Kimberley gets heritage listing, but not for $30b gas hub site
Submitted by Mitch300491 on Wed, 2011-08-31 12:17
Does this annoy the hell out of everyone else?? Can no one else see the horrible effects this will cause? ... first is was nigaloo reef now this...
tailor marc
Posts: 2979
Date Joined: 27/09/06
Massive $$$$ speaks . Bet a
Massive $$$$ speaks . Bet a few hands were greased to get this sorted. Should protect the lot. Greedy pricks
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vacent land does not buy
vacent land does not buy roads, hospitals, police officers, nurses and doctors, schools, teachers etc.
100 odd hectares out of how many million, the site chosen out of 43 was going to have the least impact to cultural and environmentally important areas. Man i am sick of the whinging over this gas hub, no one gave a shit or protested for months on end when rock art was moved from the Pluto site, nothing but low lying scrub and red dirt at james price point. We lost one of the best beaches accessible by car to the Pluto plant but that little bit of beach isn't getting me the stuff listed above.
No one care about all the land out in the Pilbara that mining companies are digging up and drilling looking for the next motherload of dirt, a open cut mine is bigger than a gas plant, requires rail and port facilities. no one seems to mind about FMG and the Soloman project.
Give a little and take a little, to me i'm rapt that the coastline up there is being protected and some of the inland parts too, i can't wait to head up there and see the kimberley properly, no little gas plant will stop that.
Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target
Posts: 301
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here here, good to see some
here here,
good to see some people understand that someone or something has to pay for our ability to live in Australia. Maybe we should stop everything, try to turn all the land back to nature and then see how much people whine when they have to hunt their for their food and cant live the slushie life paid for by the "poluters ruining the world".
Im getting so sick of the hypocracy that is so so so prevelant in todays society here. This government and all the tree hugging half whits that oppose progress seem to be in a rose coloured world thinking that they can live without the ability to somehow MAKE MONEY. WAKE UP....the rest of the world isnt going to give you cash unless you can give them something in return (it is still a barter system last I looked).
Posts: 403
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room for both
it has to be done there are plenty more trees out there to hug get with the times and progress forward or die
Posts: 362
Date Joined: 23/06/09
Absolute Tragedy!
if you actually know that peninsula and spend time and explore out there you will also know what a scar the gas plant will leave and how it will forever change the feel of that pristine environment.
Cant believe the entire peninsula (one of the jewels of the Kimberley) including James Price Point is not included in the heritage area. Total disgrace!
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
I agree with Brucesta. When
I agree with Brucesta. When is there a stink ever kicked up about the big iron ore companys. A small price to pay fo progress. Remember people you are probably indirectly benefitting from this project with employment or tax income to the government.
Love the West!
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I dont agree with any
I dont agree with any natural gas drilling. There is nothing good that comes from this sort of stuff other then dollars in the governments pockets. How can people be so ignorant. This is exactly like the nigaloo reef situation. Make it a heritage to make people happy then laugh in there face and create these problems.
@strike_zone - Move forward or die? The only thing this will lead to is our own demise. Why does man contantly think there so much better then all life forms on this earth. The ability to type and speak means little to nothing in these situations. Look up "fracing", properly research it, maybe even watch gasland. Then come back to me.
This isnt a small price to pay, no one bothers to thing about the long run. Always thinking short-term effects. The only reason they ever do these things is for $$$$, and it seems to control everyone.
Creating jobs? yes, but are you meaning to tell me that there is little to no jobs for people???... right.
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Hey Mitch you need to
Hey Mitch you need to understand that if we don't exploit these resources someone else will ( The Chinese are like a pack of drooling hounds looking at Aus) so better in our control. I don't understand when you say dollars in the governments pockets??? That actually means money for all the people indirectly. Energy is probably the most valuble resource next to food and water and I'm sure the enviromental conditions are quite strict.
Love the West!
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Date Joined: 21/03/11
Unfortunately i agree with
Unfortunately i agree with the whole chinese thing, but we shouldnt be exploiting these resources. There are other solutions... but the government chooses the cheapest nastiest option. Anyone who thinks the government is here to help us is wrong, there quite happy living there rich lives, while showing us bs on the news about actors and entertainment. To try bore people and turn them off from the important things that matter.
Yes, people will get money from it, but at what cost?
If the environmental conditions are so strict then why are we consuming and destroying the earth?
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Gas is actually one of the
Gas is actually one of the cleanest energy sources around.You need to think of just about everything you use matey as it's all energy derived. Even those stinking ferals that protest use mod cons that are energy consuming. Gonna tell me they all rode out there on their pushbikes?? Destroying the earth? It's already done. Might as well enjoy what you've got cause you won't change it.
Love the West!
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Date Joined: 21/03/11
Its the envirnomental damage
Its the envirnomental damage it causes during the process. Why are people who have actually researched into this, and want to keep the world alive "stinking ferals"?, funny how your doing the name calling. So.. the earth is ****ed so we better well just destroy it?... thats a terrible way of looking at it and being selfish. What about your children, or other peoples future generations.. is it fair to them to be like that?. How about, "we have learnt our lesson, but instead of continuing to ignore the facts we can change the way we live and turn it around".
thats exactly why things wont change, cause everyone things like that. Your only one person, but when you put us all together you can make a change.
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Did I say destroy it? The
Did I say destroy it? The ferals are now scientists? That's all I see protesting out there. And make a change for what Mitch? I reckon nuclear is the way to go very clean hardly any emissions why don't the tree huggers back that? Come on mate what's the alternative? you seem full of energy on this. What I'm saying is it's a done deal you aint gonna change nothing. Stop the gas stop the country. Remember Varanus Island? it nearly paralised the state.Your young and I admire your enthusiasim but you need to take a reality check.
Love the West!
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Date Joined: 20/12/09
I hope you dont drive a car,
I hope you dont drive a car, use mains power, mains water, do anything on the roads take any type of money from the government....if you do any of these or a myriad of other things then your view on the government and my guess would be your view on life in general is bs. Fact is you are as much to blame for everything australia does as the next person. Your way and standard of living are the reason these things happen. I for one wont give up mine and honestly if you say you will I call BS. If you really think it is that bad get off the computer and go live in the bush.
Posts: 375
Date Joined: 11/09/05
Tree house
I would love too live in a tree house buts its not practical
I would love to walk around and not own a car but how would I get the boat to the water?
I bet all the protesters have all the mod cons of everyday life ,How did we make these?
We live in a consuming lifestyle . look at the trouble we have when the power go's out.
Face it people we stop development we all suffer as the reserves run out. We have no choice but to chase resouces as the alternative is mighty bleak.
There are two types of people ,do'ers and watchers
Right now the do'ers are the doing it
And the watchers are watching us do it
Posts: 166
Date Joined: 21/03/11
Believe it or not but there
Believe it or not but there is also alternative solutions to not using fuel in your car, watch "who killed the electric car".
We have a vast knowledge at our disposal but instead choose to not look into this stuff and do our own research.
Yes, i drive around in a car etc. But as you have mentioned there is no other practical way. Until people start fighting for better solutions were all gonna destroy ourselves. Its just a slow extinction.
Posts: 581
Date Joined: 30/12/06
Hi Ya,Ha ha ha ha, where do
Hi Ya,
Ha ha ha ha, where do you think the power for electric cars comes from?
So what is the viable alternative?
Shane O
Posts: 926
Date Joined: 22/01/10
Hard work
You have no idea What you are talking about mitch, it is bloody hard Work up north. Next time you have a shower or turn on your gas oven ect stop and think where it came from. Also when you use your boat to go fishing have fun while some of us are working our butt off...
Posts: 166
Date Joined: 21/03/11
No idea what im talking
No idea what im talking about, but then dont refer to anything that i mentioned??? right.
I dont believe i mentioned its not hard work up there? or that its fair. Its not fair, no one should be up there. But people who work there "choose" to and its mostly for the "money". I do know where it comes from, and i dont like it.
+ i never mentioned i have a boat.... and i work full time unpacking containers, loading trucks, heavy lifting etc. I do my fair share of hard working thanks, and like everyone else most of us end up with nothing to show with it, cause everything costs so damn much in this "perfect modern world"
Posts: 2692
Date Joined: 05/09/08
Bullshit Mitch get down from your tree mate
I just spent 10 mins preparing a response to your previous post only to bear the frustration of a browser crash. I can't afford the time and energy to re-do it. Needless to say I have much to comment on with respect to your rather self-opinionated tree-hugging views. So you work in logistics? OK so what are the environmental impacts of that? Should we shut the nation down and put you out of a job too because the environmental impacts of logistics both at sea and on land are such that the tree huggers don't like it? Not to mention the cost to the nation when you screw up and fuck up your back because you were too busy trying to impress someone.
Little known to you Mitch these companies invest massive amounts into assessing environmental aspect and impacts according to ISO models before they can even consider making applications to proceed in applying for development approvals. Like anything else in this finite world we live in decisions need to be made taking into considerations a balance of sustainabilty and common sense.
We live in a land of prosperity and opportunity and we must preserve that priveledge otherwise someone else will come in here and take over. You think oil is the only thing worth fighting for? Given that statement though the onus is on us to ensure that we proceed in a way that is sustainable. Just listing areas at will to stop any progress at all is just narrow minded bullshit IMO.
OK. I am done now... Phewwwww.
Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.
Shane O
Posts: 926
Date Joined: 22/01/10
Not money lifestyle
Funny good to get a bite, it is not mostly for the money. It is for the lifestyle for "the people who work there".
Maybe you should try it some day...
Posts: 166
Date Joined: 21/03/11
Are you saying you would work
Are you saying you would work up there for the "lifestyle".... ahh yes i think i might go work my ass off up north cause its the lifestyle i want... *cough* for the money when i get home...
Posts: 375
Date Joined: 11/09/05
Cost of living
I was born in the northwest so living has come natural to me.Living in Karratha I can tell you that the gas plant is not such a eyesore compared to the iron ore.Also if you travelled to some of our remote towns such as Gove or Groote you will see refinereys and processing plants on the beach and they are a eyesore but its the cost of development that has been accepted.In Australia we have huge distances to travel to get anywhere and unforunately we need a practical fuel sorce. Where would I recharge my electric car on the 1600klm trip to Perth.I agree we need new energy sources but until they are developed we cant just turn everything off and wait.
There are two types of people ,do'ers and watchers
Right now the do'ers are the doing it
And the watchers are watching us do it
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i've been to James Price
i've been to James Price Point and there isn't much there, the beaches to the south and Quandong point are much nicer, 60kms is beyond the horizon, you won't see shit unless you go looking for it, you'd struggle to see it from Willie or Barred Creek. Cape Leveque should have been added but thats covered by stringent traditional owners lands rights, just like the land to the south near Bidjidanga. Hands up who has gas hooked into their home for heating, cooking or works in a industry that NEEDS natural gas for their livelyhood, without this gas would you CHOOSE to move away from Perth due to cold winters or would you burn shitloads of wood destroying more natural habitat than a gas hub, remember this is a hub, ALL future development is in the one spot, not spread around the land. Gas plants are sprining up all over the pilbara without a hub precint. Barrow island anyone? stop being hypocrites and let it be, if you don't want gas in the Kimberley then start making noise about everything else. papers are signed, move on and put your picket lines elsewhere.
frankly i'm sick of hearing about it, no gas and this nation dies or goes further into the stoneage polluting the atmosphere more burning coal, how about we put a wind turbine at the end of your street, thats green and you'd have to be happy about that. who wants to chat about oil and gas off Exmouth again.....
Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target
Posts: 166
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Im not on any tree, its my
Im not on any tree, its my opinion. I know there are other options to better the environment. Ive done the research, ive looked into this stuff. To everyone it looks like there are no other options, and thats what the government wants you to think.
Im also done now. Theres no point arguing if no one wants to listen. All i can say is, research into this stuff, make up your own mind from your own work and studies. Dont just blindly follow articles on the news or on tv. Theres are lots of lies out there, dont be suckered into it. I understand, no one wants to listen to a 20 year old, everyone thinks im just some tree hugger, who knows nothing. But i would prefer to be a "tree hugger" based of facts and knowledge ive learnt, then to blindly follow the media and the governments word and to name call people and swear and attack others.
Im done.
Posts: 375
Date Joined: 11/09/05
No worries Mitch
I dont try to take anybody down in a internet debate.Keep passionate and keep your chin up .Its a topic that has split the nation and wont be solved here
There are two types of people ,do'ers and watchers
Right now the do'ers are the doing it
And the watchers are watching us do it
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Again Mitch.. It comes down to common sense
And before i go on I commend your general attitude toward the environment. As you move up the ladder things will make more sense and you will be challenged with making decisions which may well challenge your own personal resolve and feelings. Those experiences will become valuable to you and I am sure you can make a difference and not just sit there with an opinion. Personally I am a qualified ISO 14001 internal auditor and belive me, the process of assessing aspect and impacts of anything can be really challenging and mostly, rewarding. If you think I don't care about the environment then you are very much wrong. Again; it comes down to common sense and the need to preserve our right to a quality life in the longer term.
Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.
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I agree, it does come down
I agree, it does come down to common sense. I just hope theres enough of us to realise the issue at hand, because there wont be a long term at this rate. But thats just my opinion... whether people care or not.
Thanks Solly, i agree.
Posts: 403
Date Joined: 09/09/10
you better not breathe you are emmitting deadly carbon dioxide and dont drink any water it is a natural resource and definatly dont catch any fish god forbid you will be raping and pillaging just sit there and dont move
Howard George
Posts: 544
Date Joined: 10/03/11
World Financial Crisis.
The minerals in the North of this state are propping up the whole of Australia's economy at the moment and if not for mining we might well be struggling like other western countries with the WFC. Mass unemployment and huge debt that the country can't manage is not an option for a lot of Australians and untill something else generates enough income so that mining can be phased out, a lot of that area just has to be earmarked for future development and for future generations in Aust. to live off. We certainly can't rely on manufacturing to provide jobs nor primary production and it's all very cute to lock up vast areas as no take zones but unfortunatly that wont put food on the table nor support our ever increasing population.
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
It's scary to to think of the
It's scary to to think of the manufacturing industry and how many companies are shifting to China (like all of them) I was talking to my welding rep the other day about how I would only buy Lincoln machines as they are locally made are easy to get parts for 'Wrong' shifted to China last year. This really pisses me off that there is no local content in a lot of products anymore and quality goes down the shitter. The government sits on it's arse with real economic issues like these instead of dangling carrots for manufacturing companies.It's just tax tax tax the hell out them and bleed them dry. Carbon tax WTF and before you say anything Mitch this has been debated highly on here and if you think countries like China or India would follow our lead as the PM suggests they might do think again. Sorry guys end of rant....I really need to go fishing.
Love the West!
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there is currently
only one model of lincoln that is made in china ,they shut the sydney plant last year because of production costs and now most is made in the US and I can tell u now the ones out of china are a piece of shit
Posts: 15049
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Sounds like your in the game
Sounds like your in the game Scott? What's your connection?
Love the West!
Posts: 166
Date Joined: 21/03/11
I dont agree with the Carbon
I dont agree with the Carbon Tax... its just a scam.
tailor marc
Posts: 2979
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the truth is coming
the truth is coming out...
My photography pictures...
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the other part they don't
the other part they don't show is that the Federal Government with it's use it or lose it push was to get Browse off the ground, Shell was busy with the FLNG project Prelude and wanted to spend money there, BHP was concetrating on Iron Ore Expasion and Chevron was up to its eyeballs paying for Gorgon and Wheatstone. If they didn't agree to make this field which has been around since the 70s into a production plant then everyone lost out. Woodside offered to buy their share of the project off them but they didn't want to lose out on so much revenue it seems.
Moving it down here, never gonna happen. No space at KGP to construct 3 more trains and associated infrastructure. Pluto was taking the available space where they could use and there was no way Woodside was going to pipe Browse gas through a plant it wanted for it's own benefit, bit them in the arse that has as they can't find more gas to even get a second train now. Money and Royalties talk, the state government isn't getting much out of it it's Canberra that does.
The Australian government and Martin Ferguson have won out here. They got Browse, Cheron is still going ahead with Gorgon and now Wheatstone, BHP sees dollar signs through Iron ore and are waiting to jump on Woodside if they see the chance and Shell is still going ahead with FLNG with Prelude and sweetened even further with negotiations back on with Timor Leste to get FLNG for Sunrise.
Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target
Tony Halliday
Posts: 2500
Date Joined: 14/06/07
not getting inot this bun
not getting inot this bun fight boys & girls
, but the listing of an entire region with such a large blanket cover is a major blow to many industries from tourism to mining to gas to farming. Even just getting water out of the region now in future down south will be hugely complicated. Logic says list specific areas that are unique, not a blanket option to lock out all.
another dumb Labor move in a policy set up to "lock-up and leave it " without thinking of future needs.
Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~
It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it
"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)
"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)
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Date Joined: 05/09/08
You just got into it!!!!!
Cutting and running with a heavily biased politcal sling is about the same as you are intimating with the Labour party Tony. That is kind of hypocritical don't you think? Anyway, we get used to your rather unbalanced opionions/rants
Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.
Tony Halliday
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Date Joined: 14/06/07
not my views, but here is some one else who should know what ecco tourism is worth and how heritage listing can kill that even!!!
ps not taking your bait mate...
and tell me why it's not a dumb move to blanket list and I may come into the debate if the case is strong enough to warrant blanket " lock up & leave it" listings.???
pps give me a good Labor policy decession in the last 36months with the Ginga Ninja leading her merry men? Just one, and I'll come back and play ball with you...
Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~
It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it
"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)
"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)
Posts: 301
Date Joined: 20/12/09
:):):):):):)We can agree on
We can agree on more then one thing. Though I would dare to say my way of dealing with Australia's current political issues would be somewhat more terminal then most peoples...
I hate that ranger b**** to death :)
Tony Halliday
Posts: 2500
Date Joined: 14/06/07
what !! agreeing with me on
what !!
agreeing with me on more than one topic can be fatal for your social standing around 
Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~
It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it
"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)
"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)
Posts: 581
Date Joined: 30/12/06
Hi Ya,100% behind you on
Hi Ya,
100% behind you on that one. I'm not a Labor supporter at all, but much preferred Krudd. At least he made sense sometimes.
Ranga is a backstabbing, whining female dog.
Posts: 1721
Date Joined: 29/05/09
i hear the crickets now
i hear the crickets now Tony.....
Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target
Tony Halliday
Posts: 2500
Date Joined: 14/06/07
if I wait any longer it will
if I wait any longer it will be night cricket and crickets calling as well!
by the way, if anyone in the mining gas game here knows this answer don't tell.
But for those of you that are not in the game; What do you think it costs to get a basic EPA study done in Ozz, that includes marine and land survey, analysis and LIDAR study, heritage and cultural study etc before you even get into designing the final stages of a plant? ( I know as we doing several and the costs would shock people!) ps answer can be got googling some of the ongoing projects.
ps a WA without gas and mining would be the same as living in Alice Springs and looking for work! just a whole state like that!!!!
Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~
It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it
"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)
"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)
Posts: 1721
Date Joined: 29/05/09
so we'd be a place full of
so we'd be a place full of lesbians? just something i heard about Alice Springs....
Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target
Tony Halliday
Posts: 2500
Date Joined: 14/06/07
2million C*cks on a Rock in
2million C*cks on a Rock in Frocks, just what Australia needs from WA
Diamond industry has shat itself big time over this issue of the listing and thier ability to mine gem stones, same goes for Pearl farms and other preciouse stones. Whats more basic prospecting the old Aussie way of a shovel, pan and metal detector, as done my how many as a hobby and right of passage with your kid would be outlawed in the Heritage Listed zones, as to just dig out one shovel of dirt implies mining and your prospectors permit will not cover the traditional walking of crown land rights.
Culling of Roo's in seasons of drought, ferel camel issues and brumbies become a nightmare. ( ask the poor buggers managing the Kakadu Park!!! about buffalo and horse problems
if you want a dunny now at a camp site in those areas, you going to need a million dollar EPA approval!!
Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~
It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it
"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)
"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)
Posts: 2692
Date Joined: 05/09/08
Only took one bait to get you going didn't it Tony. Fuck the links you post. Do you have an opinon of your own to offer this thread? You said you didn't want to butt in here but already you have hijacked a thread again.
Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.
Tony Halliday
Posts: 2500
Date Joined: 14/06/07
ok bye, no need for my input
ok bye, no need for my input
you can see my views and in the last post.
Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~
It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it
"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)
"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)
Busted Arse
Posts: 253
Date Joined: 02/07/10
Well I am glad Browse got
Well I am glad Browse got knocked on the head at JPP for now.