How to clean sharks
On one of Russ' pages I was asked to provide a video on how to clean a shark, seeing as I haven't been out or look like gloing out to get one in the near future I penned a description on how to do it.
Many moon ago I put a thing on the site on how to clean them, not a video though I will try to catch one and get missus to record it when I clean it.
How to do it
Cut tail off.
Cut across the back of the head where you see the small crease above first joint in its spine taking care not to go through into the throat.
Roll it on its back and grab a front fin, cut from behind the fin following the gill cavity along to the head where you cut through the spine and the point under its chin. Do the same to other side of shark so that the chin cuts meet up
Remove both pelvic fins, cutting deep enough to remove the 2 small bone underneath
Cut from its vent up the belly to where the 2 chin cuts meet up.
Put one hand under its head and bend it towards it belly, if you have done your cuts properly it should come down and bring the throat and innards with it, Drag it down past the bottom of the belly cavity and cut it off.
That will have exposed the brown strip along the spine , this has to all come out.
Once this is removed wash it and make sure the small hole down the spine through to the tail is clear as blood can block it and go rotten.
Fingers crossed this will help those who have trouble cleaning them and dispel a few myths about cutting fins off and other bullshit. Cutting fins off only removes something to hold onto when you try to grab them
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18091
Date Joined: 11/03/08
Great description there
Great description there John. I spose when you see it done it will make it easier. Now you gotta get out there to get one.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Who ever holds the camera will need to be on the ball, best time I have done is just over a minute and a half to have all fins off, guts and brown strip out, spine out and hosed off ready to drop in the brine tank with a 20kg thick skin [sandbar whaler]
Used to show the deckies up as a reminder on who was best with a knife
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18091
Date Joined: 11/03/08
And you still have all your
And you still have all your fingers . Definitely have to have a realy sharp knife .
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Did years as a slaughterman when I was in early 20s, you soon learn how to sharpen and keep a knife sharp otherwise its bloody hard work and the others on the team let you know in no uncertain terms. When the knife would only just shave your arm it was time to swap to another sharp one, Half an hour before start time sharpening 7-8 knives, some new getting broken in and others at various stages of wearing out. Would buy a new knife about every 3 weeks depending on what part of the chain you were working on at the time
Had its good memories though, when you hear 30 slaughts and labourer singing Good Night Irene at the top of their voices while working hard is something you don't forget
On the boat, mainly victrinox or dexter russells knives
Posts: 335
Date Joined: 12/10/10
Some YouTube stuff
I had a look this morning on YouTube and thought some may find these helpful Al Mcglashan iFish
im going to look into targeting these as a long term option if the extended demersal bans being rumoured come into effect
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
That first vid is bang on.
That first vid is bang on.
Love the West!