Pickled occy-how long does it last?

 Hi Guys

Got an occy in the cray pot yesterday so he got cooked and pickled, turned out beautiful.

Just wondering how long pickled occy will last in the fridge in a sealed jar?

Cheers, Choc.


The Saint's picture

Posts: 475

Date Joined: 30/01/13

Not very long in our house !

Sun, 2017-12-03 18:23

Not very long in our house !

little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

Date Joined: 04/12/11

As above not long .

Sun, 2017-12-03 18:58

If done 50/50. Good 6 months. On other hand lasts that long . Can't be nice. Joke . Enjoy

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

Date Joined: 24/07/07


Sun, 2017-12-03 19:28

After a few days tip the vinegar out and change it with good quality olive oil. this will stop the cooking process otherwise you will finish up with mush

little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

Date Joined: 04/12/11


Sun, 2017-12-03 20:36

If it lasts that long very good point. Vin keeps cooking

Posts: 5822

Date Joined: 18/01/12

 Shit if one occy lasts more

Sun, 2017-12-03 21:32

 Shit if one occy lasts more than a day in the fridge your doing something completely wrong.
Having said that I do 8kg at a time, eat most of it myself and mostly gone in a week or 2 but I have had some after 3 months no prob


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choc's picture

Posts: 670

Date Joined: 05/01/12

 Thanks guysThe one we got

Mon, 2017-12-04 05:39

 Thanks guys

The one we got went in a day but I liked it that much I might go out and try to get more. Thought it would be good to stock up a few jars in the fridge to eat over summer.

quadfisher's picture

Posts: 1146

Date Joined: 28/09/10

The grapes of wrath.

Mon, 2017-12-04 11:49

 If you plan on keeping some vinegar and oil in there always use grapeseed oil , it doesnt seperate out from the 

vinegar in the fridge, just about all other oils will seperate.

You can buy it at woolys / coles etc.

I have some occy in fridge atm , prob a 25% vinegar 75% grapessed oil mix, with a hint of sweet chilli sauce and honey , its 6 months old,

still holding its shape outside  but soft and sweet on inside.

