My 30kg+ Coral Bay Cod
Submitted by Mason85 on Sun, 2013-06-02 15:29
Caught this in 15m of water in the north passage off Coral Bay on my 20lb Daiwa Caldia/ Demon Blood combo. Successfully released to fight another day.
Posts: 221
Date Joined: 24/11/09
The Black Baron
Posts: 55
Date Joined: 29/05/13
Water looks magnificant...
Water looks magnificant...
I disagree.
Posts: 265
Date Joined: 01/02/11
Very nice fish. Pitty it
Very nice fish. Pitty it wasn't under the 1mtr mark.
chris raff
Posts: 3257
Date Joined: 09/02/10
Good fish .. done well on the
Good fish .. done well on the 20lb setup
“Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”
Posts: 71
Date Joined: 09/01/11
Impressive effort getting him
Impressive effort getting him out of the reef in 15m on 20lb!
Posts: 158
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Thanks guys, couldnt beleive
Thanks guys, couldnt beleive it when we got colour, originally thought it was a shark. We were just floating bait down for spangos, which we werent doin too bad a job at with 3-4 60cm+ in the boat already, and next thing line starts peeling off. Pulled the pick and chased him for about 20 mins, great fun!!
Posts: 48
Date Joined: 22/12/13
30kg cod?
Hey mate that is a nice fish and top effort in shallow water but...............
Might be a good idea to look at a true 30kg cod OR pick-up 30L of water to get an idea of its actual weight.
Funny thing too, never ever heard of a cod being "chased" for 20mins, must be some new sort of pelagic estuary cod eh?
Keep in mind this is a site for fishermen, frequented by, fishermen. So if your pic tells one story and you tell another your just gunna look like a pillick!
Remember, in Bunbury;
LBS=KGS and never actually weigh your fish.
Just guess away!!!!
West Coast
Posts: 332
Date Joined: 10/12/07
Only person looking like a pillick is you Squiddly. Get a life.
Posts: 153
Date Joined: 24/04/12
solid fish mate, good
solid fish mate, good effort! Glad to hear it was released :)
Posts: 48
Date Joined: 22/12/13
Sorry my comments hit your nerve West Coast.
Got a life and loving it thanks man.
Your from Bunbury then eh?
Remember, in Bunbury;
LBS=KGS and never actually weigh your fish.
Just guess away!!!!
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Hey boys
Its only a fish! Who cares what it weighs. No need for name calling and getting the rhoids raging.
It is to soon in the day for sitting back eating popcorn!!!
By the way nice EC (whatever it weighed!!!?)
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 48
Date Joined: 22/12/13
Too True!
Hee Hee, all in fun isn't it?
I think my first sentence was completely overlooked eh?!?
Don't see any problem with calling it as I see it and stand by my comments/thoughts too!!
Remember, in Bunbury;
LBS=KGS and never actually weigh your fish.
Just guess away!!!!
Posts: 158
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Right. Squiddly. Obviously
Squiddly. Obviously you were out on the boat that day. Surprised you missed this. That appendage hanging off your forehead must have been blocking your view.
While there was no official weight, 30kg was just an estimate. PM me your number, then next time i can bring the fish to you and we can use your 3 monthly certified calibrated scales.
Yes we did chase it. The thing prob didn't even realise it was hooked for the first 10 mins. I know cod normally look for the nearest ledge, but believe it or not, this one went for a run. Hope that's ok with you.
Oh and are you sure this fishing forum is full of fisherman?? Comments like yours make me feel like it may be a c@&$ measuring site, in which case, your the winner mate!
To everyone else thanks for the positive comments, next time ill make sure I put up exact weights.
Ps. Isn't part of being a fisherman, being a good exaggerators???
Posts: 1367
Date Joined: 17/12/06
nice cod
nice cod and I know ive caught 20kg plus estuary cods in 24fthm off wagoe and its taken me nearly 20 plus minutes to pull in so in 15m of water he would've been the king of his area and easly put up a big fight! they are dirty fighters in the shallows. every fish on every drop will fight differently. good fight on light gear bro.
big blue
Posts: 57
Date Joined: 25/03/10
Yours truly driving the
Yours truly driving the boat....
was great effort on not much more than herring gear!
Posts: 48
Date Joined: 22/12/13
Nice to see a quick and CALM response to my comments.
I did not realise you would be stupid enough to endeavour to actually back up the story and "unofficial" weight YOU claimed!
Dude, I'm not sorry for making my comments about the most ridiculous weight and story I've ever seen on this site.
I stand by my comments wholeheartedly and well, tough stuff if being called on it hurt your feelings.
Most other site readers are content to laugh behind your back.
As for the "appendage" guess you only have the scar.
Remember, in Bunbury;
LBS=KGS and never actually weigh your fish.
Just guess away!!!!
big blue
Posts: 57
Date Joined: 25/03/10
Squiddly need to be sure of
Squiddly need to be sure of your facts before you post crap u know nothing about
old mate holding the cod is 205 cm tall & 110kilos that's 6"7' & 15 stone in the old money,so yes the cod is closer to 30 kilos than you guessed
Posts: 1011
Date Joined: 03/07/07
Nice return Big Blue LOL
Oh and cracker Cod mate !!Well done
Just one more cast , honest !!!