For those keen on photography and wanting to know and learn a bit more, have you considered joining a camera club ??
Here's a link to the WA clubs.
Some good solid clubs around the place, varying in member size and resources..
Many moons ago I was a member of Workshop Camera Club in Riverton. They have probably the biggest membership in WA at the moment, fantastic library with photography books, (used to have a fully operational dark room for members use - remember that stuff called film ??), have regular guest speakers, a great source of knowledge - advice, workshops, monthly comps, they meet weekly on Wednesday's at 7.30pm.
A couple of the guys at Gerry Gibbs Camera House also run workshops outside of business hours.. aimed at the beginer to intermediate photographer.. worth giving them a call and ask to speak to Frank or Rod.
Posts: 475
Date Joined: 12/08/08
Hey Ads, Like Paul said,
Hey Ads, Like Paul said, just keep shooting, shooting and more shooting, and take lots and lost of photos of the same thing from different angles. Also filters can help alot. A circ polarizing filter is a must, not only protects your lens but takes the glare out of your photos.
A ND (natural density) filter is also a good addition, thats how you get the movement needed in waterfall and wave shots during the day. It cuts the light entering the lens. The number of the ND filter (ND4) is how many stops it will cut down the light, (i could be wrong with the number thing but i know its close)
Camera forums are also a good place to join. and Australian Photography Forum are filled with people more than willing to help, just post up a question and there is usually someone who will help.
Read up on the Rule of Thirds in regards to framing your photo.
Another option is to shoot, say landscapes, in landscape mode. Then check the settings used in the shot, swap to manual and dial in the settings used, and just change them around a bit and see how they turn out.
Google is a very useful tool! hahaha.
Another thing is to think about what your actually taking a photo of, and think about how you would like to see it in a photo frame. Or how you have seen a similar photo taken by a professional. Even have a look through professional photos and see how they have framed their photo. Again, the rule of thirds has alot to do with this
I have taught myself mate, and it wont take long for you to pick up a few things. So yeah just keep on practicing mate and see what works for you.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Now we are talking, cheers fellas. Are there any good online shops for these extras, such as the ND filter and polarizing filter that you guys have found. Again, its something we don't have easy access to here in Exxy except via the net.
I could post it up on one of the camera forums, but would like to keep some info here for other fisho's thinking the same sort of thing.
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My heart bleeds for you
poor thing, stuck up there in Exmouth. Life is a real bitch I guess.
Ditto Adam's comments, haven't got my DSLR yet, but this is all good info to store away!
The Terrorist - coming to a fishing spot near you.........
Posts: 475
Date Joined: 12/08/08 is not bad mate, but not much of a discount. i got my tripod from there. is prob the best website i have found mate pricewise
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Ok, done a bit more reading and little more up to date on the other stuff.
Now regarding filters, I'm on the cameras direct site and they have circular polarising, but the range is between 52mm and 82mm, apart from the price, how do I determine which one is the best for my lens or outside shots. (18-200) ? Theres no information on what they actually do, I guess thats where the camera book comes in handy. (spose I should do some more google homework, but all I generally find is prices not information)
I'm also looking at macro lenses, but will have q's on them later.
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Hi Ads..
the 52mm - 82mm is the filter thread size on the lens..
Have a look on either the underside of your lens cap or on the front of your lens (filter mount area on the outside edge of the glass)
That's the size you will need to order..
For a cheap way to get into macro, maybe consider buying some extension tubes..
Something like a Kenko Extension Tube Set (generally a 3 piece set)
Not as good as the real deal, but a fraction of the price and if you don't use it all the time doesn't matter !
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thread size
you need to match it to the thread size on your lense.
Posts: 401
Date Joined: 29/07/08
Don't think so...
If it's the Canon EF-S 18-200mm 1:3.5-5.6 IS, the filter size will be 72mm !
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
Haha yep you're right.
Haha yep you're right. thought Adams lense was different.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Thanks Paul
Thanks Paul, filter just ordered. :)
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You won't regret it, makes a
You won't regret it, makes a huge difference to your shots out on the water.
Posts: 475
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Hey Paul, are u taking photos at greenday? Should catch up there mate im heading there aswell
Posts: 401
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Definitely hope so !
Should be shooting them, either for Getty or Fairfax...
For sure.. should catch up pre show.
Posts: 475
Date Joined: 12/08/08
yeah mate sounds awesome!,
yeah mate sounds awesome!, i'll send ya some details soon, im still not 100% sure im going, got tix for the mrs b'day but now bubs come early so not sure if we'll still go.
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Dear experts
when looking a lens or 2 for said DSLR, is it better to:
As mentioned previously, I will be mainly taking fishing related photos such as marlin jumping (fingers crossed) and fish displayed with the angler in the boat. Majority of these will be during daylight hours.
The Terrorist - coming to a fishing spot near you.........
Posts: 553
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Exactly what I was about to ask!
Also, for the experts or anyone in the know, what would a fixed focal length lense (say 28mm) have over a standard zoom lense (say 18-55mm)? Hope that makes sense.
Thanks in advance.
Posts: 401
Date Joined: 29/07/08
You can't go wrong
Hi ya Huggy,
You won't go wrong with the 70-200 f2.8
It's one of the most used lens of press photogs.
BUT.... you pay the price compared to the f4 version..
Given a choice of the 2, obviously I would go the 2.8 version.
As for 1 lens - say a 18-200
Yep... I'd have to say much better than 2 of the type you mentioned above..
There's nothing worse than having to change a lens quickly in a bad environment (either dusty, salty, wet, cramped) conditions.. At least it you gives you the full range regardless !
When I've shot in choppers, I've always opted for a one lens set up (28-300) over taking 2 bodies and 2 lenses !!
As for IS being worth the added expense...
IS does a fantastic job.... when the IS servo is working !
I've mentioned on other posts my thoughts about IS..
Having had 3 Canon L series lenses with IS, all servos have packed up..
I will still switch to IS from time to time (if I must), but as a rule it's always switched off, so as not to throw an error message up on the camera and lock it up.
Hope that helps..
Lucky Tim
Posts: 2536
Date Joined: 28/11/07
I picked up a Canon 18-200mm
I picked up a Canon 18-200mm f3.5-5.6 IS a few weeks ago and rate it so far although I've only used it limited times- it is a lot faster to focus than the kit lenses. I got it because I didn't want to change between the 18-55 and 70-300 kit lenses with the 400D. I wish I bought it earlier this year to try for some marlin pics when I was up north though. I can't comment on the IS so far but everyone I spoke to liked it for fast moving outdoor pics. The only pain for me was buying a new polarizing filter for the larger diameter lens.
Also staying away from the "local vs internet buying" but is always way cheaper than any other stores I've seen online for camera parts. I haven't bought anything off them yet so can't vouch for service yet.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
I got 4 lenses off ebay in a package deal for 60$ aus rather than one lens off the other sites mentioned which were about 210. I guess if the $60 ones aren't that crash hot its no loss, but the good aussie dollar made the conversion pretty good.
Feel free to tell me they're wrong or shit though. ;)
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Lucky Tim
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Date Joined: 28/11/07
I just took the punt and
I just took the punt and ordered a polarized filter from citiwide so hopefully it rocks up before I come up your way and we can compare. I was happy as it cost me $58 for a Hoya compared to high $100's from a shop for the same product. I've never seen the ebay filters so can't comment on the quality.
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They look the goods mate, even if there not, for 60 bucks it would have been worth having a look, at the very least they will protect your lenses from dust and scratchs. Let me know how they go when they get there
Posts: 401
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Hi ya Tim...
"everyone I spoke to liked it for fast moving outdoor pics."
Not really what it's designed for..
To be honest you probably wouldn't even notice any difference in bright sunny conditions and shooting at a fast shutter speed.
IMO.... IS is mainly designed for low light conditions and using at slower shutter speeds. Particularly when shooting hand held.
Posts: 475
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Hey Paul,
IS would be ideal for weddings and the like, and thats why the 70-200mm f2.8 IS is the number 1 choise for pro photographers with the low light conditions in chappels and receptions
Posts: 475
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Hey Huggy, with regards to
Hey Huggy, with regards to IS, i would prob go that way with you, being on an unsteady boat, not using a tripod etc. it will pay for itself when u get that 1 great shot of a marlin jump, rather than putting it on the computer and realizing its blurry. But i know Paul has had alot of problems with the IS so his opinion will be different.
I would personally go for a lens that covers more distance for yourself, so you are not always swapping lenses or get caught out with the shorter lens. Im not 100% sure but i think the shorter lenses (18 - 55mm) will have better clarity over the distance than a lens 18 - 300mm. Or i may have just made that up.
As for the Aperature (F number) the lower the better. The lower the number, the larger the aperature (hole) therefor more light being let in, which equates to a faster shutter speed. This is also how photographers get the background to be blurry whilst the main subject is in focus.
Im not sure on the advantages and disadvantages and uses for prime lenses (fixed focal lengths), hopefully someone can enlighten me aswell on their uses
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Prime v's Zoom
Glad I found this..... saves me typing :)
check this link out... It goes into pretty good detail about the pros/cons..
Posts: 553
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Circular polarizer filters
Anyone use/used them? If so, how do they perform? Also, how much $ would something of quality set you back?
Posts: 65
Date Joined: 31/01/08
I use them for almost all
I use them for almost all landscape shots. Price varies greatly depending in quality and size.
Posts: 401
Date Joined: 29/07/08
Difinitely grab one !
They have many applications !!
Whether you are shooting landscapes, on the water or just want to cut down on reflections (great for car photography) they are well worth it !
You can get either screw on filters or "slide in" types such as Cokin..
Advantages of slidein/drop in filters are you can use them on various lenses of different filter diameters with just one filter adapter and holder, quick to change and compact. - you can also stack/layer them if required !
Like everything you pay for quality...
I've got a Cokin set and they are great, but I also have an el cheapo threaded circular polariser that was purchased off ebay and cost around $15.00 delivered..
A top circ polariser can set you back $150 and upwards !!!
If you stick the likes of Hoya, Cokin, Tiffen (and there's a stack more) you will be assured of quality.
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Date Joined: 08/12/07
They have many applications !!
They have many applications !!
Including protection of your lenses.
David (AKA Grumps)
Location: Heathridge. Toys: 120 Series Prado ... 5.3 Stacer Seamaster/Merc 90HP.
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yes, but
Yes, but.... not a filter you would keep on your lens... as you loose a stop or 2..
Better keeping a UV or Skylight on.....if you must !!
Whilst they may protect your lens, end of the day it's something else you have to focus thru !!
Posts: 660
Date Joined: 08/12/07
Thanks kaney.... I meant to change the copy and paste comment to UV filters have many applications including protection. Being a tight @rse
I would rather let the auto focus work harder than have to pay for a replacement lens that got scratche.
David (AKA Grumps)
Location: Heathridge. Toys: 120 Series Prado ... 5.3 Stacer Seamaster/Merc 90HP.