Making the move
Taking the plunge and making the move to Perth since bugging out of there in 1989. It was costing us 16k a year for my son to live at Curtin Uni while he was studying and my daughter was going to be doing the same next year, so we are going from our acreage down here with my 40x30 man cave to renting a 3x2 house on 450 squares in Wellard, so I'll either go stir crazy or I'll chase up a job someplace doing 4&1 or similar. Got hardly any room for my fishing gear, my rods are laying on the floor near the wall in the garage, so it's a matter of time before they get run over, and being a radio guy, I can't erect any antennas. So I guess I might have to take up knitting.
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
Posts: 9512
Date Joined: 10/02/07
you can watch endless rerruns
of dockers games, that move is going to be a big change
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 7930
Date Joined: 13/09/05
Will get in plenty of WAFL games too, but that will have to be next year as the doggies never made the top 4 this year. :(
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
Posts: 1385
Date Joined: 23/07/12
Ouch, look on the bright side
Ouch, look on the bright side you get to see your kid more, and I am shore you will find some fishing mates around here.
when I am on R&R we could go for a fish on my boat if you like.
More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!
Posts: 7930
Date Joined: 13/09/05
Yes, seeing the boy is
Yes, seeing the boy is certainly one of the upsides. Might take you up on the fishing offer if my R&R lines up with yours.
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
Posts: 2632
Date Joined: 03/03/09
What no trees to run a long wire to ?
Cant you tune the nearest lamp pole (saw that done in the US and it worked really well after he had sat it on big nylon bushes) - I miss my 6 el 4 band cubical quad
Posts: 7930
Date Joined: 13/09/05
Not a tree in sight Sunshine, got my Tet Emtron TE511 sitting on the grass at my new place, neighbors would freak out if I raised that, being a corner block, and all underground power so not many poles around, I might be able to string something along the wall, but will definitely set up something mobile when I arrange my next ride.
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
Posts: 563
Date Joined: 27/08/09
Now most people are wondering
Now most people are wondering what the heck are we talking about!
Posts: 2632
Date Joined: 03/03/09
Cant you make out it is just a foxtel antenna
Plenty of large sat dishes around and no one complains about them. Hell compared with my old quad which sat 20 metres high and had a boom length of 11 metres long the Tet is a tiddler
We made a great mobile tower set up that was taken to Heard that worked really well even in catabatic winds so a mobile set up is certainly feasible
Posts: 2632
Date Joined: 03/03/09
We are just hamming it up
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Date Joined: 13/09/05
Yeah, I can see in my mind, 6 elements, 4 band quad, that's huge and would have been a great antenna. I love the quads. My yagi was up 40ft but being close to the water (Geographe Bay) helped me no end. Might look you up when I get up there.
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
Posts: 2632
Date Joined: 03/03/09
No longer a ham ....ex VK6XI
Same issue, moved to a new home where covenants ban all such old location was marsh ground backing onto the Canning River in Ferndale, even had the tower fully insulated with its own radial ground plane .....worked brilliant on 80 but my favourite band by far and away was 10
Miss it sometimes, still remain in touch with K8CW who I arranged to go to Heard under VK0HI .....still have the logs somewhere and all the photos of Big Ben
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
I live in Wellard
and there are far worse places to live
Posts: 7930
Date Joined: 13/09/05
Skinny as.
Wow, talk about being claustrophobic. This place is like a long tube made out of bricks. Got back home from work yesterday and spent my first night at the new abode, being on a corner I had nightmares about some meth junkie ploughing into our front room. Gonna cheer myself up with a new ride, pick it up on Monday.
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
out wide
Posts: 1535
Date Joined: 30/12/08
Isn't that near where the bad arse crims are located ?
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
well not all of them....Where are you Dale in the village?
Posts: 7930
Date Joined: 13/09/05
Umm, down Lambeth crescent way, I think that's what it's called.
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
your in the village about a k from me as the crow flies
Posts: 7930
Date Joined: 13/09/05
Cool, I wonder where the village idiot is?
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
I'm here!!
well technically not I'm in homestead ridge!
Posts: 7930
Date Joined: 13/09/05
Dunno, maybe. This is a pretty new area and only appeared on Google maps a couple of weeks back and it seems pretty placid at present. But never say never.
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf