Inspection before buying..

 Can anyone recomend someone to inspect a boat and motor before you buy?


i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers

z00m's picture

Posts: 1086

Date Joined: 10/05/14


Sun, 2016-02-28 08:50

Get a separate mechanical inspection on the motor from whichever dealer has the specialties that way you can get the printout from the ECU (assuming it is more late model). If an older model you still want a compression test and to know if there are things to look out for and if there's any water in the leg oil etc. For the hull etc you need a shipwright to get a decent inspection. Keep in mind none of these are a warranty of any sort.

You can do your own basic inspection of the hull to ensure all systems/lighting/plumbing are working and a visual inspection for cracks/damage/softness etc. Open every inspection panel and hatch and have a good look around.

epic restos and marine's picture

Posts: 226

Date Joined: 22/06/15

 if sor give me a buzz

Sun, 2016-02-28 10:08

 if sor give me a buzz


Posts: 212

Date Joined: 30/12/08

What is ECU

Sun, 2016-02-28 12:06

 Sorry to drop in on your thread 

I am also in the market for a boat  35k - 45k 

what's an ECU and what kind of info can it report on


Krusty's picture

Posts: 714

Date Joined: 27/11/15

 The ECU is the brains of the

Sun, 2016-02-28 12:17

 The ECU is the brains of the motor.

It's the computer that runs the electrics and stores faults and running perameters.

Electronic Control Unit. 



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