Pinkie on the Troll
Was in Perth for the weekend and the brother in law suggested we get out on the water.
Wind was looking average at best but we decided to go for it anyway
Heading out to hide from the Easterly behind Garden Island had lures out the back for the off chance of a mac or a tuna
Both rods went off, one was peeling hard and brother in law's mate grabbed that one, i grabbed the other one which felt pretty weak but lots of thumps
Mate dropped the bigger fish we called for a tuna or mac (good old braid fail!) and i passed the rod i grabbed to the brother in law since it was his boat and all and much to our surprise up pops a pinkie
None of us had seen/heard of them taking a lure trolling before
Didn't catch a single thing for the rest of the day, but the pinkie was worth it!
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Date Joined: 05/10/07
Nice Pinkie.
Snapper take trolled lures but it's not very common. Probably not enough people trying that way, especially on a shallower diving lure. Common capture on jigs though.
Well done, bet it tasted fine. A good fishing story for the camp fire or such.
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Strange things happen on rigs
Strange things happen on rigs you don't expect
One night on Lancelin jetty we put a balloon out.
Probably 30 mins later the reel was screaming and it put up a fierce fight for a good 20 - 30 mins itself
We called it for a 2.5m+ shark, what we pulled up was the biggest eagle ray i've ever seen
You never can tell until you see the colour =)
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Trolling for pinkies is
Trolling for pinkies is popular with the kayak boys. They seem to troll at the perfect speed for them
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Its the speed of the troll that dedicates what you might get, but then you do get surprises.
Trolling fast of dampier for macks, tuna but especially wahoo at 10-12knots the rod buckled, and then went deep. Was in about 15m off water with a Halco DD8m. Very surprised to land a nice 68cm Coral trout. He must have lined that up from his hidy hole, dashed up the 7m odd and nailed it.
Well done on the pink.
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You wouldn't read about
You wouldn't read about it!
Except for on here ;)
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Yes normally when we trolled for trout
Was at 5-6knots, and in about 10m over reef and bombies. It was then expected to catch them, and probably had more success trolling than Bottom bounching and SP combined. I never thought a CTrout had that much speed.
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Same thing Same place last year
With all the talk of metro mackies last year I decided to have a crack myself . Me and the worlds worst decky (my Bull terrier ) headed out from point peron and trolled past garden Island before deciding to turn around . I caught about a milloin weed clumps before my reel started screaming . After a brief fight I was stoked to have caught my PB pinky of 92 cm (no Scales ) . I swaer every time I tell the story people think I'm full of it but me and the dog know the truth LOL
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We use to get coral trout often on lures up north
same as you did crasny1, I thought it was unusual as well till someone told me about their mating habits. Apparantly when the male and female get together and she's in the mood they do a "spawning rush" They both leave the reef shoot to the surface and release eggs and sperm which mix and fertilise so if your lure happens to come along just after theres a good chance one will grab it
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It was watching a Fishing WA
segment years ago when Steve Correia was the host and they trolled for trout that got me to "trial" it first, and it worked. However never expected to get them at 10-12knots.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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We were raging about the weed
We were raging about the weed clumps to greasemonkey ha ha
Good to hear someone else has also caught a pinkie on the troll out there
Posts: 1081
Date Joined: 30/03/08
Around mackerel season there
Around mackerel season there is quite a few pinkies caught on deep diver lures. Its good to see.
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Adam Gallash
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Gotta say thats the first pinky I've ever seen on a lure and I've seen a fair bit in my time. Well done.
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Prett sure Brett (Albee
Prett sure Brett (Albee Mangles) wrote an article for Western Angler a few years ago with everything you need to know with catching Pinkies on the troll.
The RMG Scorpion Crazy Deep was the most successful lure I think.
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This lure was shalldow dive
This lure was shalldow dive 1-2 metres, the rod that bent right over had a pretty deep diver on though.
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Date Joined: 24/05/11
Nice one, nice rana too. Mate
Nice one, nice rana too. Mate caught a good sized pinky on a red and white halco on the 3 mile off mindarie few years back. Sounded the fish on the bottom whilst trolling, dropped the lure down with the down rigger and wamo, I couldnt believe it either, accused him of inserting the lure in its mouth for the pic, but he reminded me of how he hates bottom fishing and so it had to be true haha. Lee Rayner did a segment on Adventure Bound about trolling for pinks
I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.
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Date Joined: 06/07/10
Nice one mate. Have seen a
Nice one mate. Have seen a couple of reports of this happening but never got one myself.
Pretty game holding it like that with the lure in its gob though. One good flick of the fish and that tail treble will be in the hand!
When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:
n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or
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I was looking at that
I was looking at that myself...sent a shiver down my spine as I coped my first hook through a finger last year..
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Great point Dkonig
Didnt notice that, but have worn a nice halco lure thumb accessory after a shark mack decided to spit chips at me trying to remove the hooks. Miles off shore and at the start off a fishing trip, so had to cut it off and push it through. I dont ever want to do that again, nor try to resuscitate the fainted deckie (the Mrs)
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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Didn't even think of thatOne
Didn't even think of that
One other weird thing was, its guts were full of seahorses... what the?
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Can see it now, squidgy
Can see it now, squidgy seahorses haha
I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.
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used to get them often when
used to get them often when i was professionaly mackeral fishing out of carnarvon, we would slow down over a school of mackeral and the lures would sink when we stopped for a hook up the pinkies would snaffle them , trout and cod as well
Faulkner Family
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well done. nice pinkie. bet
well done. nice pinkie. bet it tasted great too
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
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I have often done this at the
I have often done this at the Abrolhos its a pleasent suprise when it happens. Not done it in metro waters though. Well done
Posts: 7
Date Joined: 14/12/07
Popper pinkie
Caught one at steep point a few years back on a popper. Pinkies can be quite aggressive feeders at times!
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I remember at Ocean Park near
I remember at Ocean Park near Denham they had some pinkies in the round lake
They'd come up to the surface and poke their heads out when they thought they'd get fed, makes sense they'd take a popper
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We had the boofing burley off
We had the boofing burley off the surface behind the boat in Shark Bay aswell. Nuts
Paul H
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Nice by-cacth. Have trolled
Nice by-cacth.
Have trolled for snapper before here in SA. Some areas of the gulfs in SA are pretty featureless apart from the odd shopping trolley or fridge put down. sometimes troll to locate a school over areas of rubble and razor fish beds etc and then switch to octo jigs. Have heard of others doing the same with a downrigger. pick up quite a few this way and some decent size ones too!!
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X-Rap last year
Got one out of Two Rocks last year - we have also caught them in shark bay while trolling for mackerel. Nice surprise though
The gods do not deduct from mans allotted span the hours spent in fishing
Alan James
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Trolling for pinkies
I recall reading any article about some anglers in NZ having good success trolling for snapper using Toby spoons. Trolling speeds were slow around 1 - 2knts. The water was quite shallow so the lure was probably reasonably close to the bottom.
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Date Joined: 12/12/10
I did a charter in brisbane 2
I did a charter in brisbane 2 chrissy's ago. Caught 2 snappers on the troll but to be fair, it was in an estuary.
Skipper highly recommend trolling as it covers more ground. Given the riverbed is only 2-6m deep, it was a good decision.
Landed one on the now extinct Rattling Down Deep Rapala Fat Rap and the other on Halco Scorpion 85mm.
But at mackie trolling speed in open water that's rather unusual...
Aidos 95
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Date Joined: 23/06/13
cant even catch a pinky on
cant even catch a pinky on bait, let alone a lure!
well done mate
Posts: 107
Date Joined: 18/09/12
Was watching a tv show not
Was watching a tv show not to sure which one it was think it was big fish small boats with al mcglashan on it and he caught one on the troll out at the abroholos islands.
Cheers Joel
Albee Mangles
Posts: 985
Date Joined: 20/05/08
Pretty common
a few years back we targetted Pinks of the yaks on Hards and scored lots once we sussed it, a 3km/h troll was braining them, with Halco Scorps in 8m and 5m divers. Beau was right i wrote an article in 2011 i think on Pinkies on Hards for Western Angler.
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Date Joined: 16/10/08
Read that article Brett
But I have to admit I thought you had it sussed because of the gun angler you are in a yak.
I suspect it is much more difficult for the 90% other fisherman.
Well done though.
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We did the same once,
We did the same once, trolling in about 15m of water, from Quobba pt heading to the shoals....
i noticed rod looked like very slightly bent as and lure breaking out as it had weed on it... Cleared it and tried again,
5mins later same thing but couldn't be bothered bringing it in.
Dragged it for about 30 mins before we arrived out our spot....
pull up, wind in rod and there's a completely buggered Spangled emperor on the end of it!!!!