Horrocks Trip Report

Gday all, well thought i better get some keyboard time up me and finally post up a report on my trip up to Horrocks with my Girlfriend Anna. WARNING it is a very long report!

Headed up to Horrocks beach during the first week of the School Holidays with my Girlfriend for a mixture of fishing, boating, snorkelling, 4x4ing and sightseeing(overnight trip to Kalbarri Sea Cliffs and Gorges).

I took my trusty old Hilux with soon to be sold tinnie in tow. As i am selling it to my brother in a few days time i thought i would like to have one last fishing trip in it, seeing that the last time i used it was at Horrocks also but in July 2009. Even put a new Lowrance HDS5x in between trips, so definitely had to try it out for at least once!!!

So we left Perth at 6am and arrived in Horrocks at around 3pm after a stop to shop and check out Geraldton, and battling every hill my Hilux encountered whilst towing the boat up there. Yep wont miss dropping down to third gear and 50km/h crawling up hills with a new Turbo Diesel 4x4 to be bought soon. Mind you we did take the coast road the whole way and i'll say there seemed to be fewer hills to struggle up.

So after arriving and unloading everything, took the missus for a tour around town. Took all of 2 mins. Then took her for a tour of some of the Land Based fishing locations, with my rod of course. Resulted in a hooked and dropped Tailor arond the 50cm mark i guess. So packed in for the night and went back to prep the boat for the next coming day.

First whole day, i got up at 6am to try my luck where i had dropped my Tailor the evening before. The spot came up with the goods with me landing 4 Tailor during the session with the biggest going 60cm(Pic 1) Good way to start a trip! Back to the chalet to load the tinnie up and head out with Anna. After a pleasant beach launch we were on our way out the gap in the reef towards the open ocean(about 1km offshore hahaha).

Upon getting out we were straight away greeted by the sight of birds working the surface, which to me screamed Tuna. So after screaming over to the surface action in a jiffy we were both throwing metals and retrieveing like crazy into the school. This resulted in us landing 3 Northern Bluefin Tuna each(pic 2-3). Was absolutly stoked! I had missed this sort of spinning for Tuna since out last trip up here. We ended up keeping one for some fresh Tuna that night and released all the others.

The rest of the day went slow with only a undersized Sambo being caught. Oh well no Dhui's or Pinkies for today so headed back in to try our luck at Tailor in the reef whitewash for some fun. Back inside the reef lagoon i drove the tinnie as close to the reef as safe to, and Anna let fly with a Gardie on gangs straight into the surf. She only got to put the bail arm over and start to turn the handle when she was on. TAILOR! What started out as a pretty slow fight and me telling Anna to harden up and get the fish in, turned into quiet a battle as the Tailor must have realised what was going on and sought to scream back over the reef shallows. After a lengthy fight and a hell of alot of tricky boat manouvering to avoid the surf hitting side on and shallow reef Anna got it boatside. Well i said it to her then and i'll probably keep saying it to her for a long time, 'I have never seen a Tailor that big in real life!' I netted her into the boat got some pics weighed her and released her succesfully back to menace bait schools once more. Ended up being 6.4kg and 87cm(Pic 4,5,6). It was one FAT tailor. After a beauty like that one i was happy to return for that day. Fresh Tuna for dinner with some nice brews! Great first day!

Day two started with a sleep in(decided to give the LB Tailor a rest) and heading out in the tinnie again. Before headin outside the reef i wanted to have a crack and see if i could get a monster Tailor also in the reef surf. One cast, one 64cm Tailor. Not bad, but not as big as Anna's. After that one i wanted to get outside while the weather was still calm and have a crack at some demersals again. We were again greeted apon getting out by masses of Northern Bluefin Tuna again busting up surface, so after having a bit of fun with us each catching and releasing one each we started to drift fish in earnest. After about an hour of nothing in 6m of water my rod started screaming like mad! Grabbed it and straight away felt immense power, that and it started to tow the tinnie a bit. I straight away assumed Sambo. Oh well after an hour of nothing a bit of fun was welcome.

After giving me a hell of a work out and towing the boat around a fair bit i got her boatside and into the net. Took some quick snaps and released her(Pic 7). I guess such an immense fight in shallow water had buggered her a fair bit as we had to swim her beside the boat putting forward for about 5 mins before she swam off. In the shallow water we saw her return to the bottom and cruise off. Very satisfying to know that she swam off good, i hate the thought of killing such an awesome creature if your not going to keep it to eat.

After the Sambo we decide to head out deeper to 20m. First drop and i was on. Fought very strange with lots of head shakes and runs but not much weight. Soon surface as a little Blacktip Shark(Pic 8). The interesting thing was though when it came up there were somewhere between 20-25 other sharks some alot bigger some around the same size all following it up. With it still on the hooks boatside i threw in some mullies and sure enough a school of sharks came up and started smashing the mullies. It was awesome seeing that many sharks like that all in feeding mode in glassy water with vis down to 10m. Now i have been to the Rowleys and seen up to 10 sharks at a time behind the boat but to see 20-25 seemingly schooling awesome! They even bloted out the screen on the Lowrance!, from under the boat to the bottom, so i guess there were more down out of view.

Well with all the sharks around we decide to move away before trying to drfit again. Resulted in a nice Pinkie of 52cm and about 4 big dumb NW Blowies. After the Blowies had chomped their way through many traces and a couple of plastics, we decided to call it quits and head back in. Had a crack at the Tuna again on the way back in and we got two each and released them all but one for some fresh Tuna and also for our Chalet neighbour as he wasnt having much luck Land Based. And got another Tailor in the reef surf inside the lagoon which also relased well on the way back to the ramp.

Day three i decided to give the boat a rest and just do some spinning from the land early morning. My first spots turned up nothing after an hour so decided to do some exploring with the aid of google earth on my phone(ahhh technology hey!). Saw a spot that looked decent on the phone so pulled up there and had a flick with a metal. First cast 70cm Tailor(Pic 9), second cast another 70cm Tailor. I had encountered a school, and there were HEAPS. It was like salmon season, everytime i retrieved the lure there would be 7-8 monster Tailor all chasing it at once with me hooking up every cast for what seemed like nearly 30 mins! My PB came at Tailor 4. It put up a stirling fight and just wouldnt give in for ages right in the beach line. Ended up going 89cm!!!!!(Pic 10-11) Absolutly stoked.

Have never experience Tailor fishing so hot. Ended up landing 14 Tailor and dropping 9. All Tailor were released and swam off well. Well after a session like that i took the rest of the day off to do some snorkelling in the shallow reef lagoon with Anna. Was absolutly beautiful. Its no Abrolhos or Ningaloo, but sure beats anything at Rotto or Perth! Didnt even bother having a crack in the afternoon, just did some 4x4 lessons for Anna which she got the hang of very quickly. Planned to try my Tailor spot again the next morning with the intention of Anna catching here first LB Tailor.

Day Four started with us at the Tailor spot before the grey light had even started. Straight away it was on again. Anna dropped 4 Tailor before manging to land one at an awesome 71cm(Pic 12). Bloody good effort for a first LB Tailor! After that i had a crack again and manged to land 3 more around the 70cm mark and drop 5 more(Pic 13). All Tailor were released bar one that had swallowed the metal right down its throat. Oh well we had fresh Tailor on the BBQ for breakie that morning! Stopped in to see some of the Aboriginal Rock art in the area on the way back into town(Pic 14-15). Pretty awesome, you would think you were somewhere like Uluru!

The next two days, Five and Six, saw us head up to Kalbarri to do some sightseeing of the Gorges and the Sea Cliffs. Pretty awesome stuff. Anna had never been to this part of W.A before so she was soaking it in big time. I had a go fishing Chinamans one night for Mulloway, but didnt get anything by 9pm so called it quits. Also did some Horse Riding at Big River Ranch, bloody fun as, though have now figured out how fast a 'canter' is on a horse. Wasnt really prepared the first go and nearly shat myself. More fun than a rollercoaster i thought though. Though by the fourth crack at a canter i was well into it and loving it. Also some great scener as you ride along the banks and at times in the Murchison River(Pic 16). Nice natured horses too. If your ever up that way and have ever wondered what its like to ride a horse i highly recommend it. Lots of fun, well priced, great horses and very professional staff.

Day Seven saw us back at Horrocks with me determinded to try and catch a LB Tailor on my Trout spinning gear(Pic 17). Well i suceeded albeit smaller than the other Tailor we had encountered previously, but still put up an awesome fight on 2kg line! That night we headed up to the mouth of the Hutt to see if we could find any Mulloway at the broken river mouth. Alas i think my fishing luck had run out and left by 10pm.

Day Eight was spent packing everything up and strapping the boat all down for the tow home. Stopped in at The Pinnicles on the way home. Pretty cool place. I didnt realised some were so tall!

All in all was an absolutly mega trip. Probably the best trip i have ever had up there out of 6 trips over the last 10 years. Anna had a ball to so i think we both will be planning on heading up there again next year, but without the tinnie, so will be purely landbased. But hey if those mega Tailor are around again i definitely wont be complaining.



Also put some pics in of the local Ospreys, one even showing me how to catch fish!

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Posts: 242

Date Joined: 30/11/10

 long report! haha. looks

Wed, 2011-07-27 01:12

 long report! haha. looks like you guys got into some nice tailor up there. Me and the boyfriend are planning on going to horrocks in a few months :D Where did you guys stay?

Buz's picture

Posts: 1555

Date Joined: 28/08/07

Hi Channy we stayed at

Wed, 2011-07-27 01:24

Hi Channy we stayed at Horrocks Beachside Cottages. Its either that, the Caravan Park or renting a holiday house. But for $75 a night for your own chalet which can sleep up to 6, its bloody good price at the Cottages. They have communal laundry, bbq's and fish cleaning areas too. Have stayed there everytime i have been up bar once, when we stayed in an onsite carvan at the caravan park. Just easier having a chalet though, especially with all the fishing gear i bring with me! About a 50m walk to the boat ramp/beach too and the General store/fuel is inbetween. So dont have to do much driving to get around town.

Posts: 242

Date Joined: 30/11/10

That sounds pretty sweet!

Wed, 2011-07-27 01:30

That sounds pretty sweet! Thanks for that info :)

Posts: 349

Date Joined: 17/01/10

Great report buz and the pics

Wed, 2011-07-27 01:30

Great report buz and the pics are great love the ones of all the ( high pitch ) "tuna" ;-)
Looks like you had two had a blast and what a way to farewell your trusty tinnie

Buz's picture

Posts: 1555

Date Joined: 28/08/07

I think the cry was

Wed, 2011-07-27 09:00


What can i say you can tune a Piano but can you tune a Fish? hahahahaha.



*Hemi has seen some video footage of my trip and is taking the piss out of my commentary :)

Posts: 349

Date Joined: 17/01/10

Cmon upload some vids to

Wed, 2011-07-27 20:33

Cmon upload some vids to utube and share the link you could be the next big fishing presenter :-) haha

beau's picture

Posts: 4104

Date Joined: 24/01/10

 sounds like you guys had an

Wed, 2011-07-27 01:30

 sounds like you guys had an awesome trip! The tailor are massive and the photos are great. Definately going to look into doing the same trip now!


Buz's picture

Posts: 1555

Date Joined: 28/08/07

Mate if you had your Kayak

Wed, 2011-07-27 08:55

Mate if you had your Kayak there you would easily be able to get stuck into some insane Tailor action on the reef infront of town. Only about 100-150m out too. Usually a bit too far to cast from shore, and the fact you would have to drag your Tailor over shallow reef and bombies would make it very difficult ot get in, so far better to be in a boat or kayak and get right out there.

beau's picture

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 yes the kayak would be great

Wed, 2011-07-27 09:59

 yes the kayak would be great but i want to take the jetski up there, with great size fish so close to shore, including tuna which i have always wanted to get stuck into, it sounds like a great place


Buz's picture

Posts: 1555

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Ah righto, thought that was a

Wed, 2011-07-27 10:37

Ah righto, thought that was a kayak in your picture, ooops

But yeah Jetski would be easily do-able and you could easily get into some good fish on it. One thing to note though the gap in the reef gets shallow, 1.5m at some points so on a low tide with a swell over 1.5m i can be pretty fun trying to get out. Just have to time it right and you can still get out. Anything over 1.5m swell i dont even bother in my tinnie. Getting back i is easy though just ride on the back of a wave coming in! By the way the gap i the reef is over 100m wide, so its not narrow.

Mind you with a Jetski you could probably just jump over all the waves with a backflip twist!!!!!!

beau's picture

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 do they have ramp facilities

Wed, 2011-07-27 01:39

 do they have ramp facilities there or just beach launch? 4WD a must have for LB tailor?


Buz's picture

Posts: 1555

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Yeah only beach launch there,

Wed, 2011-07-27 08:57

Yeah only beach launch there, there is the main ramp which is 4x4 but a sealed carpark and fish cleaning facility. But then you can also drive down the beach a bit to were its a bit more sheltered and beach lauch there too and just leave your car parked on the beach, but its a problem on very high tides as most the beach disappears. But the sand is always hard so you dont have to worry about bogging.

To get to where i get my Tailor yes need a 4x4 and tyres let down to around 20psi. But there are some other 2wd locations where you can pick up good LB Tailor too. Alternatively you could just walk to them. Most my spots are withing 3km to the North and to the South of Town.

wazzbat's picture

Posts: 977

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Great report Boz.  Cheers for

Wed, 2011-07-27 17:58

Great report Buz.  Cheers for sharing.  Some really decent Tailor there.  Great effort and glad you got your Mrs onto a few decent fish as well.  It's always nice when you can get your friends/family onto some good fish. 

Me, Mrs and two kids spent a night there on the way back from Coral Bay earlier in the year and it is a nice little place.  I'm keen to get back up there for a holiday one day.  Hopefully I can get some Tailor like you guys did.


I fish for the future - Cause I can't bloody catch anything!

mitch's picture

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great report buz ..some top

Wed, 2011-07-27 05:21

great report buz ..some top tailor fishing mate and yep ide be going back there for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ryan C's picture

Posts: 1575

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good report

Wed, 2011-07-27 06:13

well done mate ,. awesome tailor!! i'll definately give some consideration to a trip up there!   cheers

UncutTriggerInWA's picture

Posts: 2692

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Great Report Buz

Wed, 2011-07-27 06:43

You will both develop wide shoulders working those megga Tailor. Well done and great pics.


Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.

southcity104's picture

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Enjoyed the read

Wed, 2011-07-27 07:04

87cm Tailor!!!!!!!!! Looks like the jumbo tailor are deffinately there in good numbers!  


"Its a life style job"

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Buz, they're great tailor,

Wed, 2011-07-27 07:39

Buz, they're great tailor, worth the trip each!


smash's picture

Posts: 434

Date Joined: 01/12/10

great report

Wed, 2011-07-27 08:05

its right on my door step practically, might have to drag the kids up there sometime after reading your report!

Buz's picture

Posts: 1555

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Mate its a greatplace for

Wed, 2011-07-27 09:29

Mate its a greatplace for kids. Sheltered bay for them to swim and snorkel in. Even a small town jetty they can fish off. Always seem to get plenty of good sized eating squid just on dark, as well i have seen a few of the monster Tailor caught off it too, baitcasting mulies at dusk. HEAPS of options for kids up there!

Adam Gallash's picture

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Wed, 2011-07-27 08:07

Awesome as usual Buz, monster tailor mate!!


Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance

profish540's picture

Posts: 221

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Top trip mate.They are some

Wed, 2011-07-27 08:08

Top trip mate.They are some awesome size tailor,great pics.

Well done.

Gjoe's picture

Posts: 68

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Wed, 2011-07-27 09:10

Now those are some tailor! Great photos mate thanks for sharing

Anytime Brad's picture

Posts: 237

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What a trip

Wed, 2011-07-27 09:14

Great report Buz, got to love all that action. Also great to get the other half into some fish as well.

Would love to go back to horrocks again myself oneday, been about 30 years since I was last there.

Thanks for sharing your trip.


Have to catch up again oneday for another fish.


I would rather be fishing

Buz's picture

Posts: 1555

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Thanks Brad, will definitely

Wed, 2011-07-27 09:26

Thanks Brad, will definitely have to catch up again for a fish, especially seeing how i now have no boat in Perth


Man if you havent been to Horrocks in 30 years, other than the ocean you wouldnt even recognise it. I mean even i have seen massive changes in the 10 years i have been going there. They have even fenced off specifc campsites and installed toilets and a nightly camp fee up at Little Bay now! Seems all the surfers still camp for free at the Bowes still though. Definitly get back up there mate, your boat would be in its element, most the fising i have done in my tinnie has been withing 2km of shore north and south of town. But if you could get out further, man i reckon there would be a whole new ballpark of fishing.

Anytime Brad's picture

Posts: 237

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Will  catch up some time,

Wed, 2011-07-27 09:53

Will  catch up some time, your always welcome to come out with me, just need all the moons to lime up, me off work, you off work weather and all the other variables.

I am sure it will happen oneday.

As for Horrocks wayl back, used to walk out on the reef and pick up crays and occys and catch Duies off the shore (at least my Grandad did)

Will get back there again oneday.


I would rather be fishing

MattMiller's picture

Posts: 4171

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Great report Buz

Wed, 2011-07-27 10:44

great stretch of coast that one. Good to see the big tailor are still around

Posts: 459

Date Joined: 28/10/08

Well done on the tailor

Wed, 2011-07-27 10:53

That's quality fishing in anybody's language

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

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Great report

Wed, 2011-07-27 10:58

Some great shots, With fish that some people would lov to get into

Cheers herbie


Assassin landbase fishing club

cuthbad's picture

Posts: 1266

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thats awesome. some monster

Wed, 2011-07-27 11:02

thats awesome. some monster tailor there mate!

Buz's picture

Posts: 1555

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Cheers for the comments guys.

Wed, 2011-07-27 11:07

Cheers for the comments guys. It really was one of the most awesome fishing trips i have ever been on. I am just really happy that my Girlfriend also manage to ge amongst it with me, as this is her first fishing trip with me, as i usually just do boys trips!

Previous to this trip the most Tailor i had caught in one session was 6. With my previous PB being a 4.6kg Tailor back in 2001. So blew both them out the water. But alas Anna beats me on having the biggest Tailor(though i keep reminding her mine was 2cm longer just not as fat)

Mitch300491's picture

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Yeah me and Channy are

Wed, 2011-07-27 12:05

Yeah me and Channy are heading up in November, dunno what the fishing is like that time of year??

How is the water up there? i only have a good 3m inflatable boat with electric motor, would it be worth taking it up there at all? 

Buz's picture

Posts: 1555

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Dont know what the fishing is

Wed, 2011-07-27 12:36

Dont know what the fishing is like up there at that time of year. Have only ever been up in Jun,Jul,Aug. I hear you get more Tailor but they are smaller.

Mate a little inflatable with electric motor would be fine inside the reef. It literally is usually quite flat as long as you dont get too close to the breakers. In saying that i have been in a kayak into the breakers flicking for Tailor, you just have to make sure you keep the nose into the waves. If there is a swell over 2m with a high tide it will get a little lumpy on the inside, but when the tide drops the reef breaks up most the power of the waves just watch your prop on the reef. Obviously make sure you have all the correct safety equipment, even though your only about 100m from shore you still are at the mercy of the ocean. In saying that if it came to it, you can just get out and walk. Its about 0.5-1m deep where i usually position the boat to chuck metals into the whitewash.

grantarctic1's picture

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Top report

Wed, 2011-07-27 12:12

Top report and great info about the area. Thank for sharing .

Lamby's picture

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Just awesome Buz

Wed, 2011-07-27 12:15

Just awesome Buz

Aaron Santos's picture

Posts: 300

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great report mate, and they

Wed, 2011-07-27 12:56

great report mate, and they are some very nice sized tailor. well done..


Still trying to catch fish!


West Coast Eagles Supporter and Proud Member.

JGS's picture

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Sensational Report

Wed, 2011-07-27 16:36

love those tailor pics couple of monsters there!!

Posts: 896

Date Joined: 25/05/09

Awesome report man , those

Wed, 2011-07-27 16:48

Awesome report man , those tailors are bloody donkeys. There is no feeling better then getting away from it all and just fishing . Well done mate.


living is fishing

Ringy35's picture

Posts: 138

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cracking tailor mate!!!! good

Wed, 2011-07-27 17:05

cracking tailor mate!!!! good form!

Lucky Tim's picture

Posts: 2536

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mate that's a great report,

Wed, 2011-07-27 20:22

mate that's a great report, those tailor are massive. Hopefully you can find it like that next visit too

DazSamFishing's picture

Posts: 1518

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sensational report mate

Wed, 2011-07-27 20:58

sensational report mate & even better greenbacks!!! Great WA tour!

PattyT's picture

Posts: 1025

Date Joined: 15/08/10

Great report mate! Love to

Wed, 2011-07-27 20:58

Great report mate! Love to read them when people go to all the effort of writing it all down. Got into some nice fish, including those Tailor. Great work on returning the Sambo aswell, must of been very satifying to see her swin off.

Seaquest's picture

Posts: 1131

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 Awsome tailor mate. Some

Wed, 2011-07-27 21:12

 Awesome tailor mate. Some great pics as well. 

Pete D's picture

Posts: 1681

Date Joined: 07/06/07

Top report Buz!Its all been

Mon, 2011-08-01 09:48

Top report Buz!

Its all been said.

Based on your report we are finalising a booking for the next school hols now.  Looking forward to a break from work and seeing the kids get into some quality fish.

Cheers Pete

Posts: 2319

Date Joined: 03/05/06

good reading

Mon, 2011-08-01 20:46

Great report, pics and those tailor!  Good information about Horrocks too, sounds like a great destination.

Busted Arse's picture

Posts: 253

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Top stuff with them 

Fri, 2011-08-05 22:11

Top stuff with them  jumbo's!!

Posts: 418

Date Joined: 29/07/11

 i went up there about 3

Mon, 2011-08-08 11:56

 i went up there about 3 months ago and there was weed everywere and the water looked like choc mil, betwwen me,my dad and my lil bro we caught one fish in 4 days and it was alil 35 cm flathead and we fished allday for those 4 days. might be able to convince dad to go back up there if the fishing is normally like this 



bitten's picture

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think i might get up there

Sat, 2012-11-03 18:52

think i might get up there this time home over the christmas hols