New season snapper
With the weather being so windy over the xmas break I didn't get a chance to go for a proper deep sea fish anytime the wind was down I had something else on, before I knew it open season was shut. So now that we are allowed to fish again I've made sure to get out and have a fish while the weather and my life let me. Actually let myself sleep in abit this morning got up at about 4:30 had a coffee checked the wind then got down to the boat ramp. Was at my favourite spot from last year also got a fish there last friday just before 6, barely any wind at all took ages for the boat to pull the anchor rope tight I just got to work getting the burley sorted out. Casted a line out to see how everything was going to sit and noticed the current was going against the wind almost so had to fiddle around with how the rods were set. Ended up fishing 1 rod in the rocket launcher and 1 in the back corner. Got my first run about 6:40 it was the rod in the launcher going off peeling line reached up and struggled to grab it out with a fush on. Felt like a good fish plenty of head shakes got afew pumps of line back then another little burst of run then gone I was devastated pulled up the line everything still there just pulled the hooks. Oh well baited ip and back out. Keep burleying smashed up crayfish and mulie cubes. 7am back corner rod bends over slowly so I grab it out the holder and feel weight line immediately starts peeling off, fish was going nuts straight away I thought it was a snapper but after 4 or 5 runs and the fush still staying down near the bottom I started to think it was a bloody sambo but then I finally got a glimps of it down under the boat its a big snapper, reached back and grabbed the net ( thanks for the big net Uncle) couple more winds and I had him in the net. Fish went 87cm on the brag mat got him bled and spiked and on ice. Pretty happy with myself kept fishing as the burley bag still had plenty in it about half an hour later kinda cleaning the boat up a little and see the rod in the launcher acting abit funny so grab it out dont feel anything but I just lifted the tip and feel weight again this fish definitely a snapper and right under me very quick fight and had a very green snapper in the net going nuts this fish went 77cm absolutely stoked now. Both fish today bit off the bottom hook of the snelled hooks second fish was gut hooked maybe why I got him in so quick.
rather be fishing
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18105
Date Joined: 11/03/08
Well done. Nice couple of
Well done. Nice couple of fush there . They go damn hard when that size
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 9528
Date Joined: 10/02/07
That's a bloody good
day out, nice fish
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Solid pink
Posts: 15050
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Nice Pink Guy!
Nice Pink Guy!
Love the West!
Posts: 2509
Date Joined: 08/09/16
Great morning mate!
Great morning mate!
PGFC member and lure tragic