I brought a CC 625 over from Bne a few years ago. Folded the bimini down and covered as much of the interior as we could with platic wrapping. It was a bloody mess, took ages to clean when it arrived in Perth. The black diesel soot from the truck added to the dust from the Nullabor gets in everywhere. We asked about shrink wrapping but we did not have time (or the means) to drain the fuel tank so we had to go without. Only a broken VHF antenna and a bent jocky wheel, otherwise no damage.
I bought a 685 Explorer over from NSW last November. Came over without any dramas, not shrink wrapped and was relatively clean upon arrival. The clears were removed and anything that could move was taped down. I could have done without the Dept of Transport hassles in licensing boat and trailer tho.....
Posts: 908
Date Joined: 06/05/12
looks great mate, hope it
looks great mate, hope it arrives without drama for u
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
should the clears come off?
should the clears come off For the trip? Some of the boats being bought lately are outrageous and this is no exception. Sweet ride
Posts: 1235
Date Joined: 27/01/07
cruise craft
just got one too top boat handles mint u will like that
Posts: 442
Date Joined: 20/11/11
nice, is that a 625? whats on
nice, is that a 625? whats on the back of it
Posts: 1659
Date Joined: 27/01/09
they handle really nice
just be aware though. If you going to do heavy miles the stainless tops are built light and eventually need bracing.
"Its a life style job"
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Certainly looks good
Look out good times here I come, great looking boat you have given yourself a treat.
Posts: 349
Date Joined: 04/02/12
Great boat
I have the Explorer 625 - great fishing platform. May you have many successful hours from this boat.
Fisheagle Ed
Cruise Control
Posts: 973
Date Joined: 03/11/10
Take the clears off and take
Take the clears off and take the canopy off, otherwise you might find it arriving here without it. Nice hull, you will enjoy it.
Posts: 581
Date Joined: 23/04/14
If it's not too late I'd
If it's not too late I'd highly recommend getting it shrink wrapped for the journey.
Posts: 116
Date Joined: 17/03/12
I brought a CC 625 over from
I brought a CC 625 over from Bne a few years ago. Folded the bimini down and covered as much of the interior as we could with platic wrapping. It was a bloody mess, took ages to clean when it arrived in Perth. The black diesel soot from the truck added to the dust from the Nullabor gets in everywhere. We asked about shrink wrapping but we did not have time (or the means) to drain the fuel tank so we had to go without. Only a broken VHF antenna and a bent jocky wheel, otherwise no damage.
Posts: 1
Date Joined: 23/03/10
Congrats on your rig
It looks in excellent shape. Great times ahead!
I bought a 685 Explorer over from NSW last November. Came over without any dramas, not shrink wrapped and was relatively clean upon arrival. The clears were removed and anything that could move was taped down. I could have done without the Dept of Transport hassles in licensing boat and trailer tho.....
Posts: 581
Date Joined: 23/04/14
Good point about the
Good point about the trailer!
Some things to check that I had to rectify on my trailer before it could be registered in WA:
- safety chains lugs must be welded to the drawbar and joined with hammerlocks. Pins/bolts are not permitted.
- must use rated chains, they have to be stamped with the Australian Standard (can't remember which standard now).
- brake lines must be secured with metallic fasteners - cable ties not permitted.