Post Storm Snapper
Headed out Friday afternoon for a sunset/night fish. I was initially a bit worried about the winds as they did not drop off as per the forecast, however bit the bullet at 5pm and headed down the ramp to check it out. Turned out to be quite a nice night on the water. The winds were gentle, no swell and a nice sunset made it a pleasent couple hours on the water.
We trolled the back of the 5 fathom for about 30mins, while we sounded some spots, with no luck on lure. Picked a spot and anchored up just on/before sunset. We probably left it a bit late as soon as I dropped down I was on to a nice 600mm pink, didn't even have time to get any burley out. A few pics and I dropped back down then set to work on the burley pot. Shortly after the reel started screaming again and I was on, what a called for, a much larger pink snapper only to be reefed shortly into the fight.
After the sun went down it all went quiet and we packed up by 9 with the one fish and one unlucky squid that decided to hang around the boat.
Posts: 1534
Date Joined: 06/02/13
Looks like a cracker night,
Looks like a cracker night, the smaller pinkies are the best to eat i think.
Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic
Posts: 63
Date Joined: 19/02/15
It was a nice night. The
It was a nice night. The smaller models go pretty hard too, although I wouldn't have complained if I landed his big brother.
Posts: 46
Date Joined: 05/12/18
hey mate, just wondering did
hey mate, just wondering did u get him on bait out from freo and how do you find spots when looking for snapper cheers.
Posts: 63
Date Joined: 19/02/15
Hey mate, yeah got him on
Hey mate, yeah got him on bait out from Rocko.
I'm no expert fisherman (especially snapper) but I have had most luck with them by anchoring and burleying up in the afternoon/night. Anywhere near structure really, depth is varying (this was 18m but i believe much shallower works to) and I believe they roam around a fair bit.
Sorry, it's a bit vague but I haven't found a tried and true formula yet, hope it helps though. Others on here would be far more experienced than me.
still trying
Posts: 1074
Date Joined: 27/06/17
Nice catch and good little
Nice catch and good little write up. Good on you for sharing all that info with the other young fishos. No harm in asking
rather be fishing
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
well done. them pinks
well done. them pinks certainly play dirty around the reefs, go hard or they go home. great eating size tho
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 599
Date Joined: 10/03/12
Nice work Travvy
Nice work Travvy
Posts: 63
Date Joined: 19/02/15
Cheers mate. Learnt from the
Cheers mate.
Learnt from the best