Metro report 20/4/2015 to 27/4/2015

 I flew in from Broome on the monday at 1.30 pm i was on the water by 3pm.

We left leeuwin boat ramp and headed towards mewstone and fished seal rock. I managed 4 salmon and we boated 13 in total. About 25 other boats fishing in the same area.

Got back to the ramp aat about 6 and noticed boats getting ready for prawning. The tides were right for it that evening and was curious to know how they have been going as it was a new moon the night before and last weeks rain shoud have made it worth a try.


Tuesday Early start at fremantle fishing boat harbour the herring seem everywhere at the moment both the harbour and northmole.

I caught my bag limit in about 10 minutes. Which i bled and put on ice to give to my friends farther.


After i went to north mole to have a look to see if the samlon were present and possibly any bonito. It was about 8 am at this stage and was shocked to see the amount of people fishing. Doesnt anyone work?? 

A few herring were getting caught evrybody seemed to have a second rod ready with a lure for the salmon.

Fisheries Came to check bag limits and  was impressed to see them quizzing people on the bag limit for herring.

They were very helpful to people who asked questions and handed out stickers and new updated booklets.


Wednesday i really wanted to go to penguin island but my good friend was leaving to sweden and i had offered him a lift but i still managed a early morning fish. So back i went to the boat harbour the herring wre thick but feeding on baitfish and were not to interested in the bread which i was fishing with. I hooked a couple of bream on crab legs but did not stay on for long. The blowfish were in thick numbers.

I then had a look at blackwall reach and point walter not much life at the point but blackwall reach had hundreds of bream lot just undersized and a few bg one underneath them. It can be an awkward spot to fish and the blowfish did not make it any easier so i moved on the Aquarama east fremantle yacht club. They were gobbly guts everywhere and they make a great live bait for bream but i was fishing with crab legs and did not take long till i was into  few.

I spooked a couple of good flatties in the process.


Thursday fremantle sailing club wen for a quick dive in the arvo plenty of bream and herring in there.

Saturday back out on the boat at the same spot it took about 5 seconds until i was on with a old school wooden lure. it seems like there is always fish right on the reef but in fewer numbers after boating 3 we moved and anchored away fom the 15 other boats i made to the right call as it was none stop fun from when we anchored from jigs to poppers to minnows to baits it didnt matter what you threw at them. I used every rod on that boat to get one to bream gear to boat rods. Also cubbing mulies to keep the school of 500 plus fish near us.

Boated alteast 15 fish and almost landed one on the tackle rat kids combo...

Great day on the water and head it for lunch the next day if bled put on ice and the blood line cut out it is pretty good. 

Sunday had the wedding and now back in broome.






Down the Line


Catch the Experience 

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

Sounds like fun was had

Tue, 2015-04-28 11:12

Hows this compared to Broome fishing though!!?


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

azza1's picture

Posts: 199

Date Joined: 30/04/11

 Sounds like a top week to

Tue, 2015-04-28 17:31

 Sounds like a top week to me.

Posts: 755

Date Joined: 29/03/13

Was a great week.

Wed, 2015-04-29 08:21

 Can't really compare perth and broome as they both have such different grounds and species and water temperatures and tides and so on.

I can go to the shores in perth and catch tailor and herring and here i catch queenfish and jacks but when you catch a lot of either species you get used to it.




Down the Line


Catch the Experience