Mess at ramp. Shame

I was on a boat demo at Hillary's boat ramp today and i will say i'm very disappointed with what i was confronted with. Some fisherman had obviously bought home a catch of sharks and had obviously cut them up on the retrieval jetty leaving blood and guts and a huge mess. Then thrown bodies of 6 sharks i counted just back in the water.


So there is now 6 maybe 2 foot shark bodies, i counted about 15 chunks of fish including fins and other cut offs just sitting on boat ramp.

What are people thinking. It looks terrible, it stinks to high heaven and sadly you had to walk through the mess to get to your boats, its littering and obviously against the law. With fisherman already sitting with targets on our backs why would anybody do this?


Sad part is i rang DPI/ fisheries and tried three separate officers on mobile only to eventually give up no answer. The office staff must have passed on the message as a worker turned to clean up the mess as i was leaving.

Shame a real shame.


Brock O's picture

Posts: 3206

Date Joined: 11/01/08

Shame Shame Shame

Thu, 2012-07-12 16:15


 My be the fisherman was proud of his catch and wanted to leave it for others to see, what a "d..khead"

 Some people just lack common sence.

uncle's picture

Posts: 9452

Date Joined: 10/02/07

theres some c...heads out there

Thu, 2012-07-12 16:22

not much you can do,but it looks bad for all of use which we don't need


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

Posts: 209

Date Joined: 05/01/11

 I wouldn't even call them

Thu, 2012-07-12 17:28

 I wouldn't even call them fishermen after a act like that any real fisherman would know that's just not on


My names mark and i'm addicted to fishing

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 17985

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 for one , why would someone

Thu, 2012-07-12 18:38

 for one , why would someone take 6 small sharks in the first place, not much meat on them that size.

bloody discusting act for sure. one thing throwing offal in a normal bin near the ramp but to throw it out like that is unacceptable , what if someone happens to slip on the blood and guts , could result in a broken part of the body .then it wouldnt look good in the paper or on the news


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Rod P's picture

Posts: 725

Date Joined: 20/05/08

I don't fish a huge amount so

Fri, 2012-07-13 11:20

I don't fish a huge amount so not as aware of size limits but it woudl now seem that a 2 foot shark is under size. One of the bodies would have been mayeb three foot. So it was also under size.


Im going to follow it up today as i think it should have been caught on CCTV.

hlokk's picture

Posts: 4290

Date Joined: 04/04/08

Sharks have a max size limit

Fri, 2012-07-13 11:50

Sharks have a max size limit of 700mm for the interdorsal length which means a shark of about 1.8m. So small sharks wont be undersize as theres no min size limit. Bag limit is 2 per person.

Absolutely disgusting behaviour though. Perhaps some shark offal dumped in their house might be what they need. Or rub some shark skin up and down their backside!

fisho-ron's picture

Posts: 2539

Date Joined: 26/09/09

the same sort of thing at the

Sat, 2012-07-21 23:14

the same sort of thing at the freo ramp in the river tonight, quite a few pinky frames thrown in at the edge of the ramp.

not a good sign for us fisho's thats for sure!!