Land Based Gibb river 2023
Submitted by PilbaraTremor on Mon, 2023-04-24 06:50
G,Day going to be completeing the Gibb once its all open this year.
Just looking for advice on land based barra fishing up there?
How far inland have people caught them? Looking at the flood waters i'm thinking that barra and crocs would have to move around a bit!
Any info would great and much appreciated!
___________________/\/\/\/\/\/-PILBARA TREMOR-\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/____________________
Posts: 2086
Date Joined: 16/05/09
A lot of the usual spots
A lot of the usual spots along the gibb will struggle to open this year due to the wet we had. Mornington don't allow fishing but it was worth a go and holds plenty of Barra, if they still hire canoes grab one but don't tell them you are going to fish.The river is one of the most scenic on the gibb. Pentecoste is always worth a go , just follow the tracks along the river and give it a shot.
Posts: 38
Date Joined: 05/01/21
Thanks Billcollector. I will
Thanks Billcollector. I will give the Pentecoste a good crack mate
___________________/\/\/\/\/\/-PILBARA TREMOR-\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/____________________