Cheers for that great info mate, thats what i love about this forum, blokes with a common intrest in helping others out. I have a budget under $100 but i need to buy in Australia to meet the xmas deadline, i have found a couple of Tokushima lefties out of Melb for $66 with free post so might give one a crack. Any ideas on this brand? Hopefully it will withstand a big legendre isl GT!
Never heard of Tokushima, and at that price i honestly think it's just a cheepy reel that will break under a little bit of pressure. I have never used one so I cant comment, but that's just a genral trend of little known brands that sell cheeper gear. I have a caenan which will fit in your budget and i mean it isn't amazing, it has a gaphite body so it will probably flex a bit under serious pressure, but I caught a 4kg Queenie no problems on it so thats ok. If you can go one more and get a citica that would be better, a mate of mine has one and its been through everything and been smashed on GT's to 15kg and Barra close to a metre.
I am a lefty fisho and have struggled with the same problem for years getting a decent LH overhead reel (can't say i use smaller baitcasters though); but a couple of brands that do good quality big LH overheads are:
AVET (american reel, billet aluminium, tough as nails), cost about $400-500 though. Def my favourite o/h reel right now.
Pelagic Extreme- to be honest, never heard of them before but picked up a couple on EBay for about $60 each or so and after a year of trolling seem to still be going strong.
Penn do a couple of LH overheads too, can't remember the specific name but should be able to find them on the website.
I can't send you any links cos of work IT restrictions (luckily i can still get fishwrecked!), but if you google those brands/ brand names you should get some hits. Most good tackle shops usually have one or two in stock gathering dust in the back too.
Wish i could be more helpful but hope this helps in your quest.
Funny how we in Australia wind the reel with our strongest side of our body, yet do the hard work on the rod with our weeker side. I notice a lot of sportsfishermen from other countries do the opposite. Makes sense???
I cast/crank right handed but since starting my "lessons" - (basically me learning how to fish properly lol) I cast right but crank left.. so far only when jigging and bottom bouncing soft plastics and squid jigs.
If the strength difference between the left and right side of your body is so greatly different that it affects the way you fight a fish theres someting wrong.
Its more to do with co-ordination and the way a person has been taught to fish.
Not at all mate, could easily haul a 20kg+ horse either hand. Just i feel i have more "finesse" with my jigging (light jigging here not just ripping it up). Saw a youtube vid of a guy hitting whiting and flatties with SP on a light (1-3kg) rig that way so I grabbed my little flicker rod, chucked on a small ball sinker and jigged it and yeah it just felt more natural lol.
Would be great to have some choice of local supplier up here Leemo, but sadly only one. I still use them for terminal tackle, bait and bits and pieces but thats it. I like to support my local businesses, its what we all need to do, but bigger items its the inet. ....I really appreciate all of the great help and advice from you blokes, cheers.
hope to have some pics of reds from out wide on Thurs
All of my fishing reels are left hand wind as I am right handed.You can convert spinning reels to left or right hand but o/heads are dedicated.I have ABU o/heads purchased through e-bay Canada and UK and all my fly reels are l/hand set up.
How many video's do you see where an angler is struggling to fight a big fish holding the rod left handed. Go figure how many lefties there are compared to right handed.
I have lefty winders in Penn, Abu and Shimano on flick sticks to jewie rigs. My old man taught me to flick right, wind left over 50 years ago. If I have a choice, would rather use a hand-line than wind right. Any good tackle shop should be able to put you on to something decent.
Posts: 4587
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 58
Date Joined: 09/01/12
cheers dodgy but can only
cheers dodgy but can only find the one?
Posts: 4587
Date Joined: 01/02/10
What is your budget?Plenty on
What is your budget?
Plenty on there. Just need to find the models with the 'l' designation after them.
Those new Daiwa t3's look interesting.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 58
Date Joined: 09/01/12
Cheers for that great info
Cheers for that great info mate, thats what i love about this forum, blokes with a common intrest in helping others out. I have a budget under $100 but i need to buy in Australia to meet the xmas deadline, i have found a couple of Tokushima lefties out of Melb for $66 with free post so might give one a crack. Any ideas on this brand? Hopefully it will withstand a big legendre isl GT!
Posts: 521
Date Joined: 03/04/10
Never heard of Tokushima,
Never heard of Tokushima, and at that price i honestly think it's just a cheepy reel that will break under a little bit of pressure. I have never used one so I cant comment, but that's just a genral trend of little known brands that sell cheeper gear. I have a caenan which will fit in your budget and i mean it isn't amazing, it has a gaphite body so it will probably flex a bit under serious pressure, but I caught a 4kg Queenie no problems on it so thats ok. If you can go one more and get a citica that would be better, a mate of mine has one and its been through everything and been smashed on GT's to 15kg and Barra close to a metre.
Subway cookie is the best burley
Posts: 4587
Date Joined: 01/02/10
I would spend the extra and
I would spend the extra and grab this one.
Should be here in time no problems.
Ive seen a couple of the rreal cheapies in action. Just not worth the grief.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 3712
Date Joined: 22/02/07
Gotta love supporting your
Gotta love supporting your local hey?
bludgin' since 94'
Posts: 4587
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Not really an option for what
Not really an option for what he's after mate.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
West coast pom
Posts: 38
Date Joined: 17/03/11
Hi Jutt,I am a lefty fisho
Hi Jutt,
I am a lefty fisho and have struggled with the same problem for years getting a decent LH overhead reel (can't say i use smaller baitcasters though); but a couple of brands that do good quality big LH overheads are:
I can't send you any links cos of work IT restrictions (luckily i can still get fishwrecked!), but if you google those brands/ brand names you should get some hits. Most good tackle shops usually have one or two in stock gathering dust in the back too.
Wish i could be more helpful but hope this helps in your quest.
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Avet - ugh! Freespool or
Avet - ugh!
Freespool or drag, what do you want?
Poor AR mech.
The Accurate is a lot better reel and available left hand IIRC.
Posts: 33
Date Joined: 28/10/07
Campbells Protackle have a
Campbells Protackle have a whole shelf in the display cabinet of LH overheads and low profile baitcasters don't they?
separate section in their website for them as well
high Noon
Posts: 22
Date Joined: 27/10/11
wrong hand
Funny how we in Australia wind the reel with our strongest side of our body, yet do the hard work on the rod with our weeker side. I notice a lot of sportsfishermen from other countries do the opposite. Makes sense???
Posts: 39
Date Joined: 25/07/12
I cast/crank right handed but
I cast/crank right handed but since starting my "lessons" - (basically me learning how to fish properly lol) I cast right but crank left.. so far only when jigging and bottom bouncing soft plastics and squid jigs.
Posts: 940
Date Joined: 05/01/11
If the strength difference
If the strength difference between the left and right side of your body is so greatly different that it affects the way you fight a fish theres someting wrong.
Its more to do with co-ordination and the way a person has been taught to fish.
Posts: 39
Date Joined: 25/07/12
Not at all mate, could easily
Not at all mate, could easily haul a 20kg+ horse either hand. Just i feel i have more "finesse" with my jigging (light jigging here not just ripping it up). Saw a youtube vid of a guy hitting whiting and flatties with SP on a light (1-3kg) rig that way so I grabbed my little flicker rod, chucked on a small ball sinker and jigged it and yeah it just felt more natural lol.
Posts: 58
Date Joined: 09/01/12
Would be great to have some
Would be great to have some choice of local supplier up here Leemo, but sadly only one. I still use them for terminal tackle, bait and bits and pieces but thats it. I like to support my local businesses, its what we all need to do, but bigger items its the inet. ....I really appreciate all of the great help and advice from you blokes, cheers.
hope to have some pics of reds from out wide on Thurs
Posts: 282
Date Joined: 13/10/12
hey jutt just wondering you
hey jutt just wondering how you went with your left handed reel search, what did you get?
I am about to go looking for an overhead one myself in the next week or so
Posts: 39
Date Joined: 25/07/12
Check Cabella's mate. They in
Check Cabella's mate. They in the US but had/have some real cracker baitcast rod/reel combos with LH. I'm lookin at buying one myself soon.
Posts: 80
Date Joined: 18/10/09
All of my fishing reels are
All of my fishing reels are left hand wind as I am right handed.You can convert spinning reels to left or right hand but o/heads are dedicated.I have ABU o/heads purchased through e-bay Canada and UK and all my fly reels are l/hand set up.
How many video's do you see where an angler is struggling to fight a big fish holding the rod left handed. Go figure how many lefties there are compared to right handed.
Posts: 29
Date Joined: 30/10/12
lefty reels
I have lefty winders in Penn, Abu and Shimano on flick sticks to jewie rigs. My old man taught me to flick right, wind left over 50 years ago. If I have a choice, would rather use a hand-line than wind right. Any good tackle shop should be able to put you on to something decent.
Kristo's one man army
Christo's one man army
Real fishermen do not feel sorry for their bait