out boards
hi guys , girls iam very new to this site hey lol , So be nice hahaha !
been looking at a second hand tinny for around 3 months now found a 2008 660 melcom douglas sportscab good boat got a few extras hey as the standard 660 sportscab , been used a bit still looks ok trailer good , electrics are basic navman gps an sounder , vhf , stereo etc the thing is it has a 175 optimax 279 hours on metre wich to me dosnt sound alot ..
Not more than 60 kms away there is a 660 trailblazer looks like brand new me mate tells me 2005 year, all the fruit better electronic gear as well as trim tabs etc its got a 175 suzuki 4 stroke 900 hrs on it .
This is whats doin me head in 2 stroke or 4 the end of the day same hull sportscap v berth , trailblazer not , both do same job I recon both boats rough around same price
Cant deside on motors .. help lol
Rob H
Posts: 5822
Date Joined: 18/01/12
yep bit of a dilemma, the
yep bit of a dilemma, the trailcraft are a good solid rugged boat built for knocks, but the ride pretty hard.
First thing would be to put trim tabs, once they lean into the wind its way worse.
Outboards-the 900hrs on the DF175 isnt a drama, more whether its been looked after.
My DF115's have 750hrs-run perfect, dont use oil and stays clean.
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
out wide
Posts: 1535
Date Joined: 30/12/08
The 175 opti
has loads of grunt. I know of one that has 700 + hours and still running great and spent other than service nothing on it.
Cranks his 21 footer past 50kts
epic restos and...
Posts: 226
Date Joined: 22/06/15
really my choice would be the suzy although more hours if maintained that really is not an issue of choice the fact of fuel efficiency , quietness ,and stasticis would be on my mind really do you want torque or effientceny just an opion
Posts: 2
Date Joined: 19/04/15
Thanks for the info guys I
Thanks for the info guys I wil let ya no what I decide cheers