New to fishing from perth..

Let me start off by saying thanks to this website and all the helpful tips ive had so far from here. Im completely new to fishing.. so dont really have much idea of what im doin.. Im new in perth as well. Anyway, I went and  got a cheap rod last night. (12ft rod and reel combo). Hopefully will start fishing soon.. Im not sure what places i can fish so far but I'll be looking. Went over to city beach yest but it said no fishing at this time.. hopefully I can fish in some beaches a bit more north. Looking forward to getting more hints and tips off this website. Thanks all.

crasny1's picture

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Not a Northern Beach fisher

Sat, 2009-06-06 10:39

But if you want to venture south to Mandurah the beaches such as tim's thicket and Whitehill are fun. Need a 4x4. With a 12ft rod shoot out some Mulies and slow wind back for tailor or just sit and wait for whatever. Also take a small rod and flick close to the breaks for yellowfin whiting but you will probably get sandies.

Worms best for the whiting or get Gulp worms and cut them up in pieces.

Hope this help a little but it has been a year and 1/2 since I fished that stretch. Living in Karratha now.



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I dont have a 4x4, I'll be

Sat, 2009-06-06 10:55

I dont have a 4x4, I'll be visiting Mandurah soon as I heard its a nice place and will take my fishing rod with me.. Ive only got a little could probably put my little car in the back of a 4x4 :p Funny thing was my fishing rod had a hard time fitting in the car after I bought it..Anyway, I will visit Mandurah with what I got..and once I get the hang of casting etc.. Hope im not gonna embarase myself casting when I go out fishing :P

BBWA4LIFE's picture

Posts: 116

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hey mate welcome to

Sat, 2009-06-06 11:19

hey mate welcome to perth...

could try the mariners such as hillaries, mindarie or two rocks??

they are good starting points...

the beaches inbetween are easily accessable aswell...

club capricorn is worth a try aswell.. just north of yachep lagoon..

but go down to your local tackle store and there advice will be acceptional...

best of luck.


Going Offroad In Search Of The Elusive One.....

biggerfish's picture

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Welcome to perth where are you from?

Sat, 2009-06-06 11:29

great call bbwa u should go into one of the friendly tackle stores and tell them your situation I'm sure they will point you in the right dirrection and give you some good advice. Tackleshack is a good store north of the river or oceanside south of the river. Good luck


Play hard fish harder

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Thanks for the welcome. Im

Sat, 2009-06-06 11:44

Thanks for the welcome. Im from UK, just got here week before last. I love it here.. I'll be here for a while so thought I'll take up fishing.. It really seems like something I'd enjoy.. I will try all the places you have recomemded soon.. Is there particular times of the day I sud go out fishing or just anytime?

BBWA4LIFE's picture

Posts: 116

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dusk and dawn mate... but u

Sat, 2009-06-06 12:05

dusk and dawn mate...

but u never know your luck ai...

sum ppl follow the tides/moon phases n wat not but i dnt beleive in that in the metro area anyway... just right spot right time for me..

good luck mate.


Going Offroad In Search Of The Elusive One.....

Colin Hay's picture

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Hi Jerlin welcome to Fishwrecked, Perth and fishing

Sat, 2009-06-06 21:37

Landbased fishing in Perth can be a little bit tough this time of year, but if you are living north of the river there are some pretty realiable spots you can try.

Starting from south and working north some of my favourite spots are Cott Groyne (especially in the evening and into the night), Grant St (which is just north of Cottesloe (you will see Grant St on the local street map), Floreat Drain (which is a kilometre or so south of Scarborough Beach), Trigg Beach (which is just north of Scarborough), Hillarys Marina, Pinaroo Point and Mindarie Marina.

The most reliable rigs at this time of the year is a surf paternoster using mulies (pilchards) as bait for tailor and maybe salmon, and a surf blob using prawn or maggots for bait for herring and garfish.

Very early mornings or late evenings are the best times for fishing generally.

Don't hesitate to ask any questions you like - we are all happy to help.


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Thanks for the advise on

Sat, 2009-06-06 22:59

Thanks for the advise on locations.. Will definitely check it out.. Im not sure what surf paternoster and surf blobs are yet..but will be sure to ask the people in the store when I go there.. At the moment Ive got a 'tailor rig?' 4/0 and some mullies as bait. Hopefully that'll work too..

Colin Hay's picture

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Jerlin have a look at this site

Sun, 2009-06-07 11:21

It will explain paternoster rigs and how to tie them.

A surf blob is pretty simple. Just run your main line through a medium sized blob float (you will see them in tackle shops. They are made of plastic, white and shaped like an egg). Once you have run your line through the hole that is in the centre of the float tie on a small long shanked hook. The float will run down the line to your hook. About two to three metres above the hook squeze on a small split shot sinker. This will stop the float from running up your line and keep your bait at a set depth.
If you want to have your bait deeper, move the split shot up the line, or if you want to go shallower, move the split shot close to your hook.
Then just bait the hook with some prawn, or maybe a chunk of mulie and away you go.


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welcome jerlinjames

Sat, 2009-06-06 23:12

sounds like you've got lots to learn but keep asking the questions...lots of valuable advice on here and people willing to help.

Shorty's picture

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Welcome to the forum,,my

Sun, 2009-06-07 06:33

Welcome to the forum,,my advice is to get another rod and reel around 7 foot,,this will be easier to handle in some locations.

Faulkner Family's picture

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just a little tip, when

Sun, 2009-06-07 07:41

just a little tip, when learning to cast your rod it may sound a bit silly but go down to your local park if it is much closer with just a float on the end, pick out a target to go fo and just keep casting and you will get the hang of it real quick. it worked for me and i would say many other people would have done the same when learning. if your big rod is hard to get used to go down a size or two until you get that right then go back to the big rod as they can be harder to learn with


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Big Fella fishn's picture

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Welcome Jerlinjames

Mon, 2009-06-08 10:22

Mate send me a PM a few days before you head down to Mandurah and i will gladly show you some tips and take you to few spots. Weekends are best for me, as i work Mon-Fri. Wishing you fishing success in the future!

Posts: 10

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Sure thing mate..will give u

Mon, 2009-06-08 11:14

Sure thing mate..will give u a pm later on in the week..

Ive just been out practising casting :p

 Off to buy some hooks for herring and whiting. 

Posts: 10

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Thanks to

Wed, 2009-06-10 13:47

Thanks to Rayan(sixinchrino)and his dad, I had a really good time fishing today.. Got some nice
herring,  garfish, skippy and another fish I cant remember the name of
(starts with a W)Im well happy and excited about it..

scottscurious's picture

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whiting? sounds like a good

Wed, 2009-06-10 14:16

whiting? sounds like a good little feed u had :D

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Wed, 2009-06-10 19:27

Was a brown spotted wrasse that jerlin caught. Biggest fish of the day too. Dad and I ended up with enough to feed the family for a couple fo nights so it turned out to be an excellent trip. Even better because I was catching fish  toward the end at the same rate he was cleaning them... hahaha. Only lasted for 5 fish but still, I thought it was funny.

No doubt I'll find Jerlin down at my usual spot whenever I go down from now on. Laughing

BBWA4LIFE's picture

Posts: 116

Date Joined: 23/05/09

nice work mate.. wish u all

Wed, 2009-06-10 19:37

nice work mate..

wish u all the bst in the future


Going Offroad In Search Of The Elusive One.....

Posts: 10

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I'll be down at that spot

Wed, 2009-06-10 22:49

I'll be down at that spot all the time now mate..

Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

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Goon onya Jerlin

Thu, 2009-06-11 08:09

Sounds like you are off to a good start


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Wenr out fishing today and

Mon, 2009-06-22 19:53

Went out fishing today and is well upset over the fact that my brand new rod(7 foot)which I bought 3 days ago from a tackle store that i took out for the first time today broke in half.. Culdnt belive it.. It wasnt even a proper snag..but the rod jus snaped.. Oh well.. That rod scored 3 garfishes in its lifetime.. but seriously is rods supposed to break like that? It didnt even bend much..

Posts: 357

Date Joined: 17/05/09

what kind of rod was it? was

Mon, 2009-06-22 20:01

what kind of rod was it? was it a graphite if it was maybe you may have knocked it causing some weakness


I wanna get free! im gonna get free! right into the sun!

wicked game's picture

Posts: 249

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glad to hear ur getting into

Sat, 2009-09-26 16:16

glad to hear ur getting into fishing mate, its a great way to spend a day! just keep in mind that there are bag and size limits for most fish and its very important that we all stick to these rules so we can keep fishing into the future. i realise that herring, whitting, gardies and these types of bread and butter fish have rather large bag limits and no size limits so its important that we just keep what we need for a feed and let the rest go.