Inserting Pictures??
Submitted by alfred on Wed, 2008-07-09 19:09
I have a question, must the image I want to include in a post be first uploaded to the site or can I use a link from Photo Bucket or other pic hosting sites?
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
I got that by wrapping
I got that by wrapping this link;
with the bbcode (img) (/img) links. Make sure you use square brackets when you want it to actually work.
Posts: 406
Date Joined: 13/05/08
Howdy Alfred
To just put a photo into the galleries it can come straight from your folder(depending on size.see below). But for forums and alike you need to have them hosted!! Also the size of the file is important. Too big and the forum spreds too wide to read properly!! My photos I put through PAINT, select image/stretch-scew! Change the hor/ver (should be 100)to 20. Save as, if you don't want the smaller version in your files(put mine in a seperate file for forums). Save with host. Copy code for forums and paste to the forum (topic or comment).
Only been on the site for a couple of months or so and met some very helpfull people. So don't worry about asking them ANYTHING!!!!
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Date Joined: 01/12/07
Posting Photos
1) Basically, there are two ways of displaying photos on this (and most other) sites.
2) The two ways are uploading the photo to Adam's server, or uploading it to another server (in each case, read site).
3) In each case you need to use tags (html code) - tags/code to imbedd the image into your post.
4) You need to use [image] to start with and [/image] to finish with, wrapped around the URL (address) of where the photo is hosted. (This is pretty much a standard convention across the internet). You can control the display side by further enhancing the code using the syntax (convention) [image=wxh]url[/image], where:
w is the width, for example 640
h is the height
x is a literal
5) I find the easiest way, is to use a remote site that hosts your images and then copy the web address (URL) of the image.
6) The easiest (and best IMO) is Photobucket, because it allows you to copy both the URL(web address) and tags(html) - you can see that in photobucket - you want to be copying the direct link facility.
7) Anyone that wants help with this, PM me and I'll sent you my phone number and I'll walk you through it.
Hope that makes sense, I've had a few wines and may not be as articulate, lucid and erradite as I am normally.
Colin Molloy
(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!
Posts: 3097
Date Joined: 12/01/07
Ok thanks folks, will give
Ok thanks folks, will give it a go on the members gallery page.
1985 Boston Whaler Outrage 18 Johnson 140hp 4stroke
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
I find imageshack is pretty
I find imageshack is pretty easy to use. Has an option to resize to various sizes, and gives you forum code, direct linking, etc. Option to paste a URL so your not using th original websites bandwidth. Also gives you the option to post clickable thumbnails.
To direct post an image, then you just past the url between som [IMG ] [/IMG ] tags (without the spaces).
Always interested in someone to go fishing with
Posts: 3097
Date Joined: 12/01/07
Thanks folks, have managed
Thanks folks, have managed to do it!
1985 Boston Whaler Outrage 18 Johnson 140hp 4stroke