Hotbite September Issue
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Mon, 2005-09-05 10:00
My first article for Hotbite was published this month about our recent trip to Exmouth. Theres not a hell of a lot of fishing covered in the piece, but it does give some basic tips and guides as to how to prepare and some of the things you should be thinking about for the trip. I'm sure most of you already know about it, but for those that don't, its a good read and has a couple of photos from the trip to get you excited about heading there. I will post a more detailed story and article here shortly once I finish the final fishing components. Any feedback is welcomed. Its page 14 by the way. ;)
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Adam Gallash
Posts: 15659
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Exmouth 2005
Here is the true Exmouth story, note the Tantabiddi 4wd saga.. Oh what a day, talk about being Exmouth newbies.. :()
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