Photo of the Month Competition
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Wed, 2005-10-12 11:19
Im going to start up the next photo of the month competition around the middle of next week.. It doesn't necessarily have to be the best fish, but that is always a part of it.. A good photo or story or line class capture will do equally as well..
Please get your entries in to me soon,
Winner will get a FISHOUTOFWATER DVD, which is a damn good watch! and even better if its freeee.. :)
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Date Joined: 07/08/05
Lets get the ball rolling, first golden of the trip.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Photo Comp
Well.. Seeing as I'm off down south this week.. I will have to put the photo competition back atleast a week..
So it will run for 4 weeks until the last week in November.
Unfortunately there was no prize for the first competition, but that is all taken care of now. Seems that Spooled's big Port Hedland Barra took out the comp narrowly over mitch's awesome wahoo..
To ensure that you are in the running to win the Fishoutofwater DVD, make sure you get your entries in before 1st Nov.. You can either submit them to me personally at or submit them to the board and I will put them into the competition.
Will be back on the weekend with heaps of photos and maybe some vid footage, assuming the weather plays nice.
Tight lines,
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Chose this pic coz it was a
Chose this pic coz it was a first for me, I did catch a small trout earlier in the day but this one is my first legal rainbow coming in at 46cm long and 1.1kg. Was caught on a slow trolled pink and yellow poltergeist 50 on 8lb XDS line runnina a 6lb flurocarbon leader. It put up a reasonable account of itself too, using its broad side to take quite a few good runs.
Posts: 913
Date Joined: 15/08/05
Nice bow
Hey Tim nice fish mate...and the dam looks like its got some water in it now...that is warrona isnt it??? That ledge behind you looks like a familar marron spot....
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Great fish that one Timbo.. Will save that photo for next months competition, this months has closed already..
Looks like a healthy specimen, what else do you catch in the dams up there?.. Never fished them..
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Date Joined: 28/10/05
Yep Waroona......that spot
Yep Waroona......that spot was the most productive area for the day for me, got that trout and 2 redfin from there. I got 2 trout and 4 reddies for the day, the reddies were all pretty small though. Just rainbow trout and reddies in there as far as I know.
Yea it was a very healthy specimen, not a mark on her and she was very strong too......took a good few minutes to tire her out enough comfort lift her into the tinny (forgot the net).