Help with WAECO fridge needed

Wondering if there are any fridge mechanics on fishwrecked .
I have been given an 80ltr Waeco fridge that is not getting cold . All electrics are working and the danfoss compressor is pumping but fridge is not getting cold .
Assume it needs re gassing but not sure if there is a leak or not . is there a way of telling if it has lost gas or if there is a leak .
Cost of re gassing if possible or cost of diagnosing the problem .
Don't want to spend a lot on it but seems a waste to throw it out if it can be fixed .
Cheers for any help

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Date Joined: 18/01/12

 Not certain but I'd have

Sun, 2019-09-15 09:50

 Not certain but I'd have thought the Waeco has a low pressure cut out to protect the compressor.
Is the compressor running continuously or starting then stopping?

If its starting it must have some gas in it, does the evaporator plate get cool at the bottom??


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Hey Rob

Sun, 2019-09-15 10:14

 Yes the compressor runs nice and smoothly and will only cut out if i set the temp to the temp the fridge is allready at ( room temp) .

Evaporator plate is not getting cold .

Dont think they have a low pressure cut out protection as i have a spare compressor salvaged from another fridge and that will run without gas lines

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Date Joined: 18/01/12

 That seems odd Paul that

Sun, 2019-09-15 12:37

 That seems odd Paul that they dont as a gas leak would almost inevuitably cause it run until cooked after losing oil as well.
I'm not a great fan of the Waecos to be honest.

I use a 70L Evakool fridgemate, same compressor but different electronics (simpler)


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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

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Sun, 2019-09-15 11:43

Best to find fridge repair company google it one In bibra lake looks the goods 

not worth the time/effort/cost going elsewhere 


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I've asked a fridgie about this.

Sun, 2019-09-15 11:53

 Like all modern fridges, the coolant lines are mostly moulded in. If it is in fact a leak, it may not be economically viable to  repair. It does sound like gas being low.  And, before anything says anything , Engels suffer from the same problem, basically. You'd likely need to have it gassed up and sniffed for a leak. 

Posts: 486

Date Joined: 09/11/06

Thanks everyone

Sun, 2019-09-15 13:05

 looks like I’ll be better off stripping it for parts than trying to repair it . I have another waeco and the electrics could be good to keep as backups 

sea-kem's picture

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Paul  I've had a WAECO 80L

Sun, 2019-09-15 18:29

Paul  I've had a WAECO 80L for around 15 years and it's never missed a beat, the only thing that's crap on them imo are the latches. I've pretty well given it over to my son now for him and his Uni mates to see out the rest of it's life.


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 Have you tried setting the

Mon, 2019-09-16 05:04

 Have you tried setting the temperature lower?Sometimes the thermostats paly up or get dislodged and read incorrectly. This happened to mine and the compressor kept turning off as it was reading it was at set temp.

I turned the fridge down and now it sits at the required temp but the digital reading is much lower. 

Posts: 579

Date Joined: 23/04/14

Had a similar problem with mine

Mon, 2019-09-16 07:32

I used to keep mine running all the time in the garage.  Condensation can form and eventually make it's way into the controller.

There's a service guy south of the river called BenTech, he did a great job.  Pretty simple fix, and not too expensive. 




Posts: 2086

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 Some early Waeco fridges had

Mon, 2019-09-16 08:28

 Some early Waeco fridges had issues with the control panel. Get a fridgy to check it.

Doc's picture

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We have a CFX 95, gets opened

Wed, 2019-09-18 10:27

We have a CFX 95, gets opened and closed every day, especially when I’m chilling down some lagers. It’s some 18 months old.  Never had an issue just yet. Our last 80 litre model lasted us 5 years without a problem. Love my Waeco’s 

ranmar850's picture

Posts: 2702

Date Joined: 12/08/12

My 80 L has mostly been OK

Wed, 2019-09-18 11:35

 Well, perfect--apart from that one time.  it started playing up at Tamala in warm weather, showing an error. Got it home, turns out it was the fan. It had gone intermittent,which meant the compressor would overheat.  Just needed a touch to kick off. Replaced, all good since. 10 yo now.