North mole

 Hey guys,


im planning on fishing at the north mole in the morning at like 430am what being caught there please??

Posts: 28

Date Joined: 18/01/13

 Anyone know what being

Fri, 2013-01-18 22:56

 Anyone know what being caught?? 

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

 calm down haha. less than 20

Sat, 2013-01-19 07:24

 calm down haha. less than 20 minutes and you are bumping your own post.... Yu dont get replies immediately! 


bludgin' since 94'

Posts: 242

Date Joined: 30/11/10

 Go find out. 

Sat, 2013-01-19 03:13

 Go find out. 

catchalittle's picture

Posts: 1875

Date Joined: 04/09/08

probably fish

Sat, 2013-01-19 05:15

probably fish



Zoggy84's picture

Posts: 234

Date Joined: 24/06/12

 herring...thats all i caught

Sat, 2013-01-19 07:59

 herring...thats all i caught there


The name is Zoe.

If any1 but the wife asks im fishing, if she asks im at work.

Posts: 109

Date Joined: 29/05/09

hey mate, theres

Sat, 2013-01-19 09:08

hey mate, theres herring,snook and a few tailor around... tailor arnt of any great size tho

Posts: 28

Date Joined: 18/01/13

 Hey guys  all I caught was a

Sat, 2013-01-19 09:57

 Hey guys 


all I caught was a northwest blowie and a baby bream ad threw that back apart from that no one was catching a thing

Callum24's picture

Posts: 1015

Date Joined: 24/06/12

Have a spin for bonito on sun

Sat, 2013-01-19 19:01

Have a spin for bonito on sun rise right off the end great fun


 Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small 

Tradewind's picture

Posts: 756

Date Joined: 18/09/12

Tomahawk here from the North

Tue, 2013-01-22 00:40

Tomahawk here from the North Mole Pikeys (The guys at the end of the mole who setup like a Gypsy camp Friday nights)

There's always the neverending supply of Eagle rays or Cow-Nose to keep you entertained between proper fish.

If you're fishing big make sure you put a trace on, we've had plenty of tiger sharks this month.
There's been the occasional Wobegong, Grey Nurse and Bronzies.

If you're lucky you'll get into the Gummy sharks or Spinner sharks (Black tips) which are fantastic eating.

Tailor have come in well, but unless you come early you'll have to fight to get a spot with the sidecasters.
Even if you do come early you have to be vigilant to get them to stay away from your setup. Spent hours getting sidecasters to move from under or right next to the big rods who consistently cast over you.

Haven't seen a Mulloway or Snapper caught there for a while unfortunately, but apparently as Callum above said, the Bonito have started moving in.

If you're there on a Friday afternoon/night, don't be afraid to wander over to the gypsy camp and say hello to us. Bring beer.

Posts: 918

Date Joined: 06/03/09

"bring beer" hahaha

Tue, 2013-01-22 08:32

"bring beer" hahaha

EKUL's picture

Posts: 179

Date Joined: 05/01/13

hahaha Tomahawk

Tue, 2013-01-22 11:34

Great post!!!

you early birds getting that end spot up and running always make my trips short there - as theres never anywhere else to set up for a big seshion!


Posts: 109

Date Joined: 29/05/09

tomohawk, was your actaly

Tue, 2013-01-22 19:54

tomohawk, was your actaly name, prety sure i know you. im one of the regularys there

Tradewind's picture

Posts: 756

Date Joined: 18/09/12

Tomahawk is a Nickname due to

Tue, 2013-01-22 23:43

Tomahawk is a Nickname due to the way I dispatch sharks (When we keep them)

I keep one in the boot, if a Gummy or Spinner gets caught and we're going to keep it to eat, I put the Tomahawk straight between the eyes.

Some people think it's hilarious. Personally I don't like to make the fish suffer anymore than they already are.

Ekul sorry bud!
Don't like to see people miss out, but if it's not me turning up early to get a spot it'll be someone else.
Recently we've been travelling up and down the coast trying out new places, might get some Fridays when we're not there

EKUL's picture

Posts: 179

Date Joined: 05/01/13

All good

Wed, 2013-01-23 13:03

All good mate, pretty over the mole have much more fun 4wding to spots and beach fishing these days - a little bit more productive too :)



Tradewind's picture

Posts: 756

Date Joined: 18/09/12

We tried Busso Jetty last

Thu, 2013-01-24 20:12

We tried Busso Jetty last Saturday and through to Sunday morning right near the end on the right-hand side platform

Using large and live baits all we came up with was a Banjo Shark and a large Eagle Ray.

Towards dawn we got a few impressive bite-offs on the lines without trace (Typical)
Was a shame to see so little action at a place that's praised to deliver