pics from the deep
Submitted by jarrid on Wed, 2013-10-09 11:11
got a couple of pics from a mate who "flies" the ROV's in the deeeeeep water. depths can generally be seen in photos and are in metres. he sees some seriously funky stuff down there, the below are just a couple that i have ripped off his facebook page. i have no idea what some of them are, although the purple chicken is my favourite. he has some pretty cool videos as well...
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Date Joined: 05/12/09
That is awesome !!!What a
That is awesome !!!
What a job..
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Date Joined: 05/11/07
what the hell is that last
what the hell is that last one!
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Definitely Megalodon!!!!!!!!!!
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Last one looks like
a sunfish to me.
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If its a sunfish, comparing it
If its a sunfish, comparing it to the piece of equipment next to it, its MASSIVE!
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Sunfish can grow to over 2 tonnes and that looks like a big one.
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question is, has anyone ever
question is, has anyone ever seen one that big given most are only seen on the surface?
Posts: 754
Date Joined: 18/09/12
Yeah definate shape of a
Yeah definate shape of a Sunfish
The Red squid looks like a Diablo squid, nasty when they get big
Posts: 3712
Date Joined: 22/02/07
awesome pics mate. Awesome
awesome pics mate. Awesome to see a sunfish too!!
bludgin' since 94'
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some serious ooglies there.
some serious ooglies there. The 6th one down is a vampire squid im prety sure, very unique. Any idea where abouts these are taken?
Posts: 363
Date Joined: 20/08/10
bottom one is defintely a
bottom one is defintely a sunfish. he has a few pics of that one. he reckons it is at least 2m in diameter but isn't the biggest one he has seen. i suspect the names he has provided for the rest of them aren't in fact their scientific names - especially the "fish with a mans head" shown after the "purple chicken". apparently the shark attacked the ROV as well.
the text on the photos shows where they are, you can look the fields up. he normally goes in and out of exmouth or karratha, and as i said up top the depth is in metres.
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Bit of a blast from the past
Bit of a blast from the past with those photos. I was Procurement and Logistics for the Discoverer while she was down here from 2009 to 2011.
I will get a video next time i am offshore, of a Whale Shark getting a good look at a BOP and ROV. Head butt it a couple of times then crap itself...
tailor marc
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Caught one of them purple
Caught one of them purple things at eshed. Think its a sea hare
My photography pictures...
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i dont reckon thats a sea
i dont reckon thats a sea hare
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would be interesting if it
would be interesting if it was the same thing. the purple chicken has legs that can be seen in the first photo and is from 1968m deep. not sure how much line you had on and how deep the holes are at e-shed but it would be amazing if they could span such differences in depth.
p.s. not having a go - i seriously think it would be amazing if it was the same thing.
tailor marc
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Caught this after a huge
Caught this after a huge storm where some odd things were washing up. Apparently a few have been seen in shallower waters
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....what's the plant/equipment in the 820ish meter pics? Anyway, great pics....a lot of us have seen sunfish on the surface, pretty schmick to see a pic of one at depth. And I'm guessing that sharky looking thing would be a sixgill....
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There's a BOP (blow out
There's a BOP (blow out preventer) Also a what they call a well head "Tree". I've worked on a bit of this gear for Woodside a few years back fabricating the docking station for the ROV guys. They used to get the trees into the Expro workshop in Canningvale where they have a specially designed pit to work on this stuff. Was my introduction to the oil and gas industry. Awesome bits of kit. Most of the pipe work is fabricated from Duplex a special stainless grade of material.
Love the West!
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How good are the lights on the ROV
The purple thingy looks like a cross between a nudibranch and a celeocanth particularly with the "feet" so clearly visible in the first photo - would really like to hear Glenns views on these and his input from a scientific perspective
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awesome photos, would love to
awesome photos, would love to see more of them posted
Posts: 363
Date Joined: 20/08/10
p.s. it is definitely a
p.s. it is definitely a sunfish. he also says they saw it (or another similar sized one) flapping around on the surface a couple of days later.
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Thanks for the great post
Thank you for putting up the great pictures, not the things you normally see.
Posts: 114
Date Joined: 20/06/13
And they reckon there's
And they reckon there's aliens up there!!!!
I reckon they down there!!!!
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Auslobster, all the pics
Auslobster, all the pics barring the Sunfish is the Rigs BOP ( blow out preventer ) - If you remember "The Deepwater Horizon" that blew out in the Gulf of Mex... It was that same sorta big hunka junk that didn`t do its job and shut the well in when she blew out over there... The pic with the Sunfish looks like a Well Head. That's what the BOP latches onto as does the completion Christmas tree that is used when the time comes to actually get the well into the production phase....
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i miss the disco. cool picks
i miss the disco. cool picks mate, we use to be able to watch what you guys were doing from our wireline unit.