Non Starting Issue

Gents, further more to my earlier post regaridng replacement coil packs for an '81 35hp Envinrude I am at somewhat of a loss.


Originally when I got it - started sweetly first time you turned the key. Unfortunately due to many many reasons the project had to be shelved for 18 months. In that time i would regularly turn her over and let run for a sustained period just to keep everything relatively fresh.


Fast forward and I relocated the tub and it didnt get started for a few months, no worries replaced the battery, cleaned / reocnditioned the carb, stripped the top down and gave it a good clean. Now though she wont start! With a new fully charged battery it will limply turn over repeatedly however will not fire. However, i removed the plugs (kept in their leads earthed) to check for spark and she will turn over and run off the starter and battery as normal, not a drama in the world, yet again when the plugs are back in back to the original limping?


It has power to everything and all earths are clean, battery cables are new and connections are good - i am at a loss as to what to look at next?? Any suggestions would be fantastic at this stage. I am quite handy with working on things and reluctant to call in mechanic to look at it but if it comes to that then so be it!




tombstone's picture

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mate just a quick one which I

Mon, 2014-02-10 14:23

mate just a quick one which I am sure you have checked, but how fresh is the fuel, and have you maybe sprayed some aerostart in there, it may need to blow some cobwebs out. is it getting fuel in there or is it flooding? You don't have any connections touching as I found this is why mine would either blow a fuse or run rough as guts? Just my two cents.


 to fish or not to if there was an option.

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 Thanks for the reply -

Mon, 2014-02-10 14:42

 Thanks for the reply - thought it was fuel so it got a fresh batch, isnt flooding, nothing touching or arc'ing out. Im starting to think the starter motor has seen its last days. Mainly because its just so sluggish to try and turn over when starting yet with the plugs out it runs freely as it doesnt need as much oomph if that makes sense. Seeing as I can grab a new one off ebay for 65 bucks i might give it a go! 


Thanks again.

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Reading your post it sounds

Mon, 2014-02-10 16:15

Reading your post it sounds like you stripped the carbies and "top" before trying to start it?

Forgetting the obvious like dirty terminals/battery Id see most likely one of two things

1/ A sticky brush or solenoid in the starter

2/ The timing is out (Im not sure what you mean by "top", could be the magneto etc?) which could definitely do this


What happens when you use the rope? While I certainly dont advocate the use of aerostart without reason, a tiny squirt then try with the cord may be the go.

If its a carby problem it should fire immediately.

Note-stay out of the way of the carbies while doing this, it could flame/backfire. Do not spray heaps, a quarter second spray will be enough.


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iana's picture

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Mon, 2014-02-10 16:40

What do you mean by stripped the "top" down, and why?
Has it ever fired (even one puff) since the work you've done on it?

carnarvonite's picture

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Mon, 2014-02-10 17:12

Is there any spark on the plugs?

Pull a plug out , reconnect the lead and have it resting on the engine block and get someone to turn it over while you see if there is any spark. If you hold on to the lead you will find out what a taser feels like.

tombstone's picture

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Starter could be the issue,

Tue, 2014-02-11 07:41

Starter could be the issue, mine went caput, but when I opened it up there was magnets and metal all through it, almost like a magnet shattered inside, needless to say it just didn't start as opposed to being sluggish.
And Rob H I don't either but when all else fails I have found that aerostart has helped get the "cobwebs" out and has seemed to work for more on more than a few occasions, and yes I only do the tiniest of squirts too. 1 can has lasted me over 15 years.


 to fish or not to if there was an option.

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 me too, but last time it was

Tue, 2014-02-11 13:22

 me too, but last time it was suggested a couple started throwing pineapples around on here. Hence the disclaimer <roll eyes>


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Faulkner Family's picture

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not overly mechanically

Tue, 2014-02-11 09:12

not overly mechanically minded but if your saying its sluggish im wondering if you have compression issues , such as gunk built up stopping the cylinder mooving freely up and down , this could interfere with the timing so the sperk isnt firing at the right time. just seems strange that it will turn over without the plug in


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

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 Seems like it's ya starter

Tue, 2014-02-11 09:29

 Seems like it's ya starter  no plugs = no compression turns over easy 

With plugs in you have compression there fore motor struggles to turn over 


scottnofish's picture

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Stick a volt meter on the battery while cranking

Tue, 2014-02-11 09:42

 It should not drop below 10 volts if I does you may have dropped a cell in your battery and no longer have enough cranking power also check the voltage at the starter motor while cranking , should be the same as at the battery if it's lower than at the battery you may have A bad connection somewhere 

Posts: 45

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 Thanks guys. After pulling

Tue, 2014-02-11 10:07

 Thanks guys. After pulling the starter out last night i will be hedging my bets that, that is the cause. Horribly corroded and just in general old and past its used by date. Considering its the original unit it hasnt done to bad.


To answer the other quesitons - it has run before, and perfectly. Just sat for a while wihtout being started and now wouldnt start, but again seeing as it turns over perfectly with no plugs in yet it is horribly sluggish when the plugs are back i figured it was the starter - had the same voltage at the starter as i did the battery when cranking too. Have ordered new starter so will see what happens when that turns up.

Thanks agian


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Date Joined: 18/01/12

hopefully it is the starter

Tue, 2014-02-11 13:30

hopefully it is the starter and your not going to have a spare starter, but if it also wont start on the pull start then there is something else wrong.

And if as you seem to say, it sat for a while then ran perfectly then you stripped it down and put it together following which it wouldnt run-I fear that you havent eliminated any of the other possibilities

Keep us in the loop, interested to see what the prob is!


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 Definitely not discounting

Wed, 2014-02-12 15:59

 Definitely not discounting the fact i may have cocked something up...Time will tell! 

Posts: 25

Date Joined: 22/09/13

 Mate, wrap some rope around

Sat, 2014-02-15 21:07

 Mate, wrap some rope around the flywheel and see if you can pull start it like others have said.