Match: Samurai Jig10 with Stella SW10000 (or 8000)

Yes, Lost the Stella 8000SW overboard. FKN shark suddenly got a life, kicked and the leader ripped through my hands. As quick as a flash - gooone. Few swear words and man tears drowned by amber fluid and I am in for a replacement.

Thinking about a heavy weight combo, not needing a GT popper rod or reel, but after that, as good as it gets.

Thinking StellaSW10000 and Samurai Jig10.

Or for the Stella SW 10000 what is another top rod.. $$ an option, but lets face it, if I am gonna get a Stella its NOT.




"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

Bunny's picture

Posts: 678

Date Joined: 05/08/10

 I have a Samurai NV8 and 9

Fri, 2012-06-22 18:48

 I have a Samurai NV8 and 9 and my brother has a couple of NV7 and all are great but I reckon there are a couple of better options out there than the jig10. I reckon it's a bit too fast action for heavy line fishing. I have a Black Hole Cape Cod special 250 and it is a brilliant rod, leaves the T curve deep jig 400 for dead. I got a few more blanks if you are interested in a custom. the 250 is perfectly suited to 65 lb braid but it can dead lift 28 kilos so would take 80lb braid as well. I'm building one up right now just for that purpose and it's toning to be hard to hand over to the bloke that it's for!

As for other options the Saltiga range are great and so are the Smith.

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

the cape cod specisl has so

Fri, 2012-06-22 21:33

the cape cod specisl has so much guts its not funny! Brute power!


bludgin' since 94'

Bunny's picture

Posts: 678

Date Joined: 05/08/10

 Sorry should have mentioned

Fri, 2012-06-22 19:51

 Sorry should have mentioned if I had the cash I would go a Synit.

Chris fish's picture

Posts: 847

Date Joined: 23/02/11

 Jigging master evolution

Fri, 2012-06-22 21:25

 Jigging master evolution titanium series rods are great and up there if not better than the others stated, super light and rediculously strong pe3-6 has a max drag over 20kg yet still fairly flexible or the next model up is heavier and max drag is up over 30kg. There is few other models of jm gear that would be what you after if the Evo's aren't what you want. I haven't had experience with the others but after using jm gear I won't be buying any other brands.


always looking for a new challenge!!