Looking for ideas - LB fishing, North

Hey guys, venturing north in a month or so and just looking for some ideas on which general area to hit up. Will be LB, have 4x4, prefer beaches - chasing tailor, mulloway, sharks and the little fellas on the flicky.

Normally drive up Leeman way, but wanting a sea change. Any ideas on somewhere nice and quiet? If it's within 5-6 hours of Perth, I'm happy.



flangies's picture

Posts: 2551

Date Joined: 11/05/08

Have you checked out

Tue, 2019-02-26 18:48

Have you checked out S-bend?

Pretty much ticks all your boxes and the caravan park is good. It’s not too far out of Geraldton if you need supplies, you could spend half a day exploring if you wanted to. Some cracking mulloway and good amounts of tailor come out of the beach up that way. 

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2632

Date Joined: 03/03/09

Yup S Bend

Tue, 2019-02-26 19:28

 Some great 4X4 along the beaches, heaps of both beach and low rock platforms and the real possibility of a dhuie from the shore......gets my vote 

Posts: 34

Date Joined: 17/01/19

S bend

Wed, 2019-02-27 02:28

I did Flat Rocks once, about 10 minutes drive from caravan park and cleaned up with good size tailor. Love that patch


Living in Barradise!

Posts: 727

Date Joined: 28/07/16

Sea spray beach

Wed, 2019-02-27 06:43

 Dongara start at caravan park head south along the beach until you get to a river mouth well river sand ocean it rarely breaks anyway directly infrount of the river mouth is a huge gutter with reef either side of it at first light this can be a very productive spot for big tailor on surface lures.


wont catch em sitting at home!

Posts: 626

Date Joined: 27/11/09

Thanks guys

Wed, 2019-02-27 20:26

Appreciate the responses. S Bend & Dongara area are both on the radar. I probably wont make a call until later in the month when I know what the conditions will be like.

What are the beaches like to drive on around S Bend? Pretty soft? 

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2632

Date Joined: 03/03/09

Yes they can be

Thu, 2019-02-28 09:25

Just watch out for drifts of sand covered sea weed, can be an absolute trap