Live deep fried fish?
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Thu, 2009-11-19 10:12
I wasn't sure if I was going to post this, but sure its going to get brought up at some point in time. Please keep your comments free of racism!!
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mako magic
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Date Joined: 03/08/05
hmmmmmmmmm well what can you
hmmmmmmmmm well what can you say, im normally a blood and guts man and love all the gorey stuff, but that was horrible lol, poor fish even though it only looked like a carp
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Absolutley Wrong
There really are some sick F#$%#@$ around, what the hell went wrong in there messed up little mind.
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show it to claire
she loves fish!
mako magic
Posts: 5785
Date Joined: 03/08/05
thats one way for her to
thats one way for her to overcome her seafood phobia NOT
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Pity it doesn't take off and flap around the table spraying that sauce all over them....serve 'em right
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some people are just f*****
some people are just f***** in the head. who would even consider doing that!!!
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Date Joined: 18/04/08
Well at least they are
Well at least they are eating it.
Is putting a good edible livey on a hook any different? Who here hasn't used Squid, Prawn, Occy or any other valuable food species on a hook to try an upgrade to something bigger? They probably think we are the stupid ones and rightly so. A lot of Aussies do this for catch and release "fun"
He who has not sinned, may cast the first stone
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Beyond me how this can be compared to live baiting Simon. Not even close
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Well if it is beyond you
Well if it is beyond you Simone I wont bother explaining it
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Date Joined: 15/08/09
I cant see the comparison either
That's a long bow to draw!!!
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Date Joined: 18/04/08
OK then, you were offended
OK then, you were offended by the images you see...right? ...cruelty to fish...right?
Now go catch a nice Tailor (edible species using edible Mulies) and put it on a hook and throw it back into the ocean, hook a Sambo, Mulloway, stingray, whatever , play it out...(light line is great fun apparently) then hoist your catch up get photos of yourself with such an heroic effort and then chuck it back in the ocean half dead. Then post your heroic deed on the internet and say "look at me, I'm awesome"
Outcome: 3 dead fish, 1 happy angler on his way to McDonalds for a Mcshit burger
Am I really drawing a long bow, this is happening RIGHT NOW
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Quite simply Fathom
Youv'e lost the plot !! What has the fact that there edible have to do with anything, seriously...
Posts: 619
Date Joined: 18/04/08
Yeah, I've lost the plot.
Yeah, I've lost the plot. maybe I should stop caring about our seafood stocks and let people like you decimate them
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Date Joined: 15/08/09
Interesting Call that
You still haven't explained why the fact there edible is relevant..
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promise not to call you Simon again Vince.
Na, I still reckon this is in a way up the scale from live baiting... absolutely nothing to do with burgers
Posts: 65
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I totally agree with what
I totally agree with what you've said. For this reason I don't use live bait.
I have no problem with people eating an animal, we all have to eat. But why make the animal suffer any more than it has to? And to get enjoyment out of an animals suffering... that is sadistic. When I keep a fish to eat, I don't feel good killing it, it is just a necessary evil, which should be over and done with as quickly as possible. This video just sickens me.
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That made me feel sick
"Imagine the burning desire to die overcoming the will to live. Powerful shit... Kind of like death by 1000 cuts, another chinese specialty abolished in 1902"
That comment sums it up. Worst thing is they are laughing!!!!! Not funny at all.
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Its pretty confronting
seeing the fish gasping for air, but different cultures have different morallistic values. Koreans eat dogs, french eat horses - both considered pets and/or domesticated animals here and not food items.
I've been offered duck egg foetus and I've seen monkeys skulls cut open and people dine on their brains while the animal is still alive. I dont agree with it, but that is accepted practice in their culture.
Hopefully with time and a shift in morallistic values, such practices will disappear and animals destined to be food products are dispatched in a humane way before consumption. But even in the civilised west, the way animals are killed for food is pretty confronting - I've seen it first hand (and performed it) and I reckon if others had to do it, they wouldn't eat meat.
The Terrorist - coming to a fishing spot near you.........
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Well here goes I made a
Well here goes I made a comment on something I have not watched or read. I just know I won't like what I see. Thanks for the heads up guys I' am always looking for different way to prepare sea food but I like my catch to be well and truely dead before hand. Even watching the squid change colour in the sink when hubby said they are well dead is bad enough for me......Sorry Claire if you read this....
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I can only imagine other 'live' deep fried animals that could hit the menu..... lamb, chicken, beef! Pretty confronting stuff, because it is a fish does not certainly make it any better in my perspective. How would you think of doing something like that!?!
Fathom I appreciate what you are trying to convey but I do however think that you are off the mark with comparisons to live baiting. Here we have a living yet deep fried fish which is out of water suffocating and being picked at with chopsticks. Not to say your view is wrong and again I see what you are saying but I just don't agree ( I am sure this post will split some opinions!!)
Matt T
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Date Joined: 19/11/07
I'll try just about anything
But that really takes it too far. Not cool.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Sigh, reading the above comments it looks like this has gone to crap. I'll lock the thread but leave it here for people to make up their own minds.
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Stop half way throught it...thats just sickening