Thailand, Hung over, Scoota accident, Tattoo's.

Im going to keep this report as short as possible so here goes.

Just got back from Phuket Patong Beach, trip was originally 5 days but stayed for 10.

I actually went to get some tattoo's but after speaking with the guys realised a couple of them where mad keen fisherman, one of the guys showing me pics of snake head he'd been catching in little lakes/ponds dotted around the place (i really want to catch one of these next time, kept waking up about 2pm and he was telling me mornings were best). Next stop tackle shop, I was a bit disappointed with the gear there although he did stock some ok stuff like a couple of stella's and twin powers, a few accurate reels ect ect. I bought a little penn battle 3000, matched it to lemax slim max 8-20lb 7ft 2 piece rod and some 12lb line, a heap of lures sinkers hooks ect were also purchased, all up about $230 oz so no biggy. Next night we went for a fish at a local jetty after i spent 6 hours sitting in a chair getting tatt's done, nothing caught but was still fun. A couple days passed and another 6 hours in the chair and one scoota accident and 2 hours sleep we were off for a fish around some islands, the boys (my taxi driver and one of the artists from the shop offered to chip in but again for less than $100 au was my shout). I was extremely hung ova and cuts on knees elbow feet ect but enjoyed it nonetheless, the skipper cleaned up using a handline catching things that i would describe as spanish flag/stripeys from up north tiny coral trout/cod things that looked like small nannagai but striped, plenty of small nw snapper type species and a couple respectable size trigger fish. After a long day we pulled into a bay where they proceded to catch 4 squid in quick succession, and i got a big surface hit from something on a squid jig, one of the boys was saying they get quite a few small GT around the area but the water was a bit warm at the time. Most of these small fish were kept (i have no problem with this they eat em and love it) and were taken to a local resturaunt where the boys paid the cooks to make em up in soups and fried whole, chilli squid and a few other dishes, the guy doing tattoo's absalutely loved it, he's the guy in the last pic. Btw i caught a few fish but had my ass handed to me by the taxi driver and skipper using handlines, massive current light rods with mono and light sinkers just didnt cut it. Also my tatt artist mate snapped one of his rods, poor bloke he looked devastated, couldnt even laugh like i would at one of my own mates.

Hope you enjoy the report, next time im going to do an overnighter and maybe offshore for some jigging as they catch reasonable GTs, Amberjack and things that look like massive mangrove jacks/cubera snapper, Also want to hit the ponds for a giant mekong catfish and even maybe organise a trip with bbkguy for a giant snakehead (toman).






Here we go again.

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Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18101

Date Joined: 11/03/08

  sounds like an eventful

Mon, 2012-03-05 06:43

  sounds like an eventful trip for you. looks and sounds like you had a blast over there. 


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

Date Joined: 04/08/09

Nice pics, didn't ruin ya ink

Mon, 2012-03-05 11:18

Nice pics, didn't ruin ya ink work in the crash I hope! Be good to see some pics of the art?

Righteo's picture

Posts: 404

Date Joined: 23/12/11

Excuse the quality of pics

Mon, 2012-03-05 21:13

Excuse the quality of pics just snapped a few off.

Start of a sleeve with designs from H.R. Giger.

Will be going back in a few months for a weekend to get some more done.

Some random stuff.


Here we go again.

Wes F's picture

Posts: 1068

Date Joined: 07/01/12

They're some pretty keen

Mon, 2012-03-05 11:21

They're some pretty keen fisho's over there is this mainly to feed the family or for a hobby. Would be great to catch some of those "different" fish.

Booze, Tatt's & Fishing = Good times


 Old fishermen never die they just smell that way.

Posts: 356

Date Joined: 13/10/10

 Do like the Giger tats,

Mon, 2012-03-05 21:32

 Do like the Giger tats, always been a fan of his art work, wife says no though, reckons it will scare the children!