Overhead reel

 Looking for advice on an entry level overhead reel, mainly for bottom bashing, possibly some trolling. Hopefully looking second hand but keen for some options. 


 Quintrex Bayhunter 475

 Randell 28 Cabin Cruiser

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TLD 25 loaded with 50 or 80 pound braid for bottom bashing

Fri, 2014-09-19 21:34

 cheap and tough as nails 

little johnny's picture

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saltist 50h

Fri, 2014-09-19 22:07

fair price easy to use ,good outfit for bottom bash ,also ,trolling ,great casting reel ,very high ratio,,TLD low ratio reel takes forever to reel in ,trynos is upmarket from TLD.a reel is a reel its up to person buying it I suppose,go to your local tackle shop ,tell them how much you want to spend , and what u want to use it for,most local owned shops are fisherman and will help you.dont go to a chain store,..good luck

Posts: 5832

Date Joined: 18/01/12

LD50H (or 40)

Fri, 2014-09-19 23:28

LD50H (or 40)

I have one of each, about $150-$200 from US.

Not sure what they cost here.


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Auslobster's picture

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What little johnny said...

Fri, 2014-09-19 23:18

...a mob like Oceanside will kit you out exactly how you want it, or, more specifically, exactly what you need. I WILL say that if it's going to be mostly a bottom bouncer, braid all the way, but for trolling, you'll want to add a good chunk of mono leader, maybe 10 or 20 meters at least...

Bunny's picture

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 The size required will

Sat, 2014-09-20 05:35

 The size required will depend on line class and depth for line capacity but I suggest you try to go as small as the fishing situations allow. I see a lot of people go for big overheads who then run into issues with the torque wobble and weight of them. They still work fine but a smaller reel in the same model would be so much nicer to use. If you were looking at the TLD 25 for example, check whether a TLD15 would hold enough line for the task. It would hold heaps of braid so would suit most fishing applications. A Charter special may even be better as it has a level wind.

Penn has brought the Fathom out now in a lever drag and the review on it is sensational. Again without knowing you line class or depths the size required is unknown but I would try and nto get anythin above the 25 size for the Fathom.  It would be my go to reel in the budget class you are looking at. The others mentioned would also work so you won't go wrong either way.

Check out the link below and especially the part about the thrust bearing which the Fathom has. It's worth noting the Penn Squall also has one and is a fantastic reel. It has been rater better than a TLD even so is also a worthy reel to look at.




abeldog's picture

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Totally Agree

Sat, 2014-09-20 06:09

 With Bunny,

New reels on the market have excellent drag systems.

i used to use a Tyrnos 30 for bottom bouncing & light trolling.

Sold that and went to a Tyrnos 16

Sold that and went to a Talica 12. ( Shermon Tank )

If you are holding the reel all day long, go for the smallest reel, that holds about 300m 50lb braid with 80lb leader.

Will catch any demersal in 20 to 90m of water.

When you hook a shark you need a skipper that is willing to follow it so you can get your braid back.



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Sat, 2014-09-20 07:36

 Great information. Have done some reading now and like the look of the Penn fathom. The depths I will be fishing most would be metro 25-60m and very occasionally 90m up north. Not sure about the tld for winding speed and the others suggested look good but a bit too pricey for my budget. The penns look very reasonable price wise. Still have to keep it quiet from the wife though. Hopefully, fish to report in a couple of weeks!


 Quintrex Bayhunter 475

 Randell 28 Cabin Cruiser

 Savage 4.2 Centre console