You are riding on a beautiful white horse.
On your left side is a drop off.
On your right side are several ostriches being chased by a lion.
In front of you are four large gazelles that won't get out of your way
and you can't seem to overtake them.
Behind you is a stampede of horses.
What must you do to get out of this highly dangerous situation?



mako magic's picture

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wake up LOL   The Tackle

Wed, 2008-09-03 12:27

wake up LOL


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga

Jody's picture

Posts: 1578

Date Joined: 19/04/07

lol Matt

Wed, 2008-09-03 12:56

But na 

Thought you would've worked it out tho! hehehe



Andy Mac's picture

Posts: 4778

Date Joined: 03/02/06

Get off

Wed, 2008-09-03 13:04

And jump on the bumper cars instead as the merry-go-round is a bit juvenille for a grown up.Wink


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

roberta's picture

Posts: 2773

Date Joined: 08/07/08

Oh what a feelin' bugger

Wed, 2008-09-03 13:25

 Walk straight through the gazelles and hope the lion, gets the otsrich, then scares the wild horses to turn the other way, then change my undies.




Ginger Tablets Rock


Dreamweaver's picture

Posts: 4688

Date Joined: 01/12/07


Wed, 2008-09-03 14:01

...the gazzellers... Tongue out

If that doesn't work, shoot everything except yourself and your horse (ok the rear end stampede could be trickly LOL).

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!

Colin Hay's picture

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Andy's answer sounds good

Wed, 2008-09-03 14:03

But if I was John Wayne I would drop to the ground, grab hold of one of the stampeding horse's tails, drag myself up onto its back. And save the damsel in distress.
(Colin 1 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)


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hlokk's picture

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I'm thinking the answer is

Wed, 2008-09-03 15:08

I'm thinking the answer is Andys one.


Other solution: go to your left, the drop off is only 20cm

or just drop back and to the right :p.

or wait for the lion to get the ostriches then move sideways

or activate your jetpack (its a not a realistic situation in the first place so why not Laughing)


If it was a real situation, you could also slow down, galloping horses will overtake you as long as you're only going a little slower than them. 



Always interested in someone to go fishing with

Matt T's picture

Posts: 875

Date Joined: 19/11/07

Fighter Pilot

Wed, 2008-09-03 15:11

You should probably be fighter pilot with all that technical knowledge Hlokk! LOL!

Albee Mangles's picture

Posts: 985

Date Joined: 20/05/08

Lay off the Acid...

Wed, 2008-09-03 15:22


"Guaranteed to catch fish mate, promise!"

Brett Ozanne

Jody's picture

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Date Joined: 19/04/07


Wed, 2008-09-03 17:30

Good to see I'm not the only bored person stuck at work.



roberta's picture

Posts: 2773

Date Joined: 08/07/08


Wed, 2008-09-03 17:34

 at home too, done everything hubbie doing crosswords, me on site he heKiss




Ginger Tablets Rock


Dreamweaver's picture

Posts: 4688

Date Joined: 01/12/07


Wed, 2008-09-03 17:40

Write some documentation Jody - that's always great fun Tongue out

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!

keen_fisho21's picture

Posts: 189

Date Joined: 30/03/08

i thought the answer was get

Wed, 2008-09-03 19:42

i thought the answer was get of the dam merry go round