My first boat! many questions

Hi guys,

Long time reader but first post.

In the market for my first boat but confused on what to look at. I have been looking for 12+ months but ready to buy now. Budget is 30-40K and looking for a ali 5.8 to 6.1m boat. Looking for a plate hull preferably with a four stroke. But there is not much out there. I only have a grand vitara to tow it so cant go fiberglass.

This is where i am stuck. What manufacturers are good (i like the trailcraft)?

All the boats i have seen lately have 2 strokes and mostly the merc saltwater series. Is it worth hanging out for a four stroke? is the fuel economy/ noise that much better/quieter? what hp should i be looking at for this size boat? not sure if i want to fork out 35k for a 2 stroke and then upgrade the motor 2 years later.

Some advice would be greatly appreciated.


Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

Date Joined: 04/08/09

G'day Aaron welcome first up

Wed, 2011-10-26 21:46

G'day Aaron welcome 

first up what's your main reason in wanting a 4stroke?

what type of fishing will you mostly be doing?

Posts: 877

Date Joined: 03/05/11

Theres some good plate ali's

Thu, 2011-10-27 07:30

Theres some good plate ali's with 2 strokes, but some like the etec and optimax are pretty good on fuel (i've learned)

Where will you be fishing

O and welcome to FISHWRECKED!!!!!!!


AaronC's picture

Posts: 118

Date Joined: 26/10/11


Thu, 2011-10-27 07:52

Lamby and SRF,

i have heard the four strokes dont smell and they are better on fuel.

I will be out off perth mainly targeting the usual dhu, snapper and sambos etc.

But i will also be travelling up north all the time to chase mackies trolling. Fuel economy is a big issue i feel.

Are the saltwater series merc's any good?? they are everywhere on 2002-2006 boats?



southcity104's picture

Posts: 1659

Date Joined: 27/01/09

Theres this?

Thu, 2011-10-27 08:10


Top hull, quality fittings, and always reliable.

fuel stats go 60nm trip = aprox $90

Breakback trailer for beach launching

Has had plenty of members out which can give you opinions.

Feel free to come over for a closer look.


"Its a life style job"

Posts: 877

Date Joined: 03/05/11

Some good trailcrafts around

Thu, 2011-10-27 09:03

Some good trailcrafts around

I've had the 5m trailcraft and it was great never missed a beat. Used to go to 5 fathom bank and back of garden with a 75hp Merc 2 stroke (2002?)

They look good and are made well

The 590 or 610 trailblazer are nice boats, which are on boatsonline and the other sites for like 36k?



The_Wanderer's picture

Posts: 735

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We have had a couple of

Thu, 2011-10-27 11:56

We have had a couple of traileys. a 5m and a 5.4m runabout.... Good solid boats with pretty good trailers. However i wouldn't go the runabout config as there is not a lot of protection. Go the Trialblazer(half cab).  In the 5.6-6.1m rang I reckon 135hp min and 175hp max. Having the extra hp is really hand espceially when you have mates, esky and fishing gear on board.  Check out bar crusher also I have heard nothing but good reports.




aalfred's picture

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Thu, 2011-10-27 13:04

My mate had a trailblazer 610. And we all didn't quite like it. The ride was from all ali boats I have been in the worst. And the motor was a 175 merc optimax which after just 250 hours on the west side of rotto shit itself and we had to get towed back. I personally had another 2006 40 hp mariner (which is the same as merc) and I had just dramas with it. So I personally would recommend a Yammi, suzi, honda or if it needs to be 2 stroke etec.  And have a look at genesis boats or as said before barcrusher.

Cheers Seb

Browny's picture

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  +1 for the Searider.I've

Thu, 2011-10-27 13:36

  +1 for the Searider.

I've got the 6.8m version and its a blast! strong and GREAT hull design....very stable with 4 blokes on one side. Does everything needed, and with 400l on board can go anywhere.

Not built anymore, and there where only around a dozen or so built each year from what I can find out. Jackman design + solid build = excellent performance.

Cant go wrong with Southcity's (IMHO) if it's anything like mine.

(as for the barcrusher, in a recent trip up to Macky Islands, one was renamed the Spinecrusher! )


I just love Exmouth: Its a quaint little drinking town with a fishing problem!

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The might Back Crushers. May

Thu, 2011-10-27 18:34

The might Back Crushers. May as well be a Trailcraft if you cant get them to run level. Most need trim tabs to get the best out of them.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

Date Joined: 04/08/09

Yep that Jackman for me,

Thu, 2011-10-27 13:41

Yep that Jackman for me, covers your bases described & plenty of boat for that price

AaronC's picture

Posts: 118

Date Joined: 26/10/11


Thu, 2011-10-27 18:30

thanks south city but the other half isnt keen. needs to be slightly more female friendly.

none of the boats i have seen have much more than a 115 on them for a 5.8m. Why?

i have had advice similar to you ben 130hp + if you are going to have 4 or more people on it fishing.

havent seen any barcrushers or many trailcraft with a 4 stroke on them for under 40k.

are there any more local plate boats out there that have good reviews?

thanks again guys

AaronC's picture

Posts: 118

Date Joined: 26/10/11


Thu, 2011-10-27 18:30

thanks south city but the other half isnt keen. needs to be slightly more female friendly.

none of the boats i have seen have much more than a 115 on them for a 5.8m. Why?

i have had advice similar to you ben 130hp + if you are going to have 4 or more people on it fishing.

havent seen any barcrushers or many trailcraft with a 4 stroke on them for under 40k.

are there any more local plate boats out there that have good reviews?

thanks again guys

Posts: 614

Date Joined: 24/02/11


Thu, 2011-10-27 18:43

I can only comment on saltwater merc sure plenty will disagree have had 3 sets of 90 mercs over 15 years and I have never had a breakdown and no repairs otherthan services they are hungry on fuel sold all my old ones still running fine with 700hours on them but next time may look at 4 stroke for economy