I'm Resurfacing.
G'day all, yes I've been quiet for a bit and some of you probably know why. My brother in law was killed last Monday morning while doing the Black Dog Ride. A truck in front of him turned without indicating and my brother in law wasn't quick enough and collided. He was doing something he believed in, helping other people and the guy driving the truck made one bad choice, now the rest is history. Our last week has just been turned upside down, but life goes on. The Black dog ride finished the WA ride on Thursday where the whole group stopped in town where we met up and thanked them and some of Les's stuff was given back to his wife, my wife's sister. So why am I telling you all of this, well I guess it's all about making good choices, when driving, when working and when playing.
RIP Les.
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
Posts: 9513
Date Joined: 10/02/07
condolences Dale
all the best for you and your family
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
randall df223
Posts: 6454
Date Joined: 08/08/11
Our thoughts are with you
Our thoughts are with you Dale, and Les's family and friends. R.I.P.
Fish! HARD!
Justin M
Posts: 1207
Date Joined: 14/01/13
Sorry to hear that Dale.Just
Sorry to hear that Dale.
Just shows how fragile life can be and can come down to one decision
big john
Posts: 8768
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Certainly puts life in perspective, all the best to you and your family Dale.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
Posts: 326
Date Joined: 19/01/09
Sad news mate, never good to
Sad news mate, never good to hear of a good life taken too soon RIP mate...
Rob H
Posts: 5823
Date Joined: 18/01/12
Thats so sad Dale, what a
Thats so sad Dale, what a bummer.
Depending on the circumstances of course, its hard not to feel for the truck driver as well.
The effects are likely to be felt for a lifetime on both sides of what happened.
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
Posts: 2724
Date Joined: 29/11/06
Sorry for your loss Dale. Look left, look right, look bike.
The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.
Posts: 1086
Date Joined: 21/05/12
Sorry to hear m8.
Sorry to hear m8.
Posts: 597
Date Joined: 22/01/12
how precious is life. don't sweat the small stuff,
Anywhere anytime
Posts: 2321
Date Joined: 03/05/06
Condolences Dale and to your family. Looks like you have lots of support to help you all through this tough time.
Posts: 1490
Date Joined: 07/10/11
That sux Dale condolences to
That sux Dale condolences to all involved.
Call Sign - BZ785
Haynes Hunter Prowler CC
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Date Joined: 13/09/05
Thankyou everybody for your kind words and condolences.
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
Posts: 1758
Date Joined: 26/11/13
Sorry to hear m8.
Sorry to hear m8.