King George sound

hi everyone, after an awesome trip down at Yeagerup beach catching lots of flathead, bream, tailor and salmon (no report unless people want one because not many pics) mum and dad surprised me, saying they had booked a trip to Albany near the end of the holidays. I won't be doing too much fishing because my parents want to have a look around and after a week of fishing non-stop, they reckon that I can fish in Albany but they want to have a look around aswell.

anyway my mum says (like usual) that she wants a feed of fish and after all the fish we took back from Yeagerup, she is thinking that she wants more fish. So this means that I have also set myself a challange, to catch a King George Whiting in the King George Sound. I just want a reliable spot that I could hopefully come home with a few fish, nothing that needs a 4x4 (I have never been so don't know is some parts of the sound is 4x4 only).

so if anyone has a suggestion, please say. I also want to know a good rig? Is something like a paternoster rig with whitebait gangs and whitebait good? Also is a star sinker good? I know I have asked lots and lots of questions but I only have 1 more. How far should I cast? I am not the best at casting but I can get just below an average cast of an experienced beach fisherman when I'm at my best.



Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

fishcrazy's picture

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kg kg sound

Mon, 2015-01-05 04:43

hey mate i think its called griffiths rd on the way to emu point is the spot for kg cheers craig

lachieH's picture

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 That's awesome, I'm staying

Mon, 2015-01-05 10:18

 That's awesome, I'm staying on middleton beach so I can just go there whenever. Are King george whiting like catching normal whiting? Like you cast out on sandy flats and when they come on the bite you can end up getting lots?


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

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 go on the cliffs, catch a

Mon, 2015-01-05 15:33

 go on the cliffs, catch a salmon, cut in in half and slide bait it for a bronzie, go down to the lower stones and catch a few bonito, send it out live on a ballon around the rocks and catch ur self a sambo. Make sure u lock ur drag since they will bust u off pretty quike, also go with some locals and catch some blue groper. instead of going out to catch kgs u can just catch a land based snapper or dhu fish so good luck.

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Mon, 2015-01-05 21:50



Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

Hutch's picture

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  For KG's look for patchy

Mon, 2015-01-05 21:51



For KG's look for patchy weed/gravel/sand patches and maybe burley up a bit. In the past I have caught KG's on mulie cubes (but nothing beats fresh squid) with either a paternoster or running sinker rig depending on terrain.

If fishing off rocks you don't need to cast far, just assess which areas look the best and concentrate on getting your bait in the hotspot but don't be afraid to cast around a bit.

Good luck, the fishing is mint down there if you have a reasonable idea 

lachieH's picture

Posts: 1126

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 Thanks hutch

Mon, 2015-01-05 22:29

 Thanks hutch


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

Posts: 16

Date Joined: 01/01/70

 also reel quike before a

Mon, 2015-01-05 22:31

 also reel quike before a salmon or sambo eats it.

Diesel80's picture

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you mean like this?

Tue, 2015-01-06 08:53

Sambos are mainly caught when specifically targeted, and baits of sufficient interest are used to tempt them.

Accidents do happen, but I am sure 99.9% of the time, having a flick for some whiting will not result in a Sambo, or one pinching your feed. You "should" be right lauchie... but...




Member of the Offshore Angling Club of WA

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 yes like that, .....but why

Tue, 2015-01-06 09:33

 yes like that, .....but why would u go to albany just for kgs when u can get like what i've mentiond, good luck and are u gonna bring a heavy rod?

Diesel80's picture

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fair call KF

Tue, 2015-01-06 10:07

Each to their own though.

If I was catching to eat, pretty tough to beat a haul of KGW.

Either way Lauchie, good luck mate.





Member of the Offshore Angling Club of WA

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Tue, 2015-01-06 10:10

I would go 'all the way' to Albany for a feed of KG's before i'd go there for Sambos.

Each to their own

lachieH's picture

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 I asked for KG's and I know

Tue, 2015-01-06 12:11

 I asked for KG's and I know all the big stuff u like is there but I don't want to fish for 4 whole days and get just 1 bite which is what usually happens with u. My family want to have a look around aswell, not just fishing. Im not scottland so please don't wreck my posts. 


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

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Tue, 2015-01-06 12:15


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 ok, i hope ur mummy likes

Tue, 2015-01-06 12:44

 ok, i hope ur mummy likes the fish.

lachieH's picture

Posts: 1126

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 And I hope your mummy likes

Tue, 2015-01-06 14:54

 And I hope your mummy likes the way u carry on on this website


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14

 Oh snap there goes the last

Tue, 2015-01-06 15:19

 Oh snap there goes the last person that wants to help you on this site

Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

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 You're a DH, go annoy people

Tue, 2015-01-06 15:40

 You're a DH, go annoy people on another site

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

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 that gets my vote Hutch

Tue, 2015-01-06 15:55

 that gets my vote Hutch


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 All those in favor say I 

Tue, 2015-01-06 16:52

 All those in favor say I 

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Tue, 2015-01-06 09:33


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Mon, 2015-01-05 21:58
