Light beach rod/reel recomendations
Hi All,
I have a $500 to drop on new gear for some light landbased fishing in prep for spring/summer. Pretty sure i'm going with a combo of sorts below but if you have any ideas feel free to kick em in!
I very rarely fish bait, unless soaking for something bigger off the rocks/beach, and intend to use the new purchase soley for light lures/metals etc. Other thing is i live down south so i deal with a bit of swell most fish days so need the length.
I've been looking at the following options:
*** Rod of around 8-10ft - ~4-8kg fast taper, medium/light action targeting small game light herring/tarwhine/flathead/whiting and small tailor etc. I've been eyeing off the new Daiwa Seabass hunter 9'6" (~$169)and Lateo Pirates 9'6" (~$229) both rated 4-8kg, open to any other suggestions.
****Reel choice is a little more broad, but sort of leaning toward a daiwa freams 3000 or shimano stradic 4000.
I intend to run 15lb braid on the new set-up and I like fins PRT on my surf applications...
I also have a 10' sensor surf with 4000 daiwa running 20 lb braid, so not in the market for anything heavier really as this this is covered.
Posts: 4657
Date Joined: 24/05/11
Id wait for the new TD Sol II
Id wait for the new TD Sol II reel to hit stores, the lateo looks good, could be a good combo, will push your budget tho
I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
Light surf
Maybe take a look at the daiwa shore jigger or sea jigger can't recall what it's called. I looked at one in cambells last week looks a bit sturdier than the pirate IMO. As for reels that size TD Sol are hard to beat they might be clearing the old ones out soon to make way for Sol 2
Posts: 161
Date Joined: 01/05/11
Cheers Lads,
Yeah most daiawa sol's in 3000, if avail, retail around +$300, even for the old style.
The seajigger 315 which would be the on I'd consider Rig is around $300 also (or 25% more expensive than lateo) and the shore jigger is a heavier model and have that base covered.
Posts: 40
Date Joined: 23/09/11
9'6 lateo pirate matched
9'6 lateo pirate matched with a FJ stradic 4000, 15lb braid - love that combo, very light cast all day.
craig scott
Posts: 114
Date Joined: 16/10/10
I have the 315 sea jigger
I have the 315 sea jigger matched with 400 ci4 stradic. Lovely setup. Used it with 6lb nanofil throwing little slices and plastics of the beach at Ningaloo... huge fun.
Posts: 161
Date Joined: 01/05/11
Yeah i had a look at the sea
Yeah i had a look at the sea jiggers again the other day. They would fit the bill, but the absence of the top grip is a bit of worry for me....
Definitely leaning towards the lateo fishing addict, but also need to check out the sea bass hunters for curiosity. Heading to Perth tomorrow for a peak and balance some reel options with a purchase in mind :)