HDS5 Help
Hi guys,
I have a Lowrance HDS5x Gen 1 that's in desparate need of a software upgrade to 4.1.
I run it next to a navman chartplotter and it's been doing a good job at low speeds, however I lose bottom as soon as I'm up over 10 knots. It's next to useless for finding ground whilst on the plane. I've moved tranducer around a bit and tried a range of settings, however I think it needs the software update. From the research I've done the software update apparently makes quite a large difference to bottom hold.
It's a good little sounder and I can't justify buying a new one at this point (wedding, house, etc etc.).
As it doesn't have an SD card slot, I need to network it with another HDS unit with an SD slot to transfer the software.
Does anybody in the Bicton, attadale, East Freo area have a HDS unit and wouldn't mind helping me out? I have a networking cord, the software on an SD card and can bring my sounder around with its power cord and a 12v battery to run it whilst doing the upgrade.
6 pack of boags premium or a feed of squid in it for you, your choice.
Thanks guys, appreciate any help!
Posts: 251
Date Joined: 28/07/11
I highly doubt the software
I highly doubt the software update will get a better picture above 10 knots.
I think i got a bit lucky with my HDS as when i fitted it i got a great picture right up to 25knots in good conditions while hearing many stories similar to yours. I have done the software updates also and its made no differece in readings.
When i first fitted my Furuno beside it i got horrible readings but after sticking the ducer as far down as possible I now get great readings right up to 30knots.
I'd suggest putting the ducer as far down as possible with a slight lean toward the boat. Thats how both mine a setup.
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
throw up a couple of pics of
throw up a couple of pics of the tranny so we have a better idea
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Allboats $200
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A few photos up now guys.
A few photos up now guys. With it level it was very bad, so I angled it forward which improved bottom hold quite a bit. Still won't hold bottom on the plane though.
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
I wonder if it is wash
I wonder if it is wash turbulence from the thing on the right of it
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
Hard to tell from the pics
Hard to tell from the pics but if anything to low and to far angled forward (if its set up correctly in the first place), I'm guessing turbulence off the bottom of the hull - is it behind a strake on the bottom or anything else such as imperfections on the hull.
have a look over the back as your going along and see if its running in clear or turbulent water
Edit found a previous bit I posted on the subject
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
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Too low
Too low and too much angle
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too low ,too angled forward
And i think its too close to the motor
Posts: 326
Date Joined: 19/01/09
way too much angle there
way too much angle there mate, its only supposed to be slighty angled forward and just below the level of your hull about an 8th of an inch
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Date Joined: 28/12/12
To low mate pm ur numba and
To low mate pm ur numba and ill send you a few piks of mine mate reads 25 knts plus. On the iPhone so can't post the piks
Pgfc member
freo fatboy
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Navico exchange program
Hi Veitchy.
Did you get it sorted?
I Have the same gen 1 unit same issues and for some reason can't get it to upgrade to 4.1 from my hds 5m gen 2 chartplotter. Rang the lowrance help line 0299361000 and after giving them the serial number they issued me a return authorisation for a new gen 2 hds 5x (3.5 upgrade pre installed) for a change over price of $272.00. Might be worth keeping in mind for when there's some spare coin available.
Pilbara WA
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Date Joined: 16/02/11
Try increasing your chart
Try increasing your chart speed!
Posts: 28
Date Joined: 12/05/13
Hi guys,Thanks for all of
Hi guys,
Thanks for all of you info.
I still haven't got it completely sorted but been making do. I'll have a bit more time to play with it over next few weeks so see what I can do.
When installing her I did follow instructions. Before positioning the trans I took the boat out, got her up on the plane and marked a spot with clean water. Trans was positioned more than the recommended distance from engine and at a height matching the diagram in instructions. Setup sounder with correct transducer settings (ie code off the little silver sticker) and setup based on setting I researched on FW. She worked well but would lose bottom above about 10knots. When on plane the trans looked to have plenty off water so I was a bit surprised she wasn't getting bottom at speed. That's when I tilted her forward which lowered her a bit and have a little forward angle. Have since tried a range of setting, hard resets etc etc but no luck. All that being said, she still works a treat when I'm not on the plane and has still accounted for a few good fish. One other possible issue could be that I've ran the trans cord along same side of boat as other wiring, however I'd think I'd be getting interference at slower speeds as well, which I'm not.
More research has made me question the software version as I was pretty comfortable with the trans positioning (at least before I angled her forwad too much - photos) and apparently the software upgrade improves bottom hold at speed.
Thanks for for all of your suggestion. I'll keep plying a bit with positions and setting as most have suggested and see if I get a breakthrough. Otherwise I'll just make do and hopefully upgrade her to a Gen2 or Gen3 one day.
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
Hi Nick
Its not about what gen you are using as it wont make much difference TBH not alot of difference in sounder performance between gen 1 or 2 except price and a few bells and whistles.
I think you need to drop your transducer lower, I have mine much lower than lowrance recommend and can read the bottom no problems at 30 knots in fair water, ok I have a bit of a rooster tail now but i have a tm260 mounted next to it also that creates a rooster tail no matter what due to its size