I've got the Blues
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Sun, 2012-03-04 20:17
Well, photos can tell the story, I'm cactus, been a big weekend, billying yesterday and diving today (plus a troll). Add to the mix one missed striped marlin and one small black today, but overall, pretty happy with this weekend!
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Date Joined: 21/02/08
Phoar! That is one red hot
Phoar! That is one red hot day!
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Just to clarify, blue yesterday - blues today. :)
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Date Joined: 25/12/08
Mate that is frickin awesome.
Mate that is frickin awesome. Well done, what a fish. When you have recovered would love to read a more detailed report.
The Older I get the better I was :-)
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Date Joined: 03/11/08
great fish Adam!
great fish Adam!
Posts: 1843
Date Joined: 13/11/06
Good stuff, still livin the
Good stuff, still livin the dream
Bring on April
Posts: 3040
Date Joined: 10/05/10
fricken awesome
well done great feed of blues there
i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers
Posts: 778
Date Joined: 03/09/09
Ok i`m jealous nice effort
Ok i`m jealous
nice effort today and love the bill pics . . .
PMY 25 Centre Console DF300 Suzuki
Posts: 3145
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Just plain nuts
Just plain nuts
Posts: 408
Date Joined: 23/11/09
today was aweseome. Calm seas, clear water.
Went out to Peak Is. visibility to the bottom in 15mt of water and crystal. Went for a dive, vis was about 10 mt, havent seen it like that for a while !
Ended up with one stonker of a mackeral, 2 trout, 1 red and a few great size spanglies.
Didnt have any canapase though. missed out !!
Posts: 778
Date Joined: 03/09/09
Peak definately was good
Peak definately was good today, had a snoop there ourselves. Only one bluebone though.I wouldnt have hit the dunny door today with a shotgun if I was sitting on it . Saw a heap of good fish though.
PMY 25 Centre Console DF300 Suzuki
Posts: 408
Date Joined: 23/11/09
I think that was you marble
On my way out this morning from the marina. You heading north and creeping up on me. Me cutting accross your bow ??
Posts: 778
Date Joined: 03/09/09
Nah not us, left fron
Nah not us, left fron Bundegi yesterday.
PMY 25 Centre Console DF300 Suzuki
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
That you that went past this morning muppet, chikawawa?
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Can someone ban Adam from the
Can someone ban Adam from the site please?
That is one hot couple of days! Nice.
Wes F
Posts: 1068
Date Joined: 07/01/12
Gotta love those days out on
Gotta love those days out on the blue briney Flat as a tack and clear as a bell and a few fish ta boot top stuff
Old fishermen never die they just smell that way.
Posts: 1011
Date Joined: 03/07/07
Nice work mate
you rock , see ya in a couple of days ....
Just one more cast , honest !!!
Posts: 1659
Date Joined: 27/01/09
Just the picnic on the beach is heaven for some but throw in a marlin or two and an eski full of bluebone and theres no doubt its been a farking awesome weekend!!!
Can I ask what lure the blue took? Or is that taboo in gamefishing?
"Its a life style job"
Posts: 2091
Date Joined: 06/07/10
man that is seriously
man that is seriously awesome. respect
When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:
n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or
n-1 (where n is the number of fishing rods which would cause your significant other to dump you.
Posts: 1921
Date Joined: 09/05/07
great fish there Ads finaly got the big blue mate
good looking blues there as well ,no trout tho ??
Posts: 2724
Date Joined: 29/11/06
Very Nice
Top work Adam. A day to remember. Great marlin pics.
The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.
Posts: 1132
Date Joined: 22/10/09
Nice work Adam. Looks like
Nice work Adam. Looks like the perfect weekend.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18101
Date Joined: 11/03/08
gotta say i am jealous.
gotta say i am jealous. looks like your going to need a few days rest after that lot and your arms must be just a bit longer now after tackling the marlin. great effort .
nice feed of blues there as well. gotta be stoked with the effort.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 611
Date Joined: 14/11/11
Thats dam right awesome! So
Thats dam right awesome! So jealous. WTF am I doing here???!!!!
kill it??? eat it!!!!
Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
Crackin fishing
by all accounts. Love the knowing smile tinged with a bit of pain in the first pic.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
Posts: 501
Date Joined: 28/08/06
Nice blue there Ad's. Looks
Nice blue there Ad's. Looks like she was putting some hurt on ya. Good work bud.
If the lord did not mean for us to eat fish and game, he wouldn't have made them outta meat
The speed of light is faster than the speed of sound. That's why so many people appear bright...until they speak.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
story goes
Better add some more to this. Went out Thursday and hooked two striped marlin almost at the same time, both around the 70kg mark if not more, both hooked up but the first didn't stay connected after 20 seconds and the other one we had on for 15-20 minutes before the hook pulled.
Had some serious decisions to make Saturday, do I go over the islands and go spearing or go marlin fishing with Tim who didn't have a deckie for the day. Decided to go even the score out wide with Timbo and that we did! Around 10:30 we hadn't seen a fish and were heading north, Tim said take the wheel, we need to change something up to see if we could get some luck. Anyway, I picked up the speed an extra knot and headed the opposite direction back over a ledge in 450m, about 10 minutes in a solid stripey came up on the short corner and had a good chew on the big brekky - unfortunately not hooking up. Luckily he hadn't had enough of the hook and switched to the left rigger (lumo williamson 11 inch, not sure exactly what type of lure) and sat there all fired up with his dorsal out of the water finning, waiting to eat it. (would have been a perfect switch target if we had some bait) Anyway, took no more than 30 seconds for him to eat up, staying connected for about 40 seconds before the hooks pulled.
Trolling the same area we had finally had some adreno to keep the eyes alerted. I went back to the deckies chair and waited patiently, my rotation on strike finished up, Tim had his with no love and then I was back on strike (half hour rotations) About 10 minutes into my time and around lunch, the left lumo rigger loaded up and snapped out, a hidden take as there was no action on the surface to indicate what it was. By the time we had the spread cleared a solid bill started greyhounding the surface for what seemed like a good 5 minutes, taking a shizenload of line and keeping Tim on his toes with the positioning the boat. Once done on the surface he decided to go deep and fight it out, the next hour was spend winning and loosing line with some serious nervousness on my part knowing that in all likelihood it was a solid blue. All I can say is that by the end of it I was in some serious hurt, not completely from the fish, but the 38 degree's and no wind and furious pump and wind when the line was ready to come back. (I give serious koudos to those fighting the 400lb'ers + in those conditions) Anyway, once close to the boat he really made an effort not to come in easily, just putting enough on to keep away from the leader and swimming either side of the boat, finally we managed to get him and control long enough for a few pics. I was too cactus to hold/swim him so got Tim to do it, within a few minutes he was having a good chew on Tim's hand and was ready to go and away he went. Stoked.
Tried for another few hours to get Tim onto something with no luck. Was a pretty good day considering Eddie from Peak didn't turn a reel in 12 hours and quite a few other well known game boats didn't see a fish all day. The pelagics seem to be very sporadic out there at the moment and there are going to be some long hours put in between fish (we put in 15 hours before our first stripey hit and Josh from Onstrike hadn't seen a fish for 2 days when we hit those) There are quite a few rat blacks around inclose, but the bigger fish out wide are pretty hit and miss. Coming back from the Murions on Sunday we raised a little black in 40m, but didn't stay connected.
Bloody good weekend though. Here's the action from Monday of the long weekend:
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Date Joined: 14/11/11
ok ok enough adam! Enough!!!
ok ok enough adam! Enough!!! Cant take it no more. How the real estate up there?
kill it??? eat it!!!!