Missus catches her first Salmon
After reading all the reports of the Salmon going off around the Perth Metro I decided to try and get the missus into her first one. After lunch on ANZAC Day we made our way to CPBA with the hope of spotting a fish or two. When we arrived at Cockburn boat ramp we were told by boaties coming off the water that the Salmon were thick near the Ammo Jetty. We took little time in speeding around Woodman Point and as we approached the jetty we were greeted with total mayhem. It seemed that every second angler on the jetty was hooked into a Salmon as were half of the approximate 20 boaties in the area.
I do not often get fish fever, but I had fish fever. I did not know what lure to use, what rod to grab, where to cast, what speed to retrieve etc.etc. I eventually tied the ever faithful Halco Twisty onto the missus' line and with her first cast she was hooked into her first fish. A couple of anxious minutes later and after some spectacular leaps the Salmon threw the Twisty which came crashing into the side of the boat. Another couple of casts later and she was into another fish, this time right next to the boat as she was lifting the Twisty to cast again. This fight took her all around the boat and I grabbed the GoPro to get the action on film. I was enjoying her tussle with the fish as much as I would have holding the rod. A few minutes later the fish was in the net and after a couple of quick photographs released to be caught on another day.
With all the bad press that the "anglers" on the jetty received, I experienced the boaties as being civilized in their approach. I saw many fish being released and the boaties did not crowd each other and were quite courteous even though there was a fish frenzy. Let's hope that there were lessons learned and that people realise that this is a privilege that many other countries do not enjoy because of over exploitation.
YouTube clip below
Fisheagle Ed
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
good pic there bud, finally
good pic there bud, finally a clean salmon no blood or covered in sand.
Posts: 1009
Date Joined: 05/10/12
Cracker Fish and photo
Great colours in that Salmon..
I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted..
Posts: 1200
Date Joined: 05/10/07
Well done.
your partners smile says it all. Great fun. Salmon throwing Halcos is a fantastic part of fishing for them.
Posts: 130
Date Joined: 16/01/13
Good stuff
Was out Monday arvo and pretty much the same story. Missus onto her first Salmon and a fish a cast for a while to the point is was more like catching than fishing. We came across the school as it started busting up near the grain terminal along with a couple of other boats. Within 30 mins the birds were incredible and the wife counted 31 boats in the area. By the time we left we were close to the Southern Flats as were over 50 other boats. Fat fish over 80cm, the one we did weigh was 17lb.
As per your experience, saw lots being thrown back and not one hint of agro. Quite a few friendly waves instead, and plenty of excited yells.
Oh and if anyone finds a Salmon with a bullchop with decoy singles, love to hear from you!
Posts: 3040
Date Joined: 10/05/10
worked wellni think it helped having the school spread from grain terminal to the flats qhaha
i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers
Posts: 95
Date Joined: 31/01/15
nice one mates I can only
nice one mates
I can only dream of catching a salmon
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
Great picture
Great picture, and yeah they go hard. We went out Monday and had very much the same experience but in the sound.
I found all the boaties were having fun and although crowded,no one was agro or dropping in on each other.
In fact the sound of kids laughing and whooo whoooing as they hooked on was fantastic.
First time for my mates catching them, and we were happy too leave early after having a great time.
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
The smile says it all
What more could be said.
Ol Tom
Posts: 331
Date Joined: 17/12/13
Brownie points there mate,
Brownie points there mate, good work!
Posts: 424
Date Joined: 15/05/12
Shot squirebrilliant
Shot squire
Posts: 151
Date Joined: 18/10/12
good work!, we were out
good work!, we were out there on monday aswell, got to the grain terminal and the sight of birds smashing the water was unbelievable, i went out with a friend of mine and drove her boat for her, she just bought it and was over the moon how it handeled the drink for a 4 meter, she has never caught the big salmon and we were soon on, double hook ups for the entire arvo session, i wouldnt be suprised if all the 50+ boats didnt hear her screams of excitment, we ended up keeping 2 fish that swallowed the lures so deep that they couldnt be revived, just ended up towing plastics with a barbless jigheads, easy to release and no damage to the fish, will be a day we wont forget in a hurry thats for sure.