Marine Ply

Anyone know where i can buy 15mm marine ply?
only need a 1000x500mm piece max!





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TRY BUNNINGS Live to fish

Tue, 2007-12-04 20:10


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bunnings Scott

Tue, 2007-12-04 20:10



big john's picture

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Tue, 2007-12-04 20:14

What are you using it for Sam?


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if you seal normal ply well

Tue, 2007-12-04 20:37

if you seal normal ply well it will hold up ok. if you use a resin epoxy or whatever it will be fine. you'll pay alot more for marine ply and you will most likely have to buy a 2400x1200 sheet


Jody's picture

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Wed, 2007-12-05 07:24

The guys at Glasscraft Boats in Bayswater (9271 5015) will help you out Sam, either with advice, supplies or doing the job. And same as Andy said, they recommend & use sealed out door grade 17mm ply.

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SamC's picture

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oh yeh good idea scott, will

Wed, 2007-12-05 09:51

oh yeh good idea scott, will do that...normal marine ply is bloody exxy!
its for a casting deck in my tinnie john!

bunnings should stock the outdoor grade ply hey jody?  





Jody's picture

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Wed, 2007-12-05 10:16

Likely Sam, tho you may have to try a few stores to get the thickness your after. Not seen any at the Innaloo branch for a while.

I do whatever the little voices tell me to do



big john's picture

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Wed, 2007-12-05 12:50

Depending on how you set up the support, you can get away with 12 mm exterior ply. Seal it up with exterior estapol and then cover it in waterproof marine carpet. Better than a bought one if you've got the patience to do it properly.


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diji's picture

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Timber Traders

Thu, 2007-12-06 19:50

Sam timber taders in bibra lake Barrington street, dont buy marine ply to expensive buy exterior BC its glued with the same glue as marine ply basicly the same product only comes in 2400 x 1200 sheets all timber is half the price of Bunnings.

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cheers diji, yeh ive opted

Thu, 2007-12-06 19:55

cheers diji, yeh ive opted not to go marine ply any more...just going to seal normal outdoor ply! which will save me alot of coin..  





SamC's picture

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Exterior Estapol

Thu, 2007-12-06 20:12

have been reading abit about this product it waterproof?
i read that it's only UV protective, i could be wrong?  

**edited in** my bad, just found the marine estapol, this will do the job nicely hey john?
should be available at bunnings?
how many coats of it would be suitable do you reckon?





big john's picture

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2-3 coats

Thu, 2007-12-06 20:47

2-3 coats will be fine. The edges will drink it up so put a bit extra on there.

Are you covering it in marine carpet Sam?


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marine carpet

Fri, 2007-12-07 06:53

yeh the front seat and the casting deck itself will be cover in marine carpet...
we'll i presume that its marine carpet as i purchased it from whitworths  





ody's picture

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Hi Ya,From what I

Mon, 2007-12-10 20:10

Hi Ya,

From what I undersand, outdoor ply is waterproof.  Apparently it is used by a lot of granno workers to make up formers for their work.  From what I found out a number of years ago, marine grade ply is waterproof and guaranteed to be so.  Outdoor ply is waterproof but not guaranteed.  Basically the only difference really is the glue used so they can guarantee the marine grade and add an enormous premium to the cost.


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big john's picture

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Tue, 2007-12-11 19:21

How's the casting platform coming along Sam?


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Hey Big John, I was reading

Sat, 2011-11-05 16:25

Hey Big John, I was reading this post as I am recarpeting my deck.  I went into Bunnings chasing this Estapol that you mentioned - an outdoor one that is suitable for Marine.  Thing is I don't think it exists anymore.  I think Wattyl call all their outdoor paint "Weather Guard" now.  Does this sound right to you?

Was the stuff you used quite thick?

All the paint people are telling me to use the Estapol Marine Varnish.  But I thought varnish would be too thin?  What are your thoughts?




big john's picture

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Sat, 2011-11-05 20:43

Varnish will do fine uncleben, are you covering it in carpet?


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sea-kem's picture

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Went through the same

Sat, 2011-11-05 21:06

Went through the same exercise a couple  a few years back when I was decking my tinnie. Spot on BJ eco ply is the way to go sealed. Marine ply is for aplications where it's saturated most of the time, a deck isn't. Saved a few dollars and it was as good as gold.


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Yeah, covering it with

Sat, 2011-11-05 21:53

Yeah, covering it with carpet.

I already picked up the marine ply @ 70bucks per sheet and carpet @ 40bucks per metre.  Not a cheap exercise.


nico's picture

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Sam buy structual ply mate

Sat, 2011-11-05 22:40

Sam buy structual ply mate it uses the same adhesive but  has nots on the out side as the veneer it self is a far lower grade seal it with evadure or polyester resin and flowcoat if you want it to last even longer a light chopstrand mat like 1 layer oif 300 csm would do and flowcoat over the top i am happy to do the glass and flowcoat mate you just pay for materials and cut to shape.


In Mocean