Off Ocean Reef today
G'day, went fishing with Dundee Bill today on his boat. After waking up at 1am to the sound of my kid crying and then at 5am to him kicking me in the back I was very happy to be going fishing for the day. We headed out from Ocean Reef at a respectable hour and were getting bites on most drops. Must have caught half a dozen pan-sized pink snapper between us and they were all undersize. Caught half a dozen other species by lunch and then the wind and swell increased so we moved to 3 mile for a fish where several other boats were also hiding from the changed conditions. Thanks again to Dundee Bill for responding to my fishing buddy post and for being a great skipper. See pic below - nice 50 odd centimetre flathead caught in 35 metres of water. Cheers, Dean.
Fishin for a feed and fun.
Posts: 134
Date Joined: 03/05/11
nice flatty! tasty tasty.
nice flatty! tasty tasty.
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
I see you guys made the wise
I see you guys made the wise move. Those clowns in the 5m 40k's out were lucky boys.
Love the West!
Posts: 404
Date Joined: 17/05/12
Yep bet that tasted good
Yep bet that tasted good cooked up yummy
If fishing is a sport I,m an elite athlete