new troll plate
Submitted by PilbaraBrad on Wed, 2008-10-01 18:10
Just fitted the new troll plate for this barra season. Will hopefully get the boat in for a quick sea trial tomorrow night. Plan is to have the old girl trolling less than a knot, i think this will do the trick
trolling position
Trolling position
Cruising position
Cruising position
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15653
Date Joined: 29/11/05
What it set you back mate if you don't mind me asking? I've got a minn kota anyway, but looks interesting as an alternative.
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reduces speed
reduces speed - . Acts like a baffle plate to difuse the forward thrust so you can troll dead slow (well slower than the slowest speed you can go).
And Brad, make sure you remove your muffs
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mako magic
Posts: 5785
Date Joined: 03/08/05
very interesting indeed, and
very interesting indeed, and might act like a foil when cruising too i take it? so double bonus
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mako magic
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normally remembering idling at trolling speed sometimes the motor doesnt like that. and can run rough, i remember trolling over east at places like lake eildon, many many years ago, with the larger motors people used to tie and drag a 20l plastic bucket behind the prop to aid it the "slower" troll speeds
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PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga
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Jeez - never knew anything
Jeez - never knew anything like that ever existed.
Pretty cool little gadget you got there and I would imagine that it should do the job nicely
Posts: 2515
Date Joined: 03/08/08
they like a slower troll >5kt. also useful for trout (but not so much here, more the bigger lakes and impoundments over east).
and as Mako Matt said, some of the high hp engines aren't too fond of running basically on idle (especially older carby 2 strokes). But the injected 4 strokes are making these somewhat obsolete.
The Terrorist - coming to a fishing spot near you.........
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actually guys ideal trolling
actually guys ideal trolling spead for barra is more like 1-1.5knots not 5knots. The slower the better. For me 1 knot is perfect
trolling plates are pretty common in this area of fishing
other alternatives are trim tabs ajusted right perpendicular to theboat, reducing your idle speed (which i have also done)
also many people prop down when trolling, ie change from a 19p to a 12 or 13
Three Lions
Posts: 152
Date Joined: 15/08/07
Good Idea Brad
Does it have a flip up device incase you hit somthing? would hate to see the ally casing brake off the motor.
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yeah will kick up but to hit
yeah will kick up but to hit something i first have to hit my skeg and prop so by the time the log has destroyed my leg i am not too worried about the trolling and cavitation plates
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Going at all of 1 knot I
Going at all of 1 knot I wouldnt imagine is going to do too much damage anyway :P
Just remember to hang on mate
Posts: 3628
Date Joined: 16/05/07
yeah, its fast up here mate,
yeah, its fast up here mate, sometimes i open her up to 1.5 when i am feeling ballsy
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How slow can electric motors
How slow can electric motors troll? I woulda thought it quite slow, but they they might not be big enough for larger boats?
Always interested in someone to go fishing with
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can troll slow Hlokk, just
can troll slow Hlokk, just didnt want to mount and wire up another aux component. Plus the troll plate will not break down, is cheaper, etc.
Leckies are another option just not the one i chose