More Squid...
Submitted by Black Pearl on Mon, 2012-06-04 21:26
So I ended up getting out this arvo for another squid, ended up with 6... loosing a monster at the side of the boat but you get that.
Plus, a first for me but got myself a nice little Flattie, on a squid jig... sized Im assuming as I didnt measure it, altho I enjoy Flathead it was released to swim another day.
Sorry about the picture quality not very focused
Other half got excited and started cleaning, not before I get photos babe! :-/
Sammy J
Got to get out there!
Posts: 4109
Date Joined: 24/01/10
Wholey hell look at those
Wholey hell look at those squid! Nice work with the flattie too, couldve been an awesome feed!
Good stuff Sammy
Posts: 364
Date Joined: 28/05/12
Nice Squid
Some nice squid there i didnt see any when i was going for cuttlefish today. And wow what a catch on a squid jig!!
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Posts: 170
Date Joined: 27/10/11
Nice squid and flatty mate. Beleive it or not we caught a friggen huge Nor West Blowie on a squid jig, and just 2 weeks ago my wife was jigging for squid when she started going "ohh whats this", and me thinking she had something came over to help. Up she pulled a empty squid jig, but it had some black braid wrapped around it, so i started to untangle the braid and then retreiving it wrapping it around my hand thinking, i may gety some tackle of some kind( mind you we were only in 3 metres of water). When all of the sudden there was a heap on weight on the line which suprised me and it took off, taking up the slack in the braid and the slack in the roles around my hand, with me frantically tryng to do something to untangle myself, and it had heaps of weight(prob a ray) but luckily the braid snapped, ( I think it had been in the water awhile)nearly severing my lil finger :), a very deep cut.
All that still aint as good as a flatty.
Posts: 2724
Date Joined: 29/11/06
Great work Sammy J. Congrats on the squid and the flattie. You obviously know how to fish and kept the line tight the whole way. Put a whole new meaning to barbless hooks.....
The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Something you don't see every day! Nice catch Sammy.
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well done sammy
well done sammy
Posts: 48
Date Joined: 16/02/12
Would liked to have seen the monster squid if it was bigger than those, well done
Posts: 803
Date Joined: 07/04/10
awesome just scored a new
awesome just scored a new fishing spot haha sorry!
gonna have to give that a crack are there weed beds out there i thought it was just reef and sand