My new boat

Hi All


Thought I would show off my new boat. Good tub with notmany hours on it, but hoping to change that over the next few months.

Had it a few weeks now and gaining a bit more confidence and getting to know it more each time I go out.


Really tested it on Friday, heading out for a bottom bouce, chased some tuna the other side of rotto and got smashed by some sambos out deep which were unstoppable! Good times!

Couple of photos attached of what we have caught so far!


If you see me out and about come and say hello!









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southcity104's picture

Posts: 1659

Date Joined: 27/01/09

Sweet set up!!

Sun, 2014-12-28 13:44

 Go almost any where in that! Quality boat and some good fish. 


"Its a life style job"

grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

Date Joined: 03/03/11


Sun, 2014-12-28 13:48

 Yep that rig should keep you and your family happy for while, and already got some fish on board . Very nice . 

VaSSagO's picture

Posts: 126

Date Joined: 09/12/09

 Nice boat!!Coming to the

Sun, 2014-12-28 15:01

 Nice boat!!

Coming to the Abrohlos with us the weekend of 10-11 Jan?

Dazza1611's picture

Posts: 56

Date Joined: 19/03/14


Sun, 2014-12-28 18:08

 Looks good , enjoy


 I am sick of going fishing. I want to go catching....

Posts: 68

Date Joined: 21/03/14

Nice Looking Boat

Mon, 2014-12-29 07:10

Hi Percula ,

                Nice looking boat mate , hope yous have many hours of fun & fishing . Trusty mate up the front looks like he enjoys the boat.

   Hope you  have a Happy  New Year  & lots of safe boating.



            Cheers Ray