Marine Transport Safety Branch gone flippin NUTS!

I thought I'd heard it all for incompetence in the public sector but today takes the cake!

Apparently - under the new boat licensing laws, if you have owned a boat for the last 5 years - you are considered exempt from the compulsory license "practical boat handling test"...

Apparenty all you need do, is sit the written test to pass and be issued a boating license!

So - you can imagine the surprise, of someone whose been a professional in the boating industry, all his life, holds a university degree in naval architecture, has sailed a few Sydney Hobart races, and owned a host of boats all his life, designed and build a few of Greg Normans luxury yachts, you know - boats in excess of $5 or $6 Million

Because he's owned all his boats in his companys name - he doesn't get any exemption and has to sit a test administered by some public service peon who isn't as qualified or experienced as the person he's testing! :Rollseyes:

This is bullshit!

All rec boaters should bouycott the new Rec Boating license until they fix the system!

Can you imagine how many company execs have bought $Million+ floating Gin Palace boats in their companys names, who will end up not being qualified to drive them?

Rec Boaters should bouycott this new license til they fix the bastard!

If we cop this shit now, we will be stuck with it forever, they cannot prosecute everyone in the state - just tell em to shove it where the sun don't shine, till they fix it!!

I have absolutely No Faith left in this Labor Govt and it's public service instrumentalities to administer a sausage sizzle and free beer at a brewery!

It's time Boaters said enoughs enough - and bouycott everything to do with Fisheries / Marine Safety Branch - until we get the competence we deserve and the launch facilities our license fees have already paid for 10 times over - not to mention the GST on boats and boat fuel etc etc!

We are being screwed and haven't the collective gonads to do anything about it!

Well nows the time - enuffs enuff, campaign!

Screw them - and the whore of a sea horse they rode in here on! ;o)


Gezza's picture

Posts: 24

Date Joined: 01/03/06

"Can you imagine how many

Wed, 2006-03-29 14:52

"Can you imagine how many company execs have bought $Million+ floating Gin Palace boats in their companys names, who will end up not being qualified to drive them?"

Good! - Yuppie Scum! he he..

P.S. If someones that qualified they should be able to pass the test with there eyes closed then..

No Drama's there.. The amount of gumby's I have to put up with, I am glad the RST is here!

Cheers.. Gerry.


Avoiding work with Fishwrecked since 2006...

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I hear you Gezza

Thu, 2006-03-30 20:57

But I still think it's a stuff up, heck my own lad sailed a dingy in a school course a couple years back and they gave him an expemption - but perhaps one of the states most qualified marine persons gets no recognition of prior learning?????

You reckon John Sanders has to get in a dingy to prove his competence to some Public Service peon...

I just think we need to pull these Public service wakkers up short when they start this arbitrary you can have a license you can't type discrimination.

It should not make any difference what NAME you held a license in for the 5 years a vcompany or a individual - you still held the license ergo you still have the requisite experience!

They are just being peadantic Public Service wankers IMHO!

We should not accept it, we shpould rally against such stupid decisons - otherwise we just invite MORE such stupid decisions!

Let me tell you - the fellow in question os no Gumby gezza - he's more qualified than me and I got an exemption from ALL testing theory and practical!

You can just see the states leading naval architects all showing up on the same day in their 3 piece suits with brief cases - to get into a 12 foot tinny at Fremantle Fishing boat harbor to be tested by some 20 year old wet behind the ears snot nosed kid from Marine Safety branch can't you?

You know, probably the naval architect in charge of marine safrety branch ought be doing the test hmself under the existing rules - but you can bet ya balls he ain't and has some kinda work related exemption!

I think it's high time boaters and fishers stood up and were counted!

This is turning to bullshit - we have enough crap to deal with in this world without layning down to cop more without putting up even a wimper!

No bloody wonder our launch facilities are crap...we don't stand up for ourselves to deserve any better!

I say we get a blockade of boats on trailers and Blockade the Femantle Marine Sfety Banch Ofice so they can't get in or out all day or all week if necessary! Heck we can eat fish n chips across the road at Cicerello's while or boats and trailers bring Fremantle to traffic gridlock!

I reckon it'll be on the TV news!

I also reckon Marine Safety would back down if they looked like the idiots they are, on national TV!

I can't believe so many boaters can't see the double standards here!

Are we all jellyfish - do we need a spine transplant?

Why do we put up with this crap - can someone answer me that?


Adam Gallash's picture

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Fri, 2006-03-31 19:34

I do like the idea of a traffic blockade for the decision makers who are able to build better facilities for boaties at Rous Head. It should get media coverage to show the chaos you experience at east fremantle ramp sometimes, and some of the behaviour that results.

But you have to remember that there are all sorts of boaties out there, experienced and not, it is good that some people have to prove they can handle a boat, makes me feel good knowing other skippers have the required knowledge to drive safely, well to some degree.


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Big Frank's picture

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Date Joined: 07/02/06


Sat, 2006-04-01 13:20

Having a skippers ticket won't necessarily make people safer on the water - much of it comes down to attitude and common sense.
Everyone on the road has a drivers licence but that doesn't stop them doing crazy things every day and some boaties will remain a danger to themselves and others regardless of what hoops they have to jump through.

Actual time on the water should be a key element of the skippers ticket, not just book learning.